Category Archives: ENG1101 Project #2

Ways of Seeing : Location

For this project, I went to my favorite place , Dumbo. This place is where I go to just relax and do some sketching or take photographs. From City tech all you have to do is take the F train from Jay St going towards Manhattan and is just one stop away. You get off York St and you will immediately see one of the bridges, so I usually follow it and go by Old Fulton St and Water St. That is where I saw what I was going to write for this project. Between those two streets, you see old railroad tracks. Thats where I juxtaposed both old and new New York. I compared how it was before and how it is now. It’s completely different, and its just covered with brick like cement. This was my location, my New York.

Ways Of Seeing : Project #2 (Draft)

Have you ever thought about stopping and looking what’s surrounding you now than what it was long time ago? Time is the key to life, and everything changes because of it, and with just a blink of an eye, the world is not the same anymore. New York City is known as the city that never sleeps, but, things changed dramatically, and when we look at a certain thing, you try to remember what was there before. The “Old” New York was the famous New York many people knew. Buildings were so modern, horses were “taxis”, and picture taking was in black and white. All those things that “Old” New York had is still remembered today when you see the change. So, when I stood in a certain place that I enjoy going, I see the juxtaposition of the “Old” New York, and the “New” New York.

To begin with, I didn’t really think about how New York City was before. You are so use to seeing what there is now, but you do get to remember what was there before things changed. In your neighborhood, you could see that things aren’t the same when time has been passing by, for example the Burger King that you see across the street was a car shop, or the Chase Bank that you go now to deposit money was a junk yard. Where I go, I call it “my” New York, because is a place where now is a park and is just so beautiful because you see both The Brooklyn Bridge, and The Manhattan Bridge. Many people know this place, its called “The Brooklyn Bridge Park”, also know as DUMBO, and it’s a very famous tourist place. When you look at certain things, you see new things, and I saw a lot of new things that were something else long ago. While I was walking, between Water St and Old Fulton St, I saw railroad tracks, all rusty and a good percent was covered with cement and bridge legs. From that moment, I saw my juxtaposition of “Old”  and “New” New York.

Furthermore, I took pictures of these railroads, and I was imagining how beautiful it was to have a train go by here, and under these bridges. When you come across these railroads, you already know that “Old” New York was here, and in my own personal opinion, I wish that the train that passed by here years ago , could have passed by here today. “New” New York, is just cement, with a brick like look, but it’s not the same, and the streets are bumpy and narrow in some ways. One of the Bridge Legs sits on these cements, but not on the railroads, but you could see that trains passed by it. When I saw these railroads, I felt the sound of it, and the feeling of the wind. The noises you hear when a train passes, is just so noisy, fast, and sometimes could be annoying. Now, you don’t hear that noise, all you hear is people, footsteps, wind, and sometimes even silence at night. So, I am not the only one that talks about “Old” New York and how things changed overtime.

Moreover, an author named, Calson Whitehead, has his New York. He wrote a book called,” The Colossus of New York,” and I read a part of ” City Limits”, which describes a little about his New York and juxtaposition of old and new. He tries to give a message to New Yorkers that has remembered how “Old” New York was and how it is today. After reading a part of his book, I started to look more about New York City, and seeing the aesthetic point of views I had, and what he had. “Go back to your old haunts in your old neighborhoods and what do you find, they remain and have disappeared”( Colson Whitehead, City Limits). One of my favorite sayings of Whitehead and it’s what I do sometimes when i cross by something new. It’s a fact that when you go back, you don’t see what you saw before. Like I said before, time is so magical, and “Old” New York was just so unique and ordinary, and now “New” New York, is more modernized and more technology than ever. Need a cab? They are everywhere, you wont miss one, but in the old times, horses was your way back home. So, as you can see, “Old” New York is remembered, and now “New” New York is the big deal.

In addition, when you think about New York City, you obviously talk about the big buildings, the lights, the music, the stores and so on. What is my concern is that I never got to say goodbye to what I saw before. I am not the only one, many people haven’t, as well as Colson Whitehead. DUMBO, is “my” New York, but not the New York that we see today, I want to see that train that goes by Water St, and Old Fulton St, I want to feel the wind, hear the noise. I want to experience that feeling of that train being there, the people in it, how different it would be. Colson Witehead wrote, “ We can never make proper goodbyes. It was your last ride in a Checker cab and you had no warning” (Colson Whitehead, City Limits). He was referring to that one last time you saw your favorite place, and now your thought you would see it again, but it disappeared. Today, New York City is different than ever, and we will never forget how it became this way. Mankind made change happen, and of course time. “New” New York has become the famous city that people around the world come to visit. If you look to other states or other countries, New York City will bet that is more extraordinary than them.

In conclusion, “old” New York will be seen everyday, because “new” New York is still old, but it has changed to be more modernize if you see closely. Goodbye to the things we saw long ago, or wished we did,  and hello to new possibilities. “My” New York will always be there, and I will go by those railroads, because its not going anywhere, its still there, just covered up. If you had the chance to go back through time, maybe a take pic, and see the difference. Of course thats not possible, but both old and new is still there, we are literally looking at it and stepping on it.


Works Cited :

Whitehead, Colson. “City Limits.” From The Colossus Of New York

Describing My Location

photo 2 (4) The Location of my Walk is 15 minutes away from City Tech. I began my walk by proceeding left through the crowds. For about 5 minutes through the journey I began to have more space on the sidewalk and I noticed that things seem to be quite less busy. I knew that I was going somewhere different. Soon I came across a park inhabited by lots of chirping birds and a lot of visual greenery. It was more tuned to nature the area i was in, but there was more to the area as I continue to walk down and see that its not all about business and more about stores. There was lots of cafes and food places. I seen a lot of construction like in the photograph above. I thought that this was a perfect example of my goal that i was trying to achieve by observing the everlasting change of New York city. I smelled a lot of Hot dog stands and heard a lot of cars honking and people arguing. I would really like to see this place in the night due to this area being a mixture of busy and relaxed, I wanna see how this certain area in particular fits into the saying of New York being the city that never sleeps.

Choose a Location

First I left the building on the Jay street entrance, and I turned right and walked passed all the A, C, F train station entrances. Then I passed the Buffalo wing restaurant and on the next corner made a right. Next you continue straight ahead until court street I believe, you then make a right on court street. You should soon hit remsen street and make a left, the two buildings will also be on your left side right next to a Hale and Hearty. I decided not to do any prior research and just walk, and try my best to find a cool juxtaposition.

Explain Why You have chosen Your Subject

I think I chose this position becasue it was very striking just becasue of how you can literally see old and new in the same exact place directly next to each other. I think the main story I can feel from this juxtaposition is that the building on the left was built and it had significance when it was built way before the building on the right was probably even drawn up and as each building like the one on the left went down this one is the only one like it and refuses to leave its New york. I would definitly like to figure out  what the building on the left used to be before it became the old building on remsen street.  One quotation that I think works well  with my juxtaposition is “Go back to your old haunts in your old nieghborhoods and what do you see…” I think this works well because the building on the left probably says something to someone who lived there when that building had significance.  ” You swallow hard when you discover that the old coffee shop is now a chain pharmacy” This gives me the same feeling as the first quote because the building on the left has a Hale and Hearty to the left of it and Im sure that wasnt there when the building was first built.

City Limits: Summary

First off I would like to say that this Reading is very interesting, because We are experiencing on what the author Colson Whitehead is trying to convey, he tries to explain to us that we are in a very productive city and nothing is going to change it. Everything is changing around us and especially around this time where technology is growing in an incredible rate. Something as small as a grocery store can make an impact on us through our memories just by being in it.Then years later we come back and its changed into a bank. Colson gives a lot of contradiction in his ” New York”. He does this deliberately to show us that we have our own New York and the way we look at things through our memories is New York but at the same time its not, in someone else’s eyes. A good quote to help explain my summary would be ” I’m here because I was born here and thus ruined for anywhere else, but I don’t know about you”. This is very firm and straight to the point.Peoples own New York never dies as long as we never forget it.

Describe Your Location

IMG_20141002_163507At my location I tried as best as I could to observe with all of my sense’s. At this location I heard a lot of honking horns like everyother location in New york most likely. I also heard the vents behind me blowing out air from in the building to keep the building cool on the inside, which was louder than I thought it should be.  There were three or four buses that kept passing but when the buses passed they repeatedly starting and stopping again and again. Then while I was listening for other things to happen at this location I thought it was pretty cool that I heard the court house bell. Nexty directly after I heard the court house bell I could hear sirens in the distance, and a helicopter flying over my head. I only felt the heat behind me coming from the sun and the extra large, and loud vents on the building behind me, and the train rumbling the ground below me. I also could smell some great food coming from the men with the carts.                                                                                                                                         I can see these two buildings as my juxtaposition because both of these buildings contrast each other in a big way. The overlap is seen in a great way because the building on the left seems like it was built a very long time ago, but on the other hand the building directly next to it seems it was built in the last few years. I believe my picture captures the juxtaposition in a frame pretty well because all you need is the structure and how each building really looks.

Project#2 – Describe My Location

Looking up Court St. Across State st. & down Court St.


The location I chose was on the corner of Court St. & State St., in front of the movie theater that’s about to close down. I chose this location because I thought it was a good spot to see up and down the street clearly to find the juxtaposition.

I’ve realized that how  the movie theater and the buildings on the same side look older compared to the buildings on the other side of Court St. It looks more modern and new. I find that to be the old & new New York looking at each other without even knowing their ages or when they were built. I don’t think they’re overlapping but I found that to be interesting to point out.

As I look back up the street, I can see the court building in the middle of court st, which is juxtaposed with a modern business building next to it.  In that area is mostly busy with people with suits and ties. Noisy cars driving back and forth. There wasn’t that much  nature in the area, but as you turn the corner down Court St., there’s more greener as in trees you pass and look down other streets.

There are a lot of restaurants in the area, so, you smell different food in the air. Hamburgers, fries, pizza, etc. I would recommend if your really hunger, you should come here to get a lot of food choices to nimble on. This street doesn’t seem as busy as the other area I spoke about, but the people seem more laid back and having a good time. This area seems to be like a hang out area to go eat or do some shopping.



Overlapping New Yorks (Draft)

Everyone has their own memory toward their favorite place. Everyone will come out with their own version of place instead the place that they normally see. New York is one of the biggest and busiest city in the world. However, New York is changing dramatically in every single day. In New York, people can see the old places being replaced by the new places or two different period buildings crossing the timeline meeting each other on the same street. As a result, everyone will view New York differently depend on the time and experience. Everyone will end up with different memory in their own version of New York. People can always find juxtapositions in today’s New York.

Many people will have a different experience while they view New York in a different time. While people looking at an old photography, they never can feel the same feeling as the old people. By looking at an old photography, the color from old photography never can come out with the same color as today. An old photography is not just a simple photography, the quality of the photography carrying out a significant meaning of change in technology and science. Even though people can see how the old New York looks like in the old photography, people never can go back to experience the atmosphere of twenty century’s New York. People never can see how the fresh color in the past just painted on the building. However, people can easily find a fade color stick next to a fresh color on the same street. As the time lapsing, these old colors will be remembered in some people’s memory. These old colors also have a moment of bright as today’s colors on a new buildings. People should understand the importance of the juxtaposition because it carrying out a great contrast of old New York and today’s New York. The juxtaposition easily appears on today’s New York, however, people never have a chance to see that color being new again expect in few people’s memory.

People can see many juxtapositions while New York is changing dramatically. No matter is in the twenty century or the twenty-first century, New York is keep constructing many new buildings. While people meeting New York in a different period, these people will come out with a different version of New York. In some places, people growing in these places that cause people have different memory of these places. For some old classical buildings, people playing or hanging out with their friends in these old classical buildings. Comparing to today’s twenty-first century new modern building, the old classical buildings can easily awaken people’s valuable memory. In addition, people can easily find and see these old classical buildings often sticking next to these new modern buildings. However, some of these old classical buildings are being replaced, and people never realize that is happening in every single day. In Colson Whitehead’s “City Limits”, he said “I never got a chance to say goodbye to some of my old buildings” which also expressing people today’s emotion. Sometimes, people are being busy for living, so they missing a chance to say goodbye to their old places. However, people should feel thankful at least they have a chance meeting with these old places.

The juxtaposition is a symbol of change in technology. In the twenty century, New York is already considered as a new world. With the most conveniences subway system and the tall buildings, New York is always being on top of the world with these new technologies. However, as the time lapsing in the century, New York’s subway system is giving people an impression of filthy. However, what is the first feeling while people seeing the subway system first appear in New York? People never have a chance to experience the same feeling as the old people. In today’s technology, this subway system shouldn’t be existed or it should be reconstructed again. However, the subway system did not have a chance to be well maintained, so some people will have different view on the subway system compare to the old people. Compared to the old people, they may think this new technology is the symbol of their era. While other people thinking about the subway system should be reconstructed to become a new subway system to adapt to twenty-first century’s point of view. As a result, different people will have different version on New York, and these versions will impact people’s emotion even though they are looking at a same subway system.

In the end, people can easily find juxtapositions in today’s New York. We should feel thankful to the old New York that makes today’s New York brighter and more gorgeous. As Whitehead said “Our old building still stand because we saw them, moved in and out of their long shadows, were lucky enough to know them for a time”, these old buildings are still standing in people’s memory. No matter people missed a chance to say a final goodbye to these old places,but these old places will always stick with people. People can change a direction to think which they are not the one who watching New York but New York also watching people. In an old photograph compare to today’s photography, there are many new different people carrying different style and different culture on the same street. In the future, these new people will become old people once again, and people called the change is known as “nature”.

Overlapping New Yorks (Explaining Subject)

The subject of overlapping also can be interpreted to the passage of time. While people are busy for living, time is slowly running off. As a classic old building being replaced by a new modern building, people never can find their own places except in their memories. Every place has their own meaning to exist, and these places also fill up with valuable memories. People are very busy that they never can realize time is passing so fast. In Colson Whitehead’s “City Limits”, he said “I never got a chance to say goodbye to some of my old buildings” which prove the point that people had missed many significant things. However, these memories will live in deep our heart forever even the world is changing. While Whitehead said “ Our old building still stand because we saw them, moved in and out of their long shadows, were lucky enough to know them for a time” which also proving the point that the memories will never leave us and we should feel thankful to having them. In the end, we should always cherish those valuable memories.