second draft proposal

Happiness in culture/ temporary pleasures

 I feel like my first proposal was week and didn’t have enough information to expand on and research. In this essay I will be discussing happiness and quality of life. There are many different prospective of happiness between people of different cultures.  Doesn’t many people have different views on happiness and what makes them happy? People can say that the environment a person is brought up in can have a major effect on their views of happiness. Wouldn’t a poor little boy from Ethiopia’s view of happiness be a nice hot meal and some water that’s not miles away from home? And now wouldn’t a young boy from the suburbs who was raised in a nice home view of happiness be getting rid of their food before their parents see them, or even going to Disney land? Even little kids have their views of happiness, but a person’s culture and their quality of life has major effects on your prospective of happiness. Even we as adults have many temporary pleasures that make us believe we are happy, many find their temporary happiness through sex, alcohol drugs, and fashionable clothing.

The first book I a saw was about culture and happiness “The Geography of Bliss,” by Eric Weiner. In this book, Weiner travels the globe to find secrets of happiness and unhappiness in many locations.

Another interesting part to happiness may involve a lack of thinking. In India, Weiner was struck that thinking was discouraged because it contributed to unhappiness. As an Indian told him, “You should not think too much. You should not have anything in your mind. The more you think, the less happy you will be.”

There are many cultural services stopping Americans from creating deep connections with other people. For example, Americans work longer hours and travel more than any people in the world. This takes away time from our loved ones, an important source of true happiness.

Helaine Selin, Gareth Davey Springer Science & Business Media, Feb 29, 2012 – History

The West is considered “materialistic, and happiness comes from achievement and gaining”. The East is said to be more “people oriented, where happiness is a result of deep personal relations. So, poor people can be happier in the East than the West, because they are not so concerned with possession and more with society. It is definitely true that people experience happiness differently. Some people are strong, and can put difficult times behind them easily; others stick to sorrow and hard times. Whether this is a problem of culture or personality its hard to measure; most likely it is a blend of both.

by: Jacob Garcia

what happiness is.

Happiness is a gift sent from heaven, a smile on the face of someone you love.
Happiness is doing a good deed to someone, giving a kiss to your parents on a regular basis, telling someone you love them because life is short and being happy is the first thing people want to be. Happiness is closing your eyes, taking a deep breath and getting tears in your eyes because you just love life, happiness is learning and letting go of gods beauty.

Happiness is being broken down to your roots, being knocked and still having the ability and will to get back up and show the world what there about. happiness isn’t about the money its about having the love to back it up. loyalty is more powerful than a dollar bill.

Happiness is being humble and staying simple, and being the best person you can ever be. Happiness is writing a story about heartbreaks, disappointments that turn into well being. Happiness is dancing to a beat that carries you on a thin air of happily ever afters and people who care.

Happiness is dreaming of being free, waking up and being chainless. Happiness is finding something you never expected to find—and love it. Happiness is a round-way ticket to heaven of smiling faces and friendly crowds.
Being loved is happiness. Happiness is a word you can’t explain, but your heart does that certain jump that makes you smile endlessly. Being happy is love.

when the world feels like its eating you alive, just look at the people who surround you , not what you have in your wallet and they will lift you up and get you back on track way quicker than a dollar bill.

chapter 9 ethics

1. Describe how the Human Services Code of Ethics initiates, guides and promotes a clinical arena for professional and client well-being.

The Human Services Code of Ethics initiates. guides and promotes a clinical arena and client well-being by helping clarify the relationship between patients and yourself. also provides aids and guides for you to help your clients progress.

2. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well-being.

The human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well-being because the professional is committed to helping clients develop the best of their abilities and to protect them from harm. Everything must be kept confidential to protect the patients privacy. doing This helps the clients well-being because the professional will help them to be safe and help them achieve their goals.

3.Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society promote well-being.

As human service professionals you must be open minded to a diverse culture of many characters. they have the responsibility to communicate to their superiors and authorities about a client who might be of danger to a third person or the community.

4.Describe how human service professional’s responsibility to colleagues promotes well-being for the client.

Human service professional’s responsibility to colleagues promotes well-being for the client by the professionals communicating with each other to figuring out what is the best treatment for the client.

5. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the profession promotes well-being for the client.

Human service professional’s responsibility to the profession is to continue to improve their knowledge and develop new treatments.

6. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to employers promotes well-being for the client.

A human services professional are supposed to guarantee the effectiveness of the agency they are working for, and when a problem occurs it is their responsibility to know how to solve it properly. Therefore, the client is going to be assured with effective services that will improve their well-being.

7. Describe how human service professional’s responsibility to self promotes well-being for the client.

Human service professional’s responsibility to self are to be aware of their own background, culture, and personality. This will help the well-being of the client because the professional will not have such problems with there clients background. Professional’s should always be up to date and learning new skills to better benefit the client.

8. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to educators promotes well-being for the client.

A human services educator must allow their students to express their opinions, provide them with his/her own experiences even though it goes against there own views but test there experiences and it will allow them to become better professionals.

9. Describe the four stages of ethical decisions making. Indicate how it strives to promote well-being to the client/society.

The four stages of ethical decisions making are identify the problem, consult with colleagues or experts, identify and explore options, and choose a course of action and act. Identifying the problem is putting all the information together and trying figure out what the problem is. Consulting with colleagues or experts will help to solve the problem because of different options and advises will be given. Identifying and exploring options will help to come up with different ideas that will give the client the desire results.


money makes us happy

in Sonja Lumbrisky’s article “how to buy happiness” shows us what happiness is. in the article she gave a survey to 77 present of the students and all of them said that “being well off financially” will make them happier. But that is not true compared to the view of a plastic surgeon who has it all. he believes that happiness isn’t being a rich doctor ; nor owning the latest cars. she spoke to a rich ivy league plastic surgeon and seen first hand that he was not happy. he had many cars yachts and vacation homes. the article describes how people mistake happiness for material things; rather than having experiences.

many people describe there ideal happiness as being rich with nice cars and boats, but some of the happiest people in the world are the ones spending that extra hour with family, or taking that dollar to buy a bear with friends. you don’t need to have a million dollars to be happy; all you need is a roof over your head and someone to love and make memories with. what good is having a yacht if you have no one to share the experience with (?). the experience of spending precious time with family and friends is what will last till your death.

I’ve met many people who have literally nothing but the shirts on their backs and still manage to put a smile on their face and say “good morning have a wonderful day”. on the other hand you walk by a man with a sports car all lonesome all he will do is honk with a mean, stressed soggy wet head and say get the “bloop” out of the way. This article tells the reader that no matter what money is not happiness. if your working tens of thousands of non stop hours; how do you expect to spend all your earnings(?). its nearly impossible to be happy making millions with no time to spend with family or friends, not even having time to spend that money. everyone is human ; everyone has the savage greed in their eye when faced with large quantities of money but it its not about how much of it you have , rather it is about how much of it you spent to create an experience and draw you closer to others in life.

this article tells us that we all measure success falsely. .. for it is not the amount of bank we bring in; but the it is measured by the amount of experiences and memories you’ve created for you and someone else using that money. would a new sports car make me happy? of course but it would but that’s the greed in me speaking. honestly would I buy homes , sports cars , boats if I were rich? of course; even though I am clearly aware it will not bring me maximum happiness it is gratifying.

To conclude no matter what we will always have our greed in the back of our palms but what really matters in a life of making happy choices is how you used that to create an experience.


Happy money

Being happy is a very miss understood word in modern life. Most people will only feel short gratification of being satisfied from buying that new bag or new sneakers, and still not feel as if they were fully satisfied. In our world we focus on our unlimited wants , rather than  our limited needs.

To be happy some may say is having a million dollars and being able to satisfy their “wants” … First thing that comes to most peoples heads shown in Elizabeth Dunn’s experimental article “we focus on us and what that million dollars can do for us and us alone”. Most peoples first thoughts will be buying new cars , homes , clothes exc. but does that really make you happy ? No, because material things give us short term happiness .

What exactly will give you the most happiness out of you dollar you may ask ? It’s  Simple really. Instead of buying that golden bathtub , spend that money for a nice vacation with family and friends , create a memory that will last  a lifetime. You don’t need to be a billionaire to receive the same benefits of happy money. Studies have shown in the article that changing the way you spend as little as $5 can lead to a measurable increase in happiness. Research suggests that instead of purchasing items for you , do something nice for other people with that dollar , this will boost your happiness level from that dollar. Experiences come to us with more benefits of happiness.

On a Christmas morning have you ever been excited for others to open the gifts you’ve purchased for them, and waiting to see that big bright smile on their face? I have experienced that feeling first hand and now my Christmases are not about receiving money nor any items from anyone , but rather giving everything I have to my family and friends to see them smile. If you put more smiles on other peoples faces , your heart will smile back at you.

If you think about it , what will last longer, a new pair of sneakers , or a new memory at six flags with friends and family ? Sneakers will get dirty, torn , and thrown away. On the other hand a memory of an exciting trip to six flags with family and friends won’t be dirtied and thrown away, it’s just not possible. Your experiences and memories will stay with you till your death ,when you think back on your life and try to think when where you happiest you will not be thinking of that golden bathtub nor those new Jordan sneakers, you will be thinking of how you throw up on your baby sister at six flags riding on the roller coasters.

Now what we’ve learned here is to try as take out unlimited wants and replace them with our limited needs. Me empowered to make yourself a happier individual and others around you happy. Create a life filled with memories not materials and you will live a happy and healthy life. Now put those sneakers away and go throw up on your little sister.

introduction to my life

Hello everyone I’m a little late but my name is Jacob Garcia. I am 19 years old and I don’t really speak nor write well so bear with me. I’m majoring in human services just like all of you. after college I hope to become a firefighter. I am currently working two jobs after school so I’m very busy person. I was a varsity AA baseball captain for my high school team but could not peruse my dream to play college ball due to injury, and financial difficulties. This summer I drove down to Florida with my brother and had a blast! I love the out doors , cooking , and eating most of all!

There are many things I wish I could change about me and do better in. first I had an accident years back an now I stutter really bad. I  wish I could be able to focus more on my schooling but I cant. I have a bad temper and wish I could be more relaxed. I feel that my human service courses will help me as a person with my problems and that may help me further understand others. I want to leave college being not just a high performer but a top performer… for those of you who don’t know a high performer does really great and only cares about making themselves better, but a top performer will master something and use that to encourage others and teach others to do it better. so what do I want to be when I leave college?… I want to become a top performer.