chp 9 questions – HUS


Describe how the human services code of ethics initiates , guides, and promotes a clinical arena for professional and clients well being.

– For starters the Code of Ethics helps make clear what the responsibility’s are from the professional to the client.The Code of Ethics include stating the goal and aims of the profession. For example helping and providing guidance to the client making the client feel safe and protected .

Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well being.

– The responsibility a professional has is to help the client develop into there goal and keep them away from any potential harm. But not only is there responsibility but there’s also obligations . Their obligated to give high quality service , depending what the professional was trained to deliver. No client can be turned away and especially not thinking their a lost cause .

Describe how the human services professional’s responsibility to the community and society promote well being.

– The code of ethics states that the professional must learn awareness, understanding and skill,being able to respect and accept and have appreciation for human beings . All members of society have the right to be given such services without being discriminated or preference. Each human services professional has the knowledge of the different cultures in the community in which they have there practice in. This Knowledge benefits both the clients within the community and the professional so that the well being of the client is more concentrated on then having to see things in the client that have no relevancy at all to what is trying to be achieved.

Describe how the human services professional responsibility to the profession promote well being for the clients.

– Knowing what the policies of the profession are helps not only give the client the quality of service the client deserves but also for keeping your practice going , in other words keeping your job 🙂 ! The profession has alot to do with keeping with the confidentiality agreement between you and the client , if the client chooses to keep it all confidential . This helps with the whole trust thing because if there’s no trust the client won’t really open up to you and it would make it more difficult for you as a professional to help give guidance in there treatment.

Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to  colleagues promote well being for the client.

– From what is stated in the textbook there are organizations that have issued behavior codes that are expected of their memberships. These codes give guidance about helper’s responsibility to employer’s and colleagues in the profession. Also the code of ethics states the helpers first responsibility is to enhance and protect a clients welfare. For example informal discipline which has to do with communication of a professional and a colleague when discussing a clients referral . So this helps the clients well being because it gives them that reassurance that they know their being cared for in a professional matter.

Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to self promote well being to the client.

– First things first you cant get personal with a client. If anything that would affect the clients well being because it would intervene with the clients treatment. Its always important to keep your personal life away from your professional life  . Becoming to intimate with a client does not help because then they will not see you as a professional they would see you as like one of there own friends and not take your guidance seriously which would not help them at all .

chp 2 questions : Human Services

Describe the techniques and solutions used to aid in the well being of clients who were distressed

– Back then when people didn’t really understand what mental illnesses were, often times the techniques would be putting people into straight jackets and have them in that position for many hours at a time. Many wouldn’t even be able to move for several days because of it. Also another method that as used was to seclude them in a padded cell under lock key. But with more research and also the mental health movement , which included Phillipe Pinel , Benjamin Rush and Clifford Beers , caused for methods to change for the better. For example some solutions now in days are therapy exercises and even medication that help you live life.

Describe the evolution of well being services from the middle ages to present day by individuals , professionals and society

– Before the middle ages people thought that mental illnesses came from the devil . But Hippocrates , a physician in the 3rd century , used a scientific approach for mental illnesses . He believed that mental illnesses and disorders all were caused by natural causes for example brain disease. From then on Asylums were created to house the mentally ill. Then came the Elizabeth poor laws that became a revolution in mental health for many disabled people. This law was created to give aid to those who were out of work and children whose parents could not support them as well. Now present day many changes have occured in the human service. One major development happened during the Jimmy Carter Administration. For one the the department of Health and Human Services was founded.

Describe how Obama-Care’s mission is to aid the well being of americans

– For starters , its mission is to help people who aren’t able to get health insurance get health insurance. We all know that staying healthy is extremely important in a persons well being. Its a great help for those who can’t afford going to doctors and making sure there in good health. Especially for children that are chronically ill aren’t denied coverage. In simple terms no one gets turned away for not being able to pay.

Describe how the human service movement promoted the well being of clients/society.

– The movements helped address problems and concerns that weren’t even thought about before. For example addressing the shortage of mental health personnel in underserved areas. But this of course requires support from the government and federal money for financial support.

Describe how the mental health movement promoted the well being of clients/society.

– The National Association for Mental Health helped improve hospitals for the mentally ill also promote public concern for those who were in need. Education on mental health was being improved which was helpful for clients ,that way others had a better understanding on diseases , diagnosis and create a more affective treatment. This all happened because of Clifford Beers , who was a mental illness victim himself, wrote a book where he wrote about his experience , collapse and his treatment. He also founded the Connecticut Society for mental hygiene.

Describe how entitlement benefits (medicaid,medicare,welfare)promote the well being of individuals/society.

– GIves individuals the aid they need and resources for living. sadly there are many people who cannot afford medication or even support there family members. So the entitlement benefits help give them hope and happiness because it gives them relief and less stressed with the struggle of trying to make it work and getting through each day.


Money can’t buy us happiness …

The article ,” What Good Is Money If It Can’t Buy Happiness ? ” published by , Sonja Lyubomirsky , describes the results of a survey that was conducted in the united states with college freshmen . The survey consisted of asking the freshmen what their most important life goal was and what ended up happening was that 77 percent of the students answered , “being very well off financially “. For example being able to afford a lavish lifestyle which many of us wish for . But Lyubomirsky questions wether money can really buy happiness. Wealthy men were asked to reflect on there overall happiness many said they prefer being with friends than having to do long work hours . In other words they would more likely be with friends and hangout then work to afford things they probably don’t really need.

The article also describes how success is measured in experience rather than how much money one makes . For me i’m all about making memories that are going to last a lifetime . I would much rather have a good time with my friends then go out shopping for things I will probably regret buying soon after. I feel like having many experiences makes you more wealthy then having many vacation houses. One of the strategies that describe my opinion is the strategy that was mention in the article which stated ,”buying happiness is to spend money on others instead of ourselves “.  I guess the happiness you feel is the warm feeling you feel within yourself when you know you’ve done a good deed. It’s like the saying, “no good deed goes unrewarded” and what your rewarded with is the memory you get to share with that person.

In conclusion , the key to happiness is not wealth but what you do with it . I think plastic surgeons would prefer that as appose to working long hours of work to just end up feeling miserable.

Can money buy happiness ??

In the article ” How to buy Happiness ” ,  written by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton , explains how now in days if people were to find a million dollars most people would quickly think of themselves. In other words  having access to this amount of money can bring the worst out in people, it would make them selfish without that individual even having any remorse. Studies have been conducted that support this statement for example ,behavioral scientist have showned that material goods do not give people happiness . Also most americans continue to see buying a house is the american dream in other words the happiest thing one can do in their lives .But research shows that in actuality it brings little happiness .

This article reminds me of the song “price tag” by Jessie j , in the song it describes money isn’t everything its about love . Just like the article its states people have in increase in happiness with buying experience than experiential purchasing . Which I totally agree with because in my experience I have more happiness making memories by the experiences that I have with those I love than to go ,say shopping, all by my lonesome self.

My response to ” How Happy are You ? ” article

After reading the article I gotta say adding just a few questions about happiness to a census is not a bad idea. Just like Dr. Gilbert said , “It costs nothing to add some questions about happiness “. So why not do it ! Not only would it benefit the people in Somerville , for example a person would already feel happy knowing their government is interested in knowing wether they are happy with conditions and policies in their town , but it would benefit the government to have a better understanding and knowledge on what should be improved . Now in days people just don’t care about things like voting and participating on political events or even trying to at least find out whats going on in the world they live in. In my opinion adding happiness to the census would bring more citizens to actually fill out a census and really pay attention on filling it out and not just breeze through it just to get it over with. Everyone deserves to be happy where they live and changing the census give people that opportunity and gives them a voice as well.



Hey guys my name is Greys . Just wanted to take some time to introduce myself , first off i’m not good at writing ,doesn’t mean I don’t like to write. I know that sounds stupid ,but oh well. Im a very shy person and I guess thats one of my weaknesses I have to work on because how i’m gonna get through life without having a voice in the world. I plan to learn techniques in this class and this school year at city tech that soon will become tools I use in the future that can help me succeed . My goal is to become a psychologist and to be able to work with patients in hospitals, its what I look forward to doing after college, and of course building up my career .

What does happiness mean to me ?

Hmmm … being comfortable in your own skin and being who you truly are. I think being happy isn’t just about feeling it but being it ,and yes theres a difference.  the way I see it is feeling it just means your feeling happy for a short period of time , i mean what happens when the feeling is gone ? But being happy is living life relaxed and stress free . Yes everyone has stress every now and then but being happy can help you move away from that stress and concentrate on being healthy and being in a chilled state of mind. Again I hope this makes sense like I said i’m not good at writing so sometimes my words don’t come out the same way as I sound in my own mind…. =) So thats me hope I didn’t bore whoever is reading this