Affect of happiness on abused children in foster care

Happiness is something so broad. So picking just one topic was kind of difficult. Until I came up with the happiness in foster children. I chose to focus on abused children in foster care, because that is something that’s is going on a lot in thia century. When it came down to researching my topic ally of things came up. Out of all the topic their were about happiness I chose this one. Children are a big part of society because they are the future generation. To know that children in foster care; put their by the government are being abused it disturbing. Children put to live with all these different families with no questions asked.
I want to focus on the environment he foster children in on a daily basis. Whether or not they have friends or if they or antisocial. How they are in school. All these things can be a affected if a child has been abused. It doesn’t what kind of abuse it may be;mental, verbal, or physical. Abuse is abuse. There are so many children in the world being abused in foster care. But what I don’t understand is why you don’t see it in the news, or at least see arrest being made. Children are missing out on their youth and happiness all because of the situation they are in.


I found an article on Google scholar based on abuse in foster care children. A test was constructed about mental health problems in foster children; an affect of them being abused. It showed how their was behavioral changes in the children. A sign of mental health issues in the children. Being abused can have an impact on your life.

Mayors visions on well-being for New Yorkers

In the night of the NYC mayoral primary 2013, Bill De Blasio’s gaol is to give equal opportunities to everyone and to unify the city. De Blasio started off his speech with the terrifying terrorist attack of 9/11. He takes a moment to remember everyone that suffered the tragedy of 9/11. Throughout all the pain everyone suffered that day, everyone one came together and help anyway they found possible. People put at risk their own life to try to help others, complete strangers. It was a reminder that those in authority have the job to keep everyone safe in the best way they can. De Blasio said “New Yorkers left no one behind that day” (10:42). That day everyone helped each other no matter the racial statues or economic statues. The city became united. De Blasio explains that there was a tale of two cities. One tale where the wealthy were doing better then ever, their lives couldn’t get any better. The other tale where most of the citizen are living in the line of poverty. Parents are fearing that their children will not have the opportunity to have a high education. Where pro active policing is now turning into racial profiling. De Blasio restates that we can’t allow New York to continue unsafe, changes have to be made for a better future.

Bill De Blasio is a democrat which is goes more to benefit poor people. He used the day of 9/11 to show the way everyone came together and helped each other out. The way every one reacted so rapidly to help no matter who the person was. De Blasio wants New York to be like that everyday. He wants New York to be a united and equal city. Parents with a low economic statues should be able to give their children the same opportunities to receive high education. He referred New York as the tale of two cities where he mentions that the wealthy are living better then ever before and most citizens are living in the line of poverty. Wealthy people are in all ability to help but yet prefer to build luxury condos over community hospitals. Also police racial profiling is becoming very dangerous. Instead of police bring the feeling of safety they are doing the complete opposite. There should be changes done to feel safer and in order to have better opportunities. This will help in the well-being of people because they will feel safer and they will also be given more opportunities.

New York Cities 2013 primary night Joe Lhota’s victory speech is about continuing to improve the city and improve education. Lhota remarks several times that America is the land of opportunity, New York City is the place of opportunity. He doesn’t want to bring the city to bankruptcy and economic fear like others have done by picturing the perfect world. Lhota supports the New York City Police Department all the way. Lhota is very proud of the police ” who have brought our crime down over 75% over the last 20 years and I am determined to bring it down even more” (8:44). Lhota thinks if the the police does’t keep up with what they are doing the city will be unsafe. He also beliefs that stop question and frisk must continue. Lhota wants to continue improving the city just like he gives the example of Brooklyn improving and becoming safer to race a family. He also wants to improve education and give more opportunities to children to become more competitive in the 21st centenary.

Joe Lhota is a Republican which goes more in favor to the wealthy people. He doesn’t talk much about the lower class people showing that he mostly cares about the cities appearance. He want to continue to modernize the city with out taking in mind if it will benefit or harm lower class people. He also is in favor of the actions that police are now taking. Which harms a lot of people because of racial profiling. In reality this will not benefit the well-being of most people. Improving the city will bring up the cost of rent and many people wont be able to afford it. Also the police using racial profiling will cause to blame people that a innocent. These are not things that will bring an individual well-being or happiness within themselves.

Both candidates used pathos, logos, and ethos to catch the listeners attention and try to earn their votes. Bill De Blasio used pathos when he talked about the tragedy of 9/11 and the way he kept referring to that day. He uses logos when he talked about the tale of two cities, the wealthy and the poor. It is obvious that there is two completely different social classes and that one is benefiting more then the other. He uses ethos by having his speech in Brooklyn. This gives of to show that he is like everyone else and that he puts himself in everyone’s shoes. Joe Lhota uses pathos by mentioning that his parents worked very hard to give him a good education and where he came from. With this he wanted to show everyone that he and his family have also struggled. Lhota uses logos when he talks about the percentage of crimes that have gone down in the last 20 years. He wants to show how much it has gone down and to trust him that he will help to bring it down even more. Lhota uses ethos when he talks about others trying to paint the perfect picture and actually ended up bring the economy down. By using that he wants to show that he has a better plan then others and he is aware of what can happen.


In Bill De Blasio’s primary victory speech he discusses various points in making NYC a better place for it’s citizens. He refers to current dilemmas that need to be addressed and solved. De Blasio mentions how pro active policing became racial profiling, the wealthy rebounded from the great recession while half of New York citizens are living in poverty and parents fearing their children will not be able to obtain a college education. He wants to make New York a better place to live and get it back to where it used to be if not better. He believes there was a time when New Yorkers supported each other and helped each other through any circumstances. September 11, was a primary example. It was mentioned how people helped one another without any questions asked or economic stability, race or anything else being relevant as compared to now where luxury condos are replacing community hospitals. De Blasio also believes all children should be given the opportunity to reach their full potential and that their chance is being taken away from them. It is also mentioned how the wealthy who make half a million dollars or more are being asked to pay a little more in taxes to fund after school programs and pre-k but that they believe too much is being asked of them but De Blasio disagrees and goes on to mention why it’s necessary and is in fact important. The last point made was stop and frisk. Young African american people or people of color in general being stopped without cause and how it is unsafe for the victims and unsafe for the police.

De Blasio uses pathos throughout his speech when referring to 911. During his speech he refers back to the tragedy and people’s loved ones. He sympathizes with them which makes his audience believe he understands their grief and is on their side. He uses logos when speaking about the wealthy and the poor. While the rich is living comfortably the poor is struggling to make a living and provide proper education and future for their children. Ethos is applied when he constantly mentions how he himself is a New Yorker and knows how we feel. He mentions how others believe we are asking for too much but we are aiming high because “we are New Yorkers” and are born thinking big. He strokes the audiences ego by saying we are proud citizens of the greatest city in the greatest county on earth, and we make it great.

De Blasio is for the poor, he is trying to make a change in how they live and have equal opportunities as the wealthy. He believes New York can go back to being a city where everyone cares for one another and have each other’s shoulders to lean on. That is the city he is trying to re-create and re-establish. With tackling the current problems that burdens New Yorkers and solving them it will eventually equal to our well-being and happiness. In Joe Lhota’s primary victory speech he speaks on unifying the city and making the public and government go hand in hand. He believes that everyone in the city has more in common than differences. When speaking about the common desires of the people he mentions safe streets, proper education for children for a better future, good paying jobs to secure food and shelter for their families and strong quality life. Lhota believes that New York is on a good route and wants to continue going that way. Crime is at historic lows, economy is expanding and large industries are providing good paying job which is everything everyone is rooting for. Throughout his speech he makes sure that the audience is aware of the other parties in what he believes are mistakes. He believes that stop and frisk should continue and that New Yorkers should be strongly supportive of the NYPD in order to have safer streets. He also goes for children having a good strong education but believes parents should be participating in the process. Lhota states that he can bring the city together so that we can have a stronger foundation and get things done.

Lhota uses pathos when referring to everyone having more in common than differences. By him saying this the people then start to feel as if they all want the same things and really are united. He uses logos when stop & frisk is brought up. He states that stop & frisk must continue and that the NYPD should be fully supported on it to keep our streets safe. The NYPD doesn’t have to stop and frisk in order for the streets to be safe, there are other ways. Lastly, ethos is applied when Lhota mentions that New Yorkers are unlike any other people in this world and have spirit, drive and are unstoppable. He appeals to their characters by telling them how great they are.

Lhota is for the middle class. He wants the city and government to be united and work together to make New York a better place to live and grow. Lhota wants the people to participate and feel like their voices are being heard by making monthly meetings where the public speaks on improvements needed to make New York a better place. So the public and government work together instead of against each other. He also believes in strengthening the education system and the NYPD.

How happy are you? A census wants to know. Summary/Response. Mirna Ayala

In the article, “How happy are you? A census want to know” a town named Somerville has taken the initiative to distribute surveys to its residents in order to learn about their general happiness in their hometown. Residents who decided to participate in the surveys were required to rate their happiness on a scale of 1-10 and answer various questions about their lives based on their surroundings and daily concerns. The surveys even asked personal questions regarding their personality and decision making skills. Several residents didnt mind the questioning and found it refreshing that their happiness was being taken into consideration by the government. In the article, a woman named Vanessa Lagerman states she appreciates the city’s efforts. “Since I’ve been here, I’ve noticed a lot of things the city has been doing, like installing bike lanes” said Vanessa. She agrees with the idea of the surveys and proceeds to say, “I think it’s a good thing, because policies can be changed to make people happier.” The reason behind this attempt is to create a generally content environment. The government wants to see if they have the power and ability to increase the happiness of the people by finding out what exactly they would like to see differently in their town. Throughout the article, different people give their outlook on the surveys and how they think it will affect them. Tara Acker states, “Is there a correlation between happiness and open space or green space? If we see low levels of satisfaction correlated to low levels of income, perhaps we want more programs aimed at low income people.” Basically, the surveys are designed to be the foundation of the government’s new projects. For instance, if a large percentage of the people are unhappy because their isn’t a playground around them for their children to play in, Somerville will begin construction on building a playground for them. What about the smaller percentage that doesn’t need a playground but needs a closer school so they won’t have to travel such far distances for an education? Not all expectations or wants can be met, however the government doesn’t all this to hinder their mission in making all of its citizens happy. 

In my opinion I don’t believe happiness can be measured nor promoted. People’s feelings change everyday, there is no way they can keep everyone happy all the time. The government shouldn’t be getting involved with how people feel. I believe it’s an invasion of privacy, the government already monitors and controls everything around us, now the way civilians feel is under surveillance too? If the government really wants to help it’s residents, there are many more services that can benefit them and ensure them long term happiness. Such services as, affordable housing, creating more jobs, improving the school system, putting an end to the school’s budget cuts etc. Those are the things that the government should be devoting their time to. Helping with these issues would contribute to long term happiness opposed to making little changes here and there. The problem with the officials making certain changes based on these surveys is that what may bring happiness to one might take it away from another. If they really want to help and make a difference for the people of Somerville they should make general changes that everyone can benefit from not just a percentage of the people.