September 28, 2016

What’s needed for this class?

  1. Project #2: Phase 1
  2. Completed Project #2: Phase 2 > Staccato / Legato Pattern Mashup Prep
  3. Materials: Sketchbook and variety of pencils — plus inking pens, 9×12″ bristol.

Peer Critique

  • Divide into groups of three
  • Present your refined Staccato / Legato Pattern drawings
  • When critiquing your peer’s work, remember to identify which patterns are successful AND WHY THEY ARE SUCCESSFUL and which patterns are not successful AND WHY THEY ARE NOT SUCCESSFUL.
  • The goal is to help your peers successfully realize this part of the project and “solve” the design problems presented.
  • Try to use of the vocabulary: Line, Rhythm, Repetition, Variety, Pattern, Organic, Geometric and Movement


  • Review Elements and Principles
  • Discuss examples of Repetition in web design from Design Meltdown
  • How are pattern and rhythm used?
    • Regular pattern repeats elements in timed or predictable intervals.
    • Progressive pattern repeats elements, but changes in size or color to create progressive steps.
    • Flowing patterns are organic or natural feeling patterns that create movement


Pattern Mashup Work

Once you have created at least 4 strong pattern squares (2 Staccato and 2 Legato) move on to the next step in Phase 2: Define > Inked Mashup.

Before the end of class

  • Review Phase 2: Define > Inked Mashup guidelines.
  • Complete at least 3 drawings in your sketchbook to explore how you will arrange your final inked Pattern Mashup. These are NOT thumbnails. These are preparatory drawings that you will use to complete your final inked compositions.
  • Ask the Professor to review your work. If the work is approved, you may begin work on your final inked Mashup on 9″x12″ bristol board.


  1. DUE: Phase 2: Define > Inked Mashup 
    • Final inked version of your Pattern Mashup on 9″x12″ bristol board. Come prepared to present your work!
  2. DUE: Documentation and Feedback
    • Create a new blog post called Sound Visualizations: Phase 2.
    • Take a photo of your finished Inked Pattern Mashup and add it to the post (make sure it is well-lit and in focus.)
    • Include the hours that you worked on this part of the project.
    • Don’t forget to comment on at least 3 other student’s posts.
  3. Materials needed: Flash/jump drive.
  4. Contact me with questions.

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