OpenLab Support
The OpenLab Community Team offers students, faculty, and staff members support for getting started, setting up your OpenLab site, continuing your OpenLab work:
- Sign up for One-on-one Open Hours for a 30-minute Zoom session with a member of the OpenLab Community Team
- Join a co-working session for quiet working time with others, with the option to move to a breakout room for conversation or questions
- Sign up for one of our scheduled workshops below, or request a workshop for your group
- Use Help materials and screencasts to guide your work
- Reach out for email support by sending a message to us at OpenLab@CityTech.cuny.edu or via our contact form.
Request a Workshop
Interested in an OpenLab workshop for your department, office or group?
Each semester, the OpenLab team offers workshops on topics that members often ask about. But there are always other topics, other interest, and other scheduling needs. The OpenLab team welcomes requests for focused workshops for the faculty, staff, or students in your departments, offices, and other stakeholder groups at City Tech. These targeted workshops can meet the needs of your group .
Not sure what might be of interest and/or use to your faculty? Here are some suggestions:
- Using WordPress’s Block Editor
- Collaborative Digital Annotation on the OpenLab
- Using OERs and other open resources on the OpenLab
- Sharing & Remixing Pedagogy: Rethinking Copyright and Attribution on the OpenLab
- Supporting Multimedia Pedagogy with the OpenLab
- Fostering Community through OpenLab interactions
If you are interested in having the OpenLab lead workshops for your department, office, club, initiative,or group, fill out our “Request a Workshop” form. Your responses will give us a better idea of your group’s size, schedule, and needs. Once we receive your request we’ll evaluate it and work with you to develop a workshop plan.
Please note that these workshops are accepted on a rolling basis, so get your requests in early if you want to have the workshop this semester.
We look forward to working with you!