Tag Archives: Research

Project #2: Research Location

Starting my walk today I went around City Tech with no actual plans to where I wanted to go since I don’t really know the area as well as I would like to, that being said let me describe my tiny adventure around Jay Street! First off exit from the Johnson Street side, the one with the construction going on as you walk towards this street you’ll be greeted with sounds of cars, trains and indistinguishable voices. Now keep on going after a bit of minutes of walking you can look to your left and see a concession stand with people waiting on line to get some food you’ll also be able to see or take the subway if you desire. As you might see there is some trees and much leaves go through there, as you walk you will come across people being people and enjoying the day. Now keep on going and you’ll see a Five Guys, now why a Five Guys? I was hungry that’s why. Now make a right you should be able to see many buildings out into the distance also if you look to your left there will be a nifty map to help you out in case you are ever to get lost. Now keep walking and go past the metal poles and keep on walking you’ll come across a blood donor center in which you can go donate blood  to save a few lives. Now here is one of the instances I see in which I see two New York’s the building behind the small one makes it look as if a line that divides the newer and more nicer looking building from the ones that are more run down and have more history behind them. As you keep walking north the divide becomes more evident the buildings aren’t as nice looking as they were around City Tech, once you pass the ASA learning center look to the sky and to look at a towering building that in a sense makes it look as this area is closed in similar to an oasis in the desert, only that in this case the desert is the newer Jay Street and Willoughby Street is the oasis in the desert. Now walk north towards Willoughby Street and keep walking north till you come across Lawrence Street make a left and you’re in the Fulton Mall.  Keep on walking north and you’ll be greeted by various noise ranging from people to buses along with the many noises you might also be greeted with delicious smells depending on your tastes, I found it rather delicious but then again I was hungry. Now as you walk you will eventually come across Bridge Street make a left and see another entrance to the train station this time it’s the 2 and 3 lines ignore this for now or take it if you’d like. As you walk you’ll see a building that is currently under construction and along with that building there is many noises from industrial equipment. For our last stop keep on going straight and take the R train lines.P1010677P1010678P1010679P1010680P1010685P1010686P1010690P1010693P1010694, and now where? Well for me it’s home and that was my adventure around the neighborhood that surrounds City Tech.

Aural Topographies: Research

It was hard for me to draw what I hear in some songs that I enjoy, but I finally found one that’s more smooth and soothing by Celine Dion. Her voice and the music helped me visual picture more. At first I can see wavy and soft lines and small hills forming when she hits her soft high note. The sound does have the same beat and the pattern doesn’t change as she sings with the music.

As I said before, the soft wavy lines are short and more expanded as the music plays in the beginning of the song. Then gets longer with the waves becoming closer together, but not sharp at all. Also, solid lines when things become silent. When the music picks up, not too loud, there are medium sized circles in the middle of the picture. That represents the bass or the drums. As the music fades at the end, the lines fades as well.  It’s more of a Legato song.

Project 2 Research: Location

My location around CityTech goes from an immediate left turn when you come out of the main doors all the way down to the construction sites. I chose this location because it shows the less busy areas and the new upcoming ‘New York’. I feel that this could provide a perfect example of old and new. Not everything was fancy or official. There was definitely more fast food restaurants and other food places. when you keep walking down at least 2-3 blocks you should be able to see a large trench like structure in the ground due to constructionphoto 4 (1) photo 1 (4) photo 3 (2) photo 2 (4)

City Limits Reflection

In the reading of Colson Whitehead’s “City Limits” we learn a lot about our own view of New York. We’re all New Yorkers when we see a building or area of New York and we can remember what has been there before. Everyone has their New York. In the second paragraph he talks about that and how everyone starts to build their own New York once they make memories from what they see or remember. He also goes on about telling us not to believe what we hear or read on TV, newspapers, etc that’s about New York’s history. He says it doesn’t matter in what our New York is. While reading this you might even feel really nostalgic over some of the things that it makes you think. We may have seen a store change to several different things over the years. He also explains that we never really get to say goodbye to those places that we go to because we never know when it’s the last time we will be there.

Towards the last few paragraphs he talks more about as being a New Yorker, we can remember the past and see changes. But he also explains that no matter what New York will constantly be changing, with or without us. We can eventually see an entirely new city compared to what’s been there in the past. However, that will always be our New York.

City limits Reflection

Colson Whitehead’s ” City Limits” opens our eyes to a new perspective concerning the “Old new york” and the ” Present new york”. He shows us that we each have our own version of how we see New York. He states ” You start building your private New York the first time you lay eyes on it” Colson is trying to convey that from the time you first experience New york in itself, is the moment you begin to remember it exactly how you first see it. However, as time passes, things slowly begin to change. Buildings may be replaced, new sky scrapers may be built, or even transportation changes. Despite this, you will never forget the way things were because that is what you originally experienced.

Throughout the text, Colson stresses that we don’t know when things are going to change around us. Therefore we never really get a chance to say goodbye to the many places we know so well and love. Anytime you go to the nearest pizza shop could be the last time you ever get to by from there. It really makes you realize that you should value certain things while they are still around. As I read the text, I thought of the well known line that states,  “Nothing last forever”. Keeping in mind that New York is constantly changing and evolving, it is a weak chance that ones version of New york will always be reality.

Aural Topographies : Visualizing Sound

The song’s rhythm begins with slow speed and the pattern will look like a soft or steady line. After the initiation, the song begins the exposition, the rhythm increases the speed, and more musical instruments come out. The pattern will change to more varieties, along the change of the song. When the song finishes its exposition, a small climax comes out and begins with repetition. The volume is increasing during the repetition, so the pattern will probably rise up along with the volume. After the climax repetition ends, the rhythm repeat the exposition, and then move to the second small climax.

However, after second small climax ends its repetition, the song begins with a new different rhythm. This rhythm is like a poetry that repeating with a fast speed. After this rhythm ends, the song moves to the biggest climax. This time, the volume is much bigger and all musical instruments are there to create varieties. After the climax once again ends its repetition, the poetry comes back again with a faster speed. At this point, the pattern will be confusing after two small climaxes and one big final climax. Finally, the song can be repeating forever, however, the song cancels all the musical instruments’ sound and ends with a simple lyric. At the end, I want to mention that the song ends with a simple lyric before every climax come. I believe the song creates a unity to help people quickly to rise and fall their emotion in a brief moment.

Field trip: Reflections

During this field trip, I was able to go more into depth of various artist and their own pieces of art work. An example of the art work we have seen is the one posted below. When I first saw this, I only saw a figure of what looked like a dress. However, after looked closer into the sculpture I saw numerous cut outs of figures that were arranged in a way that looked like they told a story. Each one had a different positions that followed the last in a sequence form. These eye catching detailed patterns brought this piece of art to life in a way that I did not see in any of the others.


Aural Topographies: Research

First I chose a song that has variety. Within the song the sound goes from calm to more upbeat a lot. It’s back and fourth, so it was a good song to choose for a variety. The song starts off with calm strums of the guitar for the first few seconds. It then goes into a repetitive beat also with the strums of the guitar but more upbeat. It gets more and more upbeat and then breaks down into a calm stage again. For the main chorus of the song there’s a much different sound than of just the guitar so it changes a lot. It then goes into a very calm beat for the middle of the song and quickly picks up into a completely different upbeat pattern, then quickly into the beat for the main chorus. At the end of the song it’s the main upbeat sound and then it quickly ends on a very light note. This song as I sad goes back and fourth from calm and sad to upbeat and happy which is why it was a good choice for a variety song.

For the monotone song I chose a sad song that uses the piano. The beginning of the song is pretty much keys of around the same pitch quickly being played. The beat then goes into a slower beat. Throughout the entire song the beat is pretty much in the same slow beat. I hear a repetitive pattern  throughout the song.  There isn’t really any space in between the beat/the keys throughout the song which is why all of the lines are so close together. There isn’t much of a separation in the sound. The beat continuously gets slower towards the end of the song. That’s why in my picture you can see that there are less curves as it goes from left to right.

The song I used for the variety sketch is here: http://youtu.be/otSSixltNZ4

The song for the monotony sketch: http://youtu.be/Mk7-GRWq7wA

Variety Sketch

Monotony Sketch



Project#2: Location

In order to know more about the location surrounding City Tech, I took a different train route to explore and get to know the neighborhood. I took the 2 train and got of Borough Hall, there I continue to walk north there I was able to see the court houses. I was kind of surprised I wasn’t expecting to see any. The courts were very beautiful, the structure of the building and how that location looked so neat and clean. I don’t come to Brooklyn very often, I always thought of Brooklyn as sort of gloomy. However, passing the courts made me prove wrong. As I continue walking, I changed my path and walked east there I got lost and was on sure where I was. After 5 mins, I found the school ending my trip soon.