Field Trip response by Nicholas Wilmoth

Me on the Brooklyn Bridge

I really enjoyed the Brooklyn Bridge trip. Having just moved to New York a short while ago, this was my very first time on the bridge. It was a good experience for me in more ways then just one. It is a historical bridge, so just walking over was fun to me. But getting the chance to meet new faces and actually getting class credit for doing so was a very nice extra. There was not anything about the trip that I disliked.

My best guess on why this trip was taken is, that by walking the bridge and timing how long it took we were able to apply mathematics to something that could be considered ‘everyday life’. Obviously, I will not be walking the Brooklyn Bridge every day, but what was practiced on this assignment can be used in other places as well. Also I think it was understood that, by mixing the two classes the way they were, it was a great way for people to become acquainted with others. Overall, this was an awesome project for me.

City Tech block: 320 ft/85 sec

Brooklyn Bridge: 3,177.4 ft/844 sec

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