Monthly Archives: September 2014

Field Trip Reflection

The field trip to the Center for Book Arts was very interesting and fun! I learned a lot about printing. From how it began to how it evolved and is what it is today. I found it really interesting how back then people had to get the letters one by one to create something to print. Looking at today’s technology there’s a lot less of a struggle for an issue or to get it done in general. If there was a typo back then you would have to do a lot of work to get that one letter out and replace it. Now it’s just simply an one second task with the keyboard. The zines exhibit was also very interesting. There were a lot of pieces that stuck out to me. One of my favorites was this fake newspaper with interesting headlines. It was called Daily Cardinal. I wouldn’t believe what I’m reading if I actually saw some of those headlines in the newspaper! It also did have articles on the headlines that were on the cover. On the second part of the field trip to the Rubin Museum I found all of the works of art that I saw to be very cool. The ones that I sort of got the meaning behind were very interesting pieces. I chose to sketch the piece called Hunger. It’s a picture of a man eating a snake while at the same time the snake is eating its own body. From what I read in the description of the piece the snakes body seems to be never ending while the man is eating it. Francesco Clemente also symbolizes Eastern and Western traditions in his piece. Both parts of the field trip were very fun and I can’t wait for future trips!

My sketch of the piece I  chose from the Francesco Clemente exhibit

My sketch of the piece I chose from the Francesco Clemente exhibit

The newspaper I saw at the Center for Book Arts

The newspaper I saw at the Center for Book Arts

Aural Topographies : Visualizing Sound

After hearing two songs of my choosing, i visualize the sounds in 2 different ways, one being monotonous, and the other having variety. With the song bringing variety, i can hear the pitch of the instruments moving up and down to give it a beautiful tempo with the combined orchestrated instruments, as if it drew waves up and down everywhere it went. Towards the end, the pitch really picks up, as if it was a big finish, before going down again to finish on a soft, light note. as if the big change of pitch was in the background, being the moment of the whole song. the whole time, you would have your mind flowing up and down like a steady wave, rising up even further once the lift came in. Overall, it was a pleasant experience.

Now for the monotonous song, i chose a song that was rather dull and depressing for anyone to hear. the one thing i automatically was fixed on through the entire song was the tempo, as if it was constantly tapping in a slow and steady pace, Tap…….tap…….tap……..tap. When i think of the separation of the taps, i think of straight lines going from one end to the other, getting heavier as it ends. combined with the tempo with pitches of tones that makes the mind focus on one point, and you have something that can get monotonous rather quickly. Its as if it makes you feel if your stuck in some sort of limbo in which you can’t seem to break free from, since your so fixed on the tempo.

Field Trip Reflection

This trip made me learn so much about how books and printing began and was made. Having to look around the first & second exhibits we went to, I really felt the meaning from every artwork.  How the artists put so much work and feeling into them, makes my heart stop. Also to stand there in person, makes a total differences if we looked at it from a video or tv. I enjoyed this trip :) I can’t wait for the other trips in the future! it was very interesting and made me think more about my work.

Project #2 : Location

In the city of New York, there are many aspects that are considered to be from the “old New York” and the “Present New York”. The combination of the two are what make up the very culture of this city. From the  glass sky scrapers, to the man made residents from decades ago, they each hold their own story. The location that I have chosen is about fifteen minutes from City Tech, and is on the intersection of Clinton and Remsen street. At this location, I discovered an example of the juxtaposition of the two New Yorks. It was as if I was standing before the timeline of New York, viewing two different stages of time.

In order to get there, I decided to leave through the front entrance of City Tech on 300 Jay street. This was my starting position. Across the street is a construction site in progress . Up the block I saw a set of  city bikes on racks. I walked south in the direction of the bikes and turned right at the first intersection onto Johnson street. I walked passed the school’s cafe and crossed Adams street which leads to the Brooklyn Bridge. Soon, I approached the intersection of Johnson street and Court street. As I walked south on Court street, to my left I could see Columbus park. This park consisted of the Supreme court, and the borough hall train station for the 2,3,4,5, and R train. To my right was the New york sports club store. I decided to  walk down the block of this store on Remsen street. To my left was St Francis college populated with dozens of students by the front entrance. I stopped at the intersection at the end of the block on Clinton and Remsen street. I then looked back, and up the block I realized that I had found a juxtaposition that I could potentially use. Thought it was a bit difficult, I was able to catch the view all in one shot.

Summary for ENG: 9/22

At the first half hour we talked about The reflection of project#1, Then we got a handout for Project#2: Overlapping New York. It is something like exploring New York City, knowing its history and good and bad. Half-hour later, we prepared for the trip. We took the R train and got off at 28th street. Then we walked to a place called Book Arts on 28 West 27th St. when we arrived there, we separated and looked around.  Although we can visit freely, but we could not touch the art works. There was a guy who walked around with us during our visit, He told us the history of the printing process and printing Knowledge. He also explains the different ways of binding books to us. One way was to use the adhesive glue to fixed book. Another way was to use bind to strengthen book. When he finished the introduction of book, It Is almost towards to the end of the Book art visit. Then we walk to 141 West 17th Street. We started the visit from 6th floor. It is about Indian culture and art. Overall we still cannot take picture of the art works, but we could sketch the artwork. The artworks over there are not only images and the old place adorn. Where each work of art is not the first time visit to understand, should use some of your imagination to understand. The end of the sixth floor visiting, students could choose to continue to visit downstairs artwork, or go home. In conclusion it’s a buzzy day, but it is defiantly worth coming back.

Reflection on English Project #1

Our first project in English class was to introduce via openlab. I found this very easy because the main goal was to describe ourselves. We also had to comment on others work to critique them and help them improve it through guidelines. I learned that I can be very detailed when it comes to describing anything.

What I acquired during this class is that this project is a big introduction to the other projects, or this is how I feel this project is meant to be. Also to help us get more acquainted with one another. I am proud on how comfortable I felt when it came to describing who I am and how precise and efficient my advice can be when helping others when it came to setting up their bio and and project overall. One of the things i should work on is how to organize my information better because the reader can be lost if i don’t. I have additional support throughout class time because I learn better through verbal communication. Also at times I would have poor management time due to my other homework and I tend to forget to go on my computer from time to time. For my later project I shall be using my phone more often to operate Openlab. Since now I have my first experience in my first project of English I am now really confident in the future works.

Project #1: Reflection

For my first english project my task was writing a four-paragraph bio on my eportfolio profile. I had to give my portfolio an avatar that represents me and my aesthetic. One of my tasks was to put into consideration what my classmates would interpret from looking at my avatar. I had to think about what kind of image they would configure about me and what interest I have from my avatar and what my profile tells differently. Surprisingly, it wasn’t hard finding an avatar to represent me.

I went on my personal blog and began looking up pictures I had liked. I found this cute pastel-themed picture of a pink and blue shower head. The water ducts were little red hearts which struck me as the cutest thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on. I felt like it was such a simple concept and design. I’m proud of how much I feel like I found an image that actually does represent my personality and aesthetic. As I began writing my bio I started thinking about how much the image really tied to my general interests and style both artistically and personally. I think I do still need work on briefly explaining what kind of person I am. I feel as though in some areas I give too much information and in other areas I need to elaborate.

I spent about two hours trying to construct this bio. I thought this would be easy for me, considering how on social networks always ask you to explain yourself and your general hobbies. I began to cut down and tried to type less like how I speak and still be able to convey myself in this bio of myself. I believe next time I’ll start from a way earlier date and begin to separate my ideas and organize them first before my writing.

Reflection on Eng1101 Project#1

I thought this project was pretty fun and easy to complete because it’s mostly about myself. Writing about yourself is a very simple assignment but there’s a limit, so, there’s not a lot of rambling. Surprisly I learned more about myself as an artist and other’s passions. It was very interesting to read other’s drafts to know about them.

I was pretty proud of all of it. But I would say my bio is the one thing I’m sort proud of. It’s starts to make the reader know the a little important stuff about me. So the bio is a important starter point to me. Anyway, I thought the feedbacks/comments from my fellow classmates was really helpful because without that I wouldn’t know if my draft need Provements or if it was fine enough.

Honestly, I would say this project took me 3 or 4 hours in total to do everything. It wasn’t that hard but thinking about what to write about was the hard part. The outline of my draft actually took the most time to do because I didn’t know what to write about for 30 mins. Yep, for 30 mins. Writers block to its fullest.

For the next project will be sort of longer for me to complete. But I’ll try not to think about it as long it’s going to take me, but how well it’ll turn out.

Project 1: Reflection

Project 1 is about a bio of myself. It’s mostly about me being a student and what I’m trying to become. I started out stating my interests and how it ties into me being a designer. By doing this project I learned how to organize my essay. My writing tends go all around the place. By writing it out first and having a draft my ideas were able to flow better. Also posting it an then having people comment on them also helped. It helped me choose which ideas were relevant to my bio. What I think I could improve the most on is my vocabulary. I didn’t spend a lot of time on this project. I wish I did. I know my time management skills need a lot of work. I spent most of my time thinking about what would be in the project. I’m hoping for future projects I can put more time into them and have a great outcome. I also hope that everyone would continue to leave comments on how I could improve my work. Thank you :)