Tag Archives: summary

10/27 Summary for ENG1101

On October 27 in English, we basically started off doing our Midterm Exam for the rest of the class time. We had to write an essay involving the reading Professor Rosen gave us last week, “A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport”. The essay was a 5 paragraph or more structure on a blue booklet. If we wanted to plan before writing, we were instructed to write behind the question sheet or in the blue booklet, not on any pieces of paper. We had two choices (A or B) on what we want to write. To note, we didn’t have the chance to keep those questions to remember them. But we had to use quotes from the reading to support and back up the essay.

Wednesday: ADV 1100 Summary. 10/29/14

Wednesday class continued from Monday’s class and students continued to improve the collage with the criticism received, for those who finished them before hand were allowed to begin painting them. Class started off with Show and Tell in which Mikala shared a unique video on youtube about Shia LaBeouf and another classmate, Richard, shared a video that featured vocabulary such as Juxtaposition. Professor Spevack talked about our assignment that is due this Monday, the class is to turn in one painted reproduction of one of their completed collage either broad or narrow with the other collage to be reproduced digitally by using photoshop. Professor Rosen also passed a reading during ADV 1100 that the class is to be read by Monday. Lastly during class Professor Spevack talked to the class one-on-one to discuss their grades and any questions they might have regarding the course.

GPS Article Summary

This article by Lex Berko brigs up a concept that an individual can choose between a faster route, or a route that is more pleasant to experience. He shows that the primary job for maps is just to get you to a certain destination. But it doesn’t tell what you can encounter on during the course of your travel. the Yahoo company who ones Flickr uses this to conduct experiments to go into depth with their concept. They came to the conclusion that a route that is considered to be more pleasant would take a person a few minutes out of their way. Whether the person decides to sacrifice time or not varies.

When I read this article I immediately thought about other companies that are beginning to offer these kind of features in their map apps. In the next year or two, this may be something that every map will have as an option. It makes me think of how much we are beginning to advance with technology to the point where we can choose between something this simple. In my opinion, I would be interested in taking a detour, if it meant that I could visit the candy store near the supreme court on the way to class. Taking such a route would be more pleasant for me because I get to visit one of the only stores in Brooklyn that is fully dedicated to candy. Therefore my motive for taking a different route would be for food. It’s generally different for everyone because each individual has their own idea of what a pleasant route would be.

A literary visitor strolls in from the airport: Summary

A literary visitor strolls in from the airport is a article from the New York times by Charles Mcgrath. It talks about Will Self and his new novel but most importantly his travel to New York and his experiences. Unlike most people Self likes to walk rather than taking mass transportation, Self’s reasoning behind this is that in a post-industrial age walking is one of the very few forms of exploration that still exist.  Self’s walks are not only for exploration but for relaxation as he states that it keeps him away from drugs and alcohol and the pleasure that he gets from it is much greater than what drugs have ever given. Self also talks about what he sees and smells such as the “afflatus of the city’s bowels” and how they are getting into the real body of the city. In the end it is mostly about his experiences of walking through the city.

Summary of the reading, “A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport”

In this New York Times article by Charles McGrath, he discusses about a tall, longed haired, and usual author named, Will Self, that only walks to place to place. Mr. Self lived in London but he had to travel to New York. He didn’t take any transportation to get to the airport, but walked there. To think how he has the ability and time to so much walking in one day. In the past, Mr. Self was struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. It was affecting his career and life, so, he turned to the path of becoming clean for eight years. He rebuilt his energy by taking extreme hikes and walks and it helped him stay away from the addictions. While he was visiting New York, he came across many things in the city and seen things that even New Yorker didn’t notice or acknowledge. This man didn’t like to be sociable or happy in the past when his demons were holding him down, but eight years later, Mr. Self changed into a new and inspiring man that walks anywhere and enjoy anything he sees.

Article Summary

Title: “A literary visitor strolls in from the airport”, article by Charles McGrath

This passage entails a story about a Mr. Self, A cab driver from London who comes to New York for the first time on December 6, 2006. The text captures the idea that walking throughout the city is not a common today as it used to be many years ago. It reveals Mr. Self’s past as a heavy alcoholic and and a serious drug addict. It also shows how he managed to put that aside by beginning  walking as a replacement or a form of coping. McGrath shows how walking through the city of New york caused Mr. Self to be able to see aspects of the land that many others have not discovered because they drive rather than walk. He even says, “People don’t know where they are anymore” with a tone of slight frustration because walking through an are is the only way left for a person to explore.  It also connects to Colson Whitehead’s “City limits” with the concept of overlapping cities when Mr. Self points out the interface of a black and Hispanic neighborhood to an Orthodox Jewish area.Most individuals may not even notice that such an overlap exist because no one thinks of walking along highways, or even walking to the heart of the city all the way from an airport.

Project#2 :Summary & Reflection

For Project#2, I had to write about the location I chose that was 15 minutes away from CityTech.  My location was on Court st. & State st. next to this old looking movie theater. I wrote about how interested I was in the area  for being a more relaxed and uplifting atmosphere. Even discussed the overlap/ juxtaposition cities from where I stood and the area I see from a far distance.


As we read the reading, “City Limits”, by Colson Whitehead, he writes about the overlap of different New Yorks. We had to find some different overlapping New Yorks ourselves. To walk anywhere that’s 15 to 20 minutes or more away from Citytech. Also look for New yorks that juxtaposition (example: old and new structures). Then we had to write an essay in 900-1200 words. In our essays, we needed to add our senses, hearing, smelling, and seeing and quotes from the reading, “Ciy limits”, to support the essay. But we had to prepare before jumping into the essay. We had to choose a location that is right to you and then chart our course to the location from Citytech. Needs to have more details than Google. Next, describe the location with much details as you can with the sights and about the juxtaposition. Then explain why you chose the location and try to add Whitehead’s quotes.

Finally, you can get started with the essay!


This project has made me learn more about the area around Citytech/Brooklyn. I don’t live around the area or in Brooklyn in general but this help me realize that there’s so much more in Brooklyn never knew about that I never knew about. It was fun and interesting to see the new sites with someone and see more of the area than what I see from just a glance. I wanted to see everything in such little time. The area I chose as an example, to find the overlapping in this area was sort of difficult but intriguing as I kept looking for its juxtaposition. But as I read Whitehead’s words, most of his quotes really help me find it in the area and I had to look deeper into it. Anyway, I was mostly  proud of how I describe the movie theater and the court building because I thought I had a lot to say about them of course.

Total time on Project#2: 

6 hrs I spent on the project altogether.

Project #1: Revised

My name is Kevin Ayala, I’m 17 years old and currently studying in City Tech for a major in graphic design an advertising. Ever since I was a child, I was always passionate about drawing, no matter what I did , I would always doodle about small thoughts that would pop into my head. Majority of the time, these thoughts were inspired from playing video games so much, since that would be the one thing I would always do whenever I had free time . Other times, it would be about cartoons I would watch on television. These two sources of entertainment were the main inspirations I had that began my passion for drawing and creativity.

From every game I played, or every cartoon I watched, I would always have a keen eye for the detail of the characters and the creators style of drawing them, since many are unique. Their appearance, art style, and characteristics were all main points I would always consider when I drew something out of the inspiration I got from it. Throughout my time in school, I would always meet new people that would give me even more inspiration or suggestions for my artwork, not only improving my work, but creating a stronger passion for drawing. Before I knew it, I already had my mind set to what I wanted to do in the future as I grew up. I wanted to take my love of drawing, and create a career out of it. I go by a saying i grew quite fond of, “If it’s something you love to do, go for it”

In five to ten years from now, I see myself as a concept designer either for television, game making, or advertising. I want to be able to present my portfolio to someone with confidence, and show them what kind of ideas I have for a project or an idea for an on going one. Just the thought of seeing something that I created in the public eye of millions gets me exited to do what I love.

My profile and avatar shows that drawing and sketching is what I want to do, and how I’m driven to do so. My avatar represents myself, drawn in a sketch, showing that I love to draw, hence the pencils and eraser next to the drawing. I left it uncolored, showing that I’m still incomplete, Although it shows what I’m capable of doing as far as my artistic ability, I still have a lot to learn before I can actually go out there and express myself to businesses and companies. People will see this through my portfolio, as it shows my development throughout my time in City Tech. With these new learned techniques, i can show my future employers that i am ready to work and ready to show what i have to offer to their future operations as a graphic designer.

When it comes to my profile, it shows the past work i have done in my College courses and shows how passionate i am at using my creativity for my assignments, making them as strong as i possibly can. If there is ever something that i know i can do better, i will ask for criticism or opinions. with those idea’s from others that gave me criticism, i revise my work, making it fit the assignment as best as possible, possibly even going above and beyond. I want people to look at my work and know that I’m very serious about what i do and what my employers or professors from me.

Boston Photographs Reflection

The Boston Photographs really peaked my interest because it has a lot to do with morality and ethic views. In Senior year of High School I took a Moral Philosophy class and I believe it helped me further understand what is going on within this Article, because I took this class it led me to believe that this is a Open-ended argument debating if publishing pictures of a women falling to her death is considered a ‘good thing’. Graphic pictures are usually not shown in the newspaper because it can be considered too violent or unpleasant. I sense a type of guilt found in this piece because the Photographer did not expect this to happen and the events resulting from it.This catastrophe resulted in the concerns of ” Life in the ghetto ” stated in page sixty. ” They dramatized the need to check on the safety of fire escapes”.

I believe that the pictures does show a rather unpleasant view but in one way it does make people more alert about fires and safety hazards. It is a mixture of feelings and opinions. One reason to oppose is the privacy of someone who passed away, Family members or friends who rightfully angry would obviously take action and cause more chaos. 1000 words could describe a picture , especially a picture like this. In times today it is also the same issue about our privacy as media and social networks increase.

The Boston Photographs: Summary

This article signifies a very dark time concerning the death of a woman and the near death of a child. The photos that were taken during this event bring back much emotions for people who heard about it or were in the are that day. The author explains how she never meant for things to turn out in such away. Originally, it was supposed to be a picture frame of a heroic fire fighter attempting to get a couple of citizens out of the way of danger. In an instant things took a turn for the worst when the platform collapsed and they could do nothing but go in the way of gravity. At that moment the author had caught several shots before the young lady fell to her demise. She explains that newspapers do not usually post any photos of death. She reveals that you never actually see a body of the person who died in the papers. She clearly expresses that death is apart of life, so what is the point of hiding something such as this.

In my opinion,if she had survived, these photos would have symbolized a whole new meaning. It would have been seen as a miracle that she survived such a fall. Therefore, these photos would have a more positive vibe. This article strikes me as informative because it opens my eyes to the fact that society tries to hide things from the public that they don’t believe should be seen. In a way it’s sort of a biased, because there are people  who believe that a reality such as death should not be hidden especially if it is something that is apart of life.