HUS 1101 HW: Chapter 8 discussion questions on well-being

1. The client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a clients well-being status by identifying the needs of the individual, determining how to meet the needs,working with other networks for possible assistance, setting up goals and objectives to be reached and identifying any barriers that must be overcome. A professional can implement such things in counseling by giving the client the right, and the role to be in charge of his or her continuous success.

2. A community based agency’s missions and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients because it communicates the purpose or role of the agency that can be beneficial for the client.

3. The agency’s organizational chart promotes well-being through the chain of command because it is significant to know the people who work in the departments needed. It sets structure and layers of authority. Identifying the different services they may represent to provide the proper care and or treatment necessary for the client.

4. The referral process is utilized in relating directly to the interaction between other workers, making use of the network. When seeking services for the client the worker can rely on other professionals to locate the needed services. Resulting in the success of the delivery of services.

5. An informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals because it actually provides the link between the client and the service. The cooperation between the two would result in effective referral, such as family and friends to provide needed support.

6. Documentation and paper work requirements aid in the well-being of the client because it is used when transmitting information about the client to the new service because that will allow the agency to properly plan the correct services.

7. Stress and “burn out” of the worker can impact the clients well-being because the worker isn’t able to provide the best service. Resulting in a poor work performance that wouldn’t help better the client.

8. Professional development activities can impact the well-being of the worker and service delivery to the client because then their work performance and ideas continually modify. Its a positive approach to address the challenges of work. They get positive reinforcements and support.

9. A human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client because its a team of professionals and others to work build skills to facilitate their own change.

HUS Chapter 9- Code of Ethics

The Human Services code of ethics initiates, guides and promotes a clinical arena for professional and clients well being. This code of ethics has rules that must be met by each professional and client. The code helps professional’s and clients be in a safe environment were neither of them feel threatened or uncomfortable. The code also helps keep a good professional relationship between the client and worker. It guides the professional on how to react and guide them through certain situations but with limitations. The code initiates the well being of both the professional and clients because it helps both feel in a comfortable environment.

The human service proffesionals responsibility to clients promotes well being because the proffesional is in charge of taking care of his/her client. With the good communication and relationship the proffesional and the client should have, the proffesional should be able to gain the clients trust. The proffessionals responsibility include keeping up with the client out of the office, providing high quality service and etc while also respecting the clients privacy. The proffesional should respect the clients privacy unless it is thought that the clients action may hurt themself and/or others. The proffesionals responsibility to the client promotes well being because the professional should do anything on their hands for the safety of the client; the clients satisfaction.

The human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society also promotes well being. This is because the proffesional should be able to guide the client on how to act in the community. The proffesional should also be able to work with supririors to help the client get the help they need. Also the proffesional must keep an open mind about any culture or practices the client might have. The proffesional should now the clients background in order to help them be better in society.

The human service proffesionals responsibility to colleagues promotes well being for the client. This is done by checking that colleagues follow the code of ethics.  Also colleagues share information with each other that might be helpful for their clients. Collegues work together and contribute to finish the job and help the clients. This promotes well being for the client because they have more eyes on the situation.

The human service professional’s responsibility to the profession promotes well being for the client because it shows dedication to the work. Human services proffesional should try to get papers on time to be able to have on check the client. They should have experience from training and gain experience from th office. They should be able to handle the situations that might come up so it promotes safety to the client.

The human services proffessionals responsibilites to employers promotes well being for the client. The professionals show this by working kind and proffesionaly yo show respect to other employees. They should also maintain a good communication between each other. This promotes well being to the client because they will feel good that they are receiving good care and services.

The human service proffessionals responsibilies to self promotes well being for the client because they show intrest and proffession in doing their work. This also promotes well being for the client because they gain trust in knowing the proffessional knows what they are doing.

The human service proffesionals responsibilities to educators  by showing proffessional intrest. They do this by keeping in mind the code of ethics. This includes not letting emotion come in between the client and his/her situation. Educators should always maintain a proffesional relationship with the client.

The 4 steps of ethical decision making strives to promote well being to the client and society are Identifying the problem, consulting with different colleagues, and choose a  identifying and exploring options and choosing a course of action. These steps promote well being to the client snd society because in order to treat the problem the proffessional has to be open to all posibilities, really understand and know the situation. Also because listening to other persepective and opinions on how to go with the situation can teach the proffesional other ways to deal with the situation.

Human Services & the Well-Being of Individuals/Society(HUS Chapter 1)

Some problems in living include not having enough food, not living in a safe and clean environment, not having appropriate supervision or support from an adult/mentor and etc. These problems can affect the well-being of someone because all these factors and more can come between the people living in the household. It can also affect people emotionally due to the stress of living under these conditions. The stress and bad relationship in the household and between individuals who are experiencing problems affect their well being because it then adds on and they become unhappy. Happiness is a part of well being and as more time goes by without getting help, the problem grows and their unhappiness grows as well.

Human Services aid in the well being of clients by providing understanding and guide in the persons situation. By the human service orientating the individual going through these problems it supports them emotionally and phisically. Human services aids individuals well being also because in the process of getting them help, they will learn about things they did not know about. Though human services are here to help these individuals, its only so much they can do, so its up to those individuals to take the first step in helping themselves by getting help from human services networking in order to improve their well being.                                                                             

Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach to aif the well being of individuals and society is a good way to find a more detailed answer on how to solve the problem. Using this approach a human service proffesional can understand better the situation. With this kind of action being done one can get to the bottom of the situation and fix it from the root. Also this way we can help the individual make the right choice on how to go about in this situation.                 

Social care contributes to the well being of an individual because it provides help for individuals who cant provide or help themselves. It also contributes to society because if social care is helping these individuals it can make society a bit better. Social control contributes to individuals because it helps them move forward from their past mistakes trying to provide for themselves. As social control helps these individuals make a better future for themselves, it also contributes to society because its helping these people stay out of trouble in the streets.           

The relationship between the worker and the client is really important. It is important for the client and the worker to have a good relationship because that way there is an understanding in between. Both can see each others point of view and the worker can  help her as much as she can. If the worker and client don’t have a good relationship then  there is going to be trouble in communicating. It is also important for the client and worker to have a good relationship because that way the client starts trusting the worker and is able to express her feelings and thoughts on her own.        

By supporting and guiding the client, the human servive proffesional performs aid in the well being goals of the client. This is done so by teaching the client how to be self sufficient. Guiding them and letting them choose helps them  learn how to solve their own problems. Also they build up there self esteem and can have a better attitude towards the problem helping them meet their goal.                    

 Being a generalist human service worker aids in the well being of those they serve because they are experts and know how to deal w any of there clients. Because generalist human service workers work with different types of groups, it helps them use different skills in order to help there client.                                 

Professional human service workers  may steer the client to be self sufficient by letting them make their own decision. The client builds up their self esteem and gain confidence. Once this is in place the client starts taking in their responsibility.

Human service delivery system provides Alemeda with social care, social control and rehabilitaion in order to create a path of well  being in her life. They do this by giving her options and letting her change herself for the better. Human services lets her decide what steps she wants to take for her own and Anne well being. They understand her decisions wich makes her feel respected.                                       Evidence based practice knowledge can be utilized by the professional to aid the clients well being by supporting the clients ideas. Also they have experience and the right skills to provide support and encourage the client to do the right thing for their well being.