Monthly Archives: October 2014

Project #2: Draft

Everyone was their own New York. Each persons New York is different and unique. By taking a walk in New York you’re bypassing someone’s New York. One persons New York might be the busy city with all of the crowds and skyscrapers. Another persons might be a more calm area. Each New Yorker has their own perspective of New York. I took a walk to Court street and discovered a juxtaposition of two different New Yorks right next to each other. No one is wrong in what their New York is, everyone has their own unique view of it.

In the first New York that I saw on Court Street it’s a lot more of a tourist place. There was also government buildings there which added more security to that side of Court Street. Those buildings seem to have been there for several years. I wouldn’t say they went under construction any time recently. The area consisted of a lot more professionally dressed people. There also was not a lot of shops on that side of Court Street. Probably replacing that was Columbus Park. The area was overall more calm and not very crowded.

On the other side of the juxtaposition, I like to call it the commercial Court Street. It was an area that resembles more of the city life. It was definitely more crowded than the other side. The area from a far view and also just walking through it reminds me of Times Square. There were lots of lights that I could see from a distance. The commercial side had much more stores for shopping and food. The area did have a lot more of a food smell within it. There weren’t many trees in this area either. There was also construction there, so I could tell some of the buildings aren’t nearly as old as the government buildings I saw. This also goes with the fact that everyone has their own New York and no ones is wrong. People become New Yorkers and move to different places in New York at different times. Things are constantly changing in New York. You never know when a building that you’ve walked by for years is going to be taken down. Just as Whitehead says in City Limits “I never got a chance to say goodbye to some of my old buildings”. They can disappear any day. There were also a lot more people rushing to places unlike the other side of Court Street, where it was more calm. The area was way louder as well. People also happened to be more casually dressed than professionally dressed.

Although the two New Yorks were very different to one another, they did have a couple of similarities too. In both areas I noticed that that there were not many kids in the area, a lot of adults. This might have been due to me visiting on a weekday though. The buildings in both areas also had similar heights. Looking at these two juxtapositions I can clearly see that it could be two different New Yorks for two or more individuals. They have a lot more differences than similarity, which shows that everyone does have their own New York and they’re all unique. Not all by what you see, but also of your memories in the area, Although some areas may not change much, for example on the side of Court Street with the government buildings. It seems like those buildings have been there for a long time, and probably won’t be going away anytime soon. But even saying that, as Whitehead says again “We can never make proper goodbyes”. Once again we never know when a building is going to vanish. Things are constantly changing in New York. If someone moves to your area just as a new building is being built, their New York isn’t wrong in any way, it’s just more unique to that person.

Overall my juxtaposition of two New Yorks has clearly shown me how several people can have their own New Yorks. Especially seeing the two side by side in person. New York is a large area with constant change happening. Some people just moving in and some moving to another state. All of those people have their own New York in their mind. Just because someone’s may be a newer perspective than another persons doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

Staccato/Legato GIF: Mashup/Reflection

The Animated GIF

The Animated GIF

GIF with Sound


I’ve always wanted to make my own GIF. I usually just edit them, like add words to them using Photoshop. This was my first time actually make one from scratch. It was a lot of work but the end result was awesome. I can see how people could spend days on editing these things to make them perfect. I really liked how we could add music to them. It got real tedious when popcorn maker wasn’t working well, but I eventually pulled through. All in all it was a project I really enjoyed.

Work hours:

Staccato/Legato Thumbnails:   10/9/14 took around 1 hour

Staccato/Legato Mashup:    10/11/14 took around 1 hour

Staccato/Legato Mashup Inked:    10/14/14 took around 3 hours

Staccato/Legato Mashup GIF :   10/15/14 took around 3 hours

In all it took 8 hours to finish this project


Tawdry (Glossary Entry)

Tawdry (adj.) – cheap and gaudy in appearance or quality


This word came from the reading of The Boston Photographs at the bottom of page 58 when the sentence starts off “A tawdry way to sell newspapers,” referring to one of the many letters in response to the pictures taken by Stanley Forman. The definition of the word in this sentence helps me understand that the way he used to help sell the newspapers was basically uncivil or corny.

Trip to BRIC: Reflection

The field trip to the BRIC Art museum was awesome! There was a lot of different pieces from artists that were from Brooklyn.  Everything was very uniquely made. Like there was this pixelated picture of plants. It helped show how something could be so different when you alter it. At the bottom, was the original picture. Another thing was these chains hanging from the ceiling. It looked like a chandelier. The chains went from small bicycle chains to big rusted chains. There was this other piece made out of clay. It look like a monster you’d see from a video game. It looked really cool. We also got a tour of the television studio which was one of the most interesting parts for me. We saw how they filmed people and how people work, when their editing videos. Lastly we got to see a Professor Spevack special. It was a out house that looked like it came from the back of a Texas saloon. It was so cool. It was dark inside and very relaxing. Calm, natural music was plain. This added more to its calmness. I really liked the stenciled leaves on the door, which could only be seen if you opened the door. Props to Professor Spevack, it was an awesome trip and a amazing piece. :D

The chandelier looking piece

The chandelier looking piece

One head of the monster looking piece

One head of the monster looking piece

The monster looking piece

The monster looking piece

It looked like a mummy but was actually a singer

It looked like a mummy but was actually a singer


Aural Topographies: Critique

In Project 2, I have learned that design can contain many different things into unity. While two different things matching up together, it will carry out different feeling as a whole. However, Project 2 is difficult for me because it is not easy to find two different things matching up together as a whole. For example, two different things can carry their own style that may cause them against each other in the space. The hardest part for me in this project is finding two different things that can accommodate each other but also carrying out a spark. The only way to solve this problem is doing more experiment until I feel satisfy. I believe the more experiment I do the more closely to the perfection. In the end, I believe I will apply this attitude to the next project to make me feel stratify on my final work.

The Boston Photographs: Reflection

After reading the Boston photographs it has really expanded my way of seeing. The Boston Photograph talks about an incident in which a faulty fire escape caused the death of a mother, however this was only part of the main focus as a whole what mattered the most was the photojournalist who took the photograph as the mother and her child fell from the fifth floor luckily the child survived. Stanly Foreman, the photojournalist who took the photographs originally intended to take photographs of the fire fighters being heroic but instead captured the death of a woman, the newspaper later published the story along with the images. This in turn caused an argument between those who had issues with the newspaper showing the corpse of a dead woman while those who supported it argued that it’s part of Foreman’s job. While it is wrong I do have to agree with that it’s Foreman’s job to bring these photographs to the public, while his true intentions weren’t to show the death of a woman rather show civil workers being heroic, Foreman did however show that photojournalism is very powerful. The reason I say it is very powerful is because images can more than often evoke more emotion than simple words, after all a photograph says a thousand words.

High Key vs. Low Key

20141101_182206 20141101_182217My first image portrays a regular light from the school stairway. After adding the black and white filter, I was able to understand this particular shade of color. This picture displays a high key perspective that gives off somewhat of an evil vibe. This makes me think back on a scene in Law and Order . The mood may even be depressing to some people who view it from a different perspective. My second image depicts a low key image from a stairway door. It has a similar vibe to that of the high key, however it does go deeper into the perspective. It portrays a solid glossy black color, which in retrospect does not usually represent a positive concept from most peoples point of view.


The Boston Photographs: Summary

Words can mean many things but a photograph tells so much more. The Boston Photographs by Nora Ephron is an article that talks about the tragic accident that killed a woman during 1975 and the attention it received after images of her dead body were published in an article of the Boston newspaper. It all began when Stanly Forman a photojournalist attempted to capture images that depicted Fire Fighters being brave however due to certain circumstances Forman ended capturing images of a 19 year old woman and her child falling, the woman died with her child surviving the fall. After publishing the images in the newspaper the question began to arise, “Is placing images of corpses ethical? Is it for sensationalism? or is it just a cheap and dirty way to gain attention to one’s work?” When discussing the matter ombudsmen, people who are in charge of moderating content on the behalf of the people  say they have never seen anything like it while on the other hand editors of the post found it to be “intriguing” and found no problems with publishing it. The key point of the article is to debate the power of photojournalism over regular journalism to some extent photojournalism is more powerful than just regular journalism, photos can mean so much and the reaction it causes varies from person to person which makes it that much more valuable. In the end it doesn’t matter if an image is ethical or not as long as it fulfills its purpose of creating the reaction it desires it has accomplished what the photographer set out to do.

Project #2: Gif Mashup

Without Sound
Without Sound

With Sound {Click Here}

This took quite sometime to make, at first it was rather frustrating to get everything working, but as you work, you begin to learn things along the way, that’s how it was with this project. but eventually the frustration lead to success. I feel that’s the main lesson to take out of this experience, and It’s that Failure and struggles will lead to success after enough practice and patience. Overall, it took me about 4 hours to complete this, and by the looks of it, I’m satisfied with the final product.



Voyeur- a person who gets sexual pleasure from secretly watching other people having sex

I came across this word in the text ” Barney Collier’s book” during class. It states, ” You could have had some award winning photographs of her underpants as her skirt billowed over her head, you voyeurs”. By observing context clues, I new it was not a positive term or something that was looked down upon in society, especially considering the circumstances it was used in. After researching this word it was clear that i was something that is inappropriate in the moment it may have taken place. This isn’t a word that I would generally see in any other text. But it does clearly get the point across with emphasis.