Cloning Courses


(image by JD Hancock via creative commons license)

Our system makes it incredibly easy to “clone” a course, bringing all documents, posts and pages created by the site administrator, and most settings to a new and uniquely named site and profile.  You’ll find cloning is now integrated into the OpenLab’s course creation.  You can view step-by-step instructions for how to clone a course in our help section.

 Cloning a course is particularly useful for a few reasons:

  • for setting up multiple sections of the same course in a new semester. You can create the framework of your course, then clone it, changing the name of the url to create a new section of the course.
  • for creating a new course based on an old one.  When your course is over, you can clone it, creating a new course that doesn’t contain any old student work. This both saves you time and leaves the old coursework accessible to the students who took the course. Keeping student work accessible on the OpenLab is very important: they may need to build on that work in later courses or show it to a potential employer, so please don’t delete it. (If it’s vital that your new students aren’t able to see the old students’ work, you can simply change the privacy settings on the old course to make it available to members only.)  Find more on managing your courses here, or contact us if you have questions.
  • for sharing a course framework between teaching partners, or even entire departments. Some departments have expressed a desire to coordinate all sections of a course across the department.  That can also be done via course cloning: once the department has decided on a framework, it can be cloned for each new instructor, simply by changing the administrator of the course (you can find out more about there here).

If you want to copy only certain parts of a course site, however, or to copy material created by users other than yourself, you might want to use the import/export function on our sites.  You can learn more about that here.  Do note that the import/export function only copies course sites:  if most of your course material is on your profile page, you probably are better off using the clone feature.

Remember, for any cloning situation, we’re likely to have solutions. We’d love to discuss  options with you.  Email us anytime at

In the Spotlight Archive: Fall 2013

Below you’ll find an archive of the sites we’ve featured in the spotlight section of the OpenLab homepage during the fall 2013 semester.

December 30: Ins and Outs of Physical Computing

Students did excellent work on their final projects for Damon Baker’s course. Watch videos of the projects in action, and read students’ reflections!




December 18: Custom & Aesthetically Pleasing Carpentry

Josel De la Cruz’s carpentry design blog features reviews, slideshows, and tutorials. We love seeing so many great student projects on the OpenLab!




December 9: Phototype

Ryan Melendez’s design blog, created in Jennifer Sears’s writing course, includes reviews, tutorials, photos, ASCII art and more. Take a look!




December 2: Jill Bouratoglou’s Portfolio

We have a growing number of faculty Portfolios on the OpenLab, in addition to student ePortfolios. Check out Jill Bouratoglou’s beautiful work!



November 18: GRA 2330, Digital Photography

Robin Michals’s students are posting and reflecting on some great photos from a recent session called “Painting with Light.” Take a look!




November 11: History of Photography

Is a selfie is art? Sandra Cheng’s students are considering this question and others on their course site. What do you think?




November 3: What is Vaudeville? The Brooklyn Experience

Students in Peter Catapano’s US History course have been doing archival research at the Brooklyn Historical Society on Brooklyn’s vaudeville theaters.



October 28: Wines of the New World

Karen Goodlad’s students have written reflections on their trip to Red Hook Winery where they crafted their own blends. We wish we could sample them!




October 21: Introduction to Food & Beverage Management

Check out students’ posts on the theme “Where I’m From, We Eat,” inspired by Willie Perdomo’s poem “Where I’m From.”




October 7: Ins and Outs of Physical Computing

Damon Baker’s course site is full of activity, including lots of writing, media, and student interaction.  And, robots, of course!




September 30: The Composition of Happiness

Jill Belli’s ENG 1101 course not only is a fine model of a robust course, it has resources for all courses, and a happiness archive!




August 21: Hospitality Garden

The Hospitality Garden has been busy growing all summer in its new location! Check out the site to see updates, photos, events, or get directions.

OpenLab Update: 1.3.2!

As part of our ongoing effort to move toward more regular updates, the OpenLab recently updated to version 1.3.2.  Here’s an update on some of our new features! Let us know what you think, either in the comments or by contacting us directly.


New Feature and Widget:  Eportfolio List

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We’ve added a feature that makes it possible to gather student eportfolios into a convenient list on your course profile page.  You can enable this under COURSE SETTNGS (as in the above screenshot).  Once enabled, it will gather each member’s eportfolio to populate a convenient list on the right side of your page, as here:


You can also create a similar list on the course site itself.  This does involve a separate step–you can now find a “Portfolio List” widget on the dashboard of your courses.  Here’s what it looks like:

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Drag that into your preferred widget area, and you’ll see your list!


New Feature:  Filters

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We’ve also added search functionality to some of our directories.  You’ll now see options (these were previously only used for courses)  for refining your search on our clubs, projects, and people directories.


New Plug-in:  TinyMCE Advanced


This plugin will let you add, remove and arrange the buttons that are shown on the Visual Editor toolbar. It includes 16 plugins for TinyMCE that are automatically enabled or disabled depending on what buttons are chosen.

Some of the features added by this plugin

  • Support for creating and editing tables.
  • More options when inserting lists.
  • Search and Replace in the editor.
  • Editing in-line css styles.
  • Advanced image dialog that offer a lot of options.
  • Adding and removing HTML tag attributes.

Included TinyMCE plugins: Advanced HR, Advanced Image, Advanced Link, Advanced List, Context Menu, Emotions (Smilies), Date and Time, IESpell, Layer, Nonbreaking, Print, Search and Replace, Style, Table, Visual Characters and XHTML Extras.

Once enabled, you can go to SETTINGS>TINYMCE Advanced to drag and drop new menu items onto your icon bar.  They’ll appear automatically the next time you make a new post!


New Plug-In:  Link Manager

As several users have noticed, the link manager was removed from WordPress dashboards with one of their recent updates.  Some users will still see it, under certain circumstances, but on new blogs you’ll have to activate the “link manager” plug-in to use the feature.  We’ve installed it with our recent update.


This Week in the OpenLab: WordPress Updates!


(image by mkhmarketing via Creative Commons Liscence)

WordPress is constantly updating.  Most of the time the changes are small enough to not warrant mention, or are “back end” updates that our users won’t notice.  But the most recent updates, 3.5 and 3.6, bring some changes and new features we thought we’d point out.  Hope you enjoy them!


NEW THEME:  Twenty Thirteen

We’ve added a new theme!  Twenty Thirteen.  Apart from its minimalist “flat” look (much like the newest iPhone system) and retro colors, it also has a few features that weren’t available on Twenty Twelve.

  • The Home Page template has changed:  the theme is designed to be a simple blog, with no sidebar.  But if you’re attached to sidebars (and why shouldn’t you be), you should note that the “primary widget area” on this theme appears at the bottom of the page, and the “secondary widget area” is your side bar.  Drag widgets there to have them appear on the right side of your pages and posts.
  • The page is now “mobile responsive” for optimal use on mobile phones.
  • Post now can take various forms:  Standard, Aside, Image, Link, Quote, or Status.  You can find these just below the “publish” box on the right side of your dashboard.  And you can find more about each of these forms here.

And you can find a more detailed write-up about Twenty Thirteen here.



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The format for custom menus has changed as well.  The biggest change is an accordion style left hand menu and a vertical layout, with two tabs:  one for editing the menus and one for assigning them locations.  The whole thing functions as it did before, it’s just streamlined for easier use.



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The Media Uploader is drastically different since 3.5.  But it’s also drastically better, and vastly more intuitive. Users probably will have no problem making the switch (who doesn’t love clicking once where you used to have to click three times?) but a few words on the new features.

  • The “Add Media” button now says “Add Media” instead of making a distinction between types of media (and, to be truthful, those distinctions didn’t matter anyway!)
  • It’s far easier to deal with media now. The media gallery is accessible by a tab next to “insert media,” and clicking on an image will give you options on the right for captions, editing the image, and (very important) changing the image size.  Click “insert” into your post or page, and you’re done.
  • Galleries are easier as well (and look nicer). Click “Create Gallery,” click as many images as you like, change the order (drag them around where they appear at the bottom of the gallery or on the next page), and insert them into your post.  The new galleries look much sleeker, eliminating (in most cases) the need for gallery plug-ins.



WordPress has added an oEmbed functionality for SoundCloud, SlideShare and Instagram.  What this means is that you can add items from those services directly to your post by copying and pasting the URL of the file, and YOU DON’T have to use the “share” dialogue box to copy either the iFrame code (which will never work on the OpenLab without a plugin) or the WordPress code. Using oEmbed makes things very easy, but it is a change if you’re used to doing things the old way.

You can check out this list for the complete and up to date sites that WordPress has added to its oEmbed list.



Oh no!  The Links Manager has disappeared from the left hand dashboard menu!  Wordpress believes that users simply don’t use it enough to make it a default part of the navigation.  True or not, we know that quite a few of you depend on that feature for managing your sites and courses.  We will have a plug-in that replaces that function soon.

We hope you like the new updates.  As always, contact us with any questions, any time!

(Thanks to and for help with this post.)


This Week in The OpenLab: October 8th Edition

Warning:  Do not watch unless you like to see cockroaches being turned into robots!  More on this below!



Last week we mentioned we’re looking for more qualified students to write for our award-winning (or soon to be) student blog, The Buzz.  Those submissions are ongoing, and the deadline isn’t until the 10th, so be sure to get those applications in.  In addition, we want to emphasize that we’d love to hear from faculty:  if you know a student who would be good for the position, please do let us know.




We don’t always know what they’re talking about, but we had a great time looking through the work being done in this course.  Lovely, detailed descriptions of controllers, actuators, and sensors, and exemplary student interaction in the comments.  It’s wonderful to see students who are obviously passionate about the class and what they’re doing in it.  And yes, the site even has links to cockroach dissection, live and onstage, which we have posted at the top of this edition of This Week.  Watch at your own risk.




A few weeks back we mentioned that we’d added a Soundcloud plugin that would allow you to embed a Soundcloud file.  Well, to be more clear, WordPress has added an oEmbed functionality for Soundcloud.  What this means is that you can add Soundcloud directly to your post by copying and pasting the URL of the Soundcloud file, and YOU DON’T have to use the “share” dialogue box to copy either the iFrame code (which will never work on the OpenLab without a plugin) or the WordPress code. Using oEmbed makes things very easy, but it is a change if you’re used to doing things the old way.

You can check out this list for the complete and up to date sites that WordPress has added to its oEmbed list.  As of this writing, the OpenLab is using Version 3.5.2, though we will be updating again soon.

As always contact us with any questions!

This Week in the OpenLab: September 22nd Edition




This week we just want to announce an important opportunity:  The OpenLab is looking for students to contribute to our student community blog site, “The Buzz!”

Beginning in mid-October, new OpenLab Student Bloggers will write a short post every two weeks about whatever interests you and your fellow students. Your posts could be about you: maybe you’re from another country, a parent, coming back to school after years away, a veteran, etc. Or you could write about what interests you and your friends and classmates: music, sports, food, movies, the 2012 election…  Currently we have writers who write about technology, food, student life, and more.

As well as writing on the site, OpenLab Student Bloggers will work with the OpenLab team to create conversation on the OpenLab by commenting on the posts written by other student bloggers and members of the OpenLab community.

And there’s more: In addition to being great for your resume, student bloggers will receive a stipend of $300 per semester.

To Apply: Contact us at by NOVEMBER 1. In your email please explain the point of view you’ll be bringing to your posts and why you should be chosen as one of our student bloggers. Please attach your resume and a short writing sample (just two or three paragraphs). In your writing sample you should write in the style you think you’ll use on your blog; there’s no need to be formal—you’re not being graded on this!—but you’ll need to be clear and interesting.

If you already work within the CUNY system or for the Research Foundation of CUNY, please note that, too.


This Week in The OpenLab: September 16th Edition



 (Image by James Cridland via Creative Commons License)

The start of the term always brings an explosion of new membership, and this term was no different.  Our community now has more than 7,000 members, and more than 6,500 of them are students!  Roughly 800 students joined since the end of August.  Welcome, to all of you who joined us in the last couple of weeks.



As some of you may have noticed, a small issue has cropped up with registering for the OpenLab, having to do with student City Tech email accounts (and only student accounts). The Open Lab is not connected to the City Tech email system, and we’re working with City Tech to ameliorate the problem, but in the meantime, we have a solution.

The Problem:  When you sign up to join the OpenLab, the system sends you an email to your City Tech email account, which verifies that you are a City Tech student. Occasionally (not all the time) students click on that email and receive and error message, and are thus unable to complete sign up.

The SOLUTION!:  Instead of clicking the activation link in the email, you can copy and paste it directly into the URL field (the address bar at the top of your browser).  It seems to work more effectively if you don’t right click to copy but instead use Control C and Control V to copy and paste.  Also, some students have reported that it worked to change browsers (Chrome to Firefox, for example).

And of course, if you don’t understand any of this, or this solution doesn’t seem to be working for you, please contact us anytime.



As we mentioned in our last post, we have created an easy way to copy a course, and so we’re releasing the “Clone a course” feature:  a simple, few-clicks way to recreate a course profile and site, carrying over all the information, pages, documents, posts, etc. We now have a new help page explaining how it works, and you can find that here!

And as always, email us if you have any questions.

Summer Improvements to the OpenLab!

Welcome back to school!  It’s been a busy summer here at the OpenLab. We’ve been hard at work on a new release that has improved the overall performance of our platform. While much of that work won’t be noticeable to our users, you’re now using a sleeker, tougher, and better OpenLab! We did add a few features that we’re quite proud of, however, and we hope they’ll improve your overall OpenLab experience.




(image by HJ Media Studios via Creative Commons License)

At City Tech, faculty members frequently teach the same course or set of courses semester after semester. In fact, faculty often teach multiple sections of the same course each term. We thought there should be an easy way to copy a course, and so we’re releasing the “Clone a course” feature:  a simple, few-clicks way to recreate a course profile and site, carrying over all the information, pages, documents, posts, etc. We hope this makes things easier for our hardworking faculty!



Screen Shot 2013-08-25 at 5.11.30 PM We’ve improved our help navigation over the summer, streamlining links and improving the right hand menu, which you’ll see now has submenus to help you find the content you’re looking for.  We’re going to continue adding to help over the course of the term, so keep an eye out.

Screen Shot 2013-08-25 at 4.59.59 PMAs we’re always saying, if you ever need help that you can’t find in our “help” section, you can use this form to contact us.  And we’ve improved that this summer as well: you’ll see that we’ve also added a new option to our drop down menu: “request a workshop/meeting.”  Feel free to use this whenever you would like us to visit your class (for faculty) or your department (for faculty and staff).  And we’re happy to arrange meetings whenever we can!



We’ve also added a few plug-ins and plug-in addons that we hope users like.  We’ll have complete tutorials up soon, but for now you might want to try…


You can now embed a SoundCloud file directly into a post or page, just like we’ve done here. This is a plug-in, but in fact we’ve activated it across the OpenLab, so you don’t need to activate it–just copy the code and you’re good to go.  We’ll have a more complete tutorial soon.

Gravity Forms Directory

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If you’re a Gravity Forms user, you’ll see that we’ve added a new feature: you can now easily collect and display contact information, creating a directory of users. Members can display, for example, their email, or phone numbers, or interests, which then become searchable.  Because of this tool, all members of a club interested in a particular topic, for example, can be easily identified. Or one can create a private directory: student information (email addresses, major, year) for a class, for example, can be easily shared with the instructor.


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As developer (and OpenLab developer) Boone Gorges writes about his plug-in, “The DPLA has lots of cool content, and WP DPLA is a way to help your readers discover and explore that content. It takes the tags you’ve assigned to your post – say, cheesehead and Packers or pizza, beer, and nachos – and fetches four random items from DPLA’s partner collections, and displays them at the bottom of the post.”

We’ll have more on these plug-ins and other features in up-coming Open Road posts.  Until then, happy back to school!  And please, contact us anytime!


In the Spotlight Archive: Spring 2013

Below you’ll find an archive of the sites we’ve featured in the spotlight section of the OpenLab homepage during the spring 2013 semester.

May 20: Evolution of Technology

Endri Domi’s site is one of the blogs students created for Jennifer Sears’s Advanced Career Writing course.  Check out their work!




May 13: Spoons Across America Club

This club has done a lot of work on their site. It’s a great example of how clubs can use the OpenLab to share information and coordinate activities.




May 6: Sustainability Study: Waste and Urban Ecology in New York City

This research project is a great example of just one of the ways the OpenLab can be used to facilitate collaboration.




April 29: CUNY Service Corps

We’re excited to see CUNY Service Corps on the OpenLab! Students can get paid or receive college credit for work on service projects around NYC.




April 25: What does Gen Ed mean?

Find out more about the General Education contest and how to submit your creative work for prizes of $250. Entries are due by Mon, April 29 at 5pm!




April 19: Solar Decathalon at City Tech

Did you know City Tech is entering the Solar Decathalon, a contest to design, build, and operate energy- and cost-efficient solar-powered houses?




April 1: Problem Solving with Computer Programming

Students in Calli Higgins’s course are creating sketches on OpenProcessing and embedding them on the course site. Check out their great work!



March 16: Fuse Lab

On its excellent site, the Fuse Lab has linked to four associated courses also on the OpenLab. We’re excited to see this kind of collaboration!




March 11: Man Chan’s ePortfolio

Man Chan’s ePortfolio features a great customized header, nice menus, and plenty of examples of the work he’s completed so far in his courses.




March 4: Research and Documentation for the Information Age

In Anne Leonard’s excellent and active course site, students are writing about something near and dear to our hearts, the politics of open access to knowledge.



February 25: Architectural Design V

In Andrea Johnson & Paul King’s course students are focusing on disaster response issues, specifically in communities damaged by Hurricane Sandy.




February 11: MAT 1272 – Statistics

We may not think of a math class as a place where a lot of writing happens, but not so in Jonas Reitz’s course. Check out students’ “mathographies.”




February 4: College Algebra and Trigonometry

Simon Smith’s course site is great for many reasons. In particular, we love its collaborative forum where students are helping each other out.




OLlogo_BubblesJanuary 28: OpenLab Courses

There are so many great new courses on the OpenLab right now, so we’re profiling all of them. Take a look around and see what others are doing!