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Public Awareness Campaign: Open Business. Open Source. Open Brief.

Project Brief: 2021 Young Ones Student Awards

The city of New York is looking to develop a city-wide brand-building communications campaign aimed at reaching all New Yorkers, across all boroughs to communicate the new normals for storefront businesses ready to reopen after having to close due to the COVID19. The creative and fun multi-platform, multi-language awareness campaign must educate and inform public requirements for maintaining safe social spaces: i.e. social distancing, masks for all, and special circumstances such as curbside service or shopper limits within stores.


Across the world, small businesses are preparing to re-open. Their challenge is to encourage shoppers to come back while asking them to be cautious. It almost seems like a losing proposition from the get-go but it’s vital to the thousands of local businesses that need to get back to normal levels.

Think of creative ways to encourage shoppers to come back, albeit in a socially responsible manner. It’s up to you to decide what enterprise you wish to solve for. You can choose anything from hairdressers to juice bars, or all the businesses in a city block.



Generate a New York City brand identity for Open Businesses. The campaign elements must have a look that reflects the brand and position of NYC. The campaign should build: awareness, pride, confidence.

Project Requirements

  1. Cultivating creativity β€” Brainstorming, concepts and ideation. Concept Mapping (mind map) & white boarding ideas β€” to help visualize the connections between concepts and ideas. Objective is to organize thoughts and discover new relationships, ideas or concepts.
  2. Developing copy and headlines. Develop a title for the project exploring three different styles:
    • Alliteration: tongue twister
    • List of three
    • Contrasting Pair
  3. Mood board and at least 9+ thumbnails, concepts and sketches individually in B&W with border.

Project Schedule

Due dates will be announced for each stage:

  • Stage 1 DUE 11/4/20 Research: target audience (community) & strategy. Brainstorm creative strategy: mind map.
  • Stage 2: DUE 11/11/20 Concept development: Develop headlines and copy. Develop sketches and and mood board.
  • Stage 3: DUE 11/20/20 Pitch and Presentation the class. Class votes and assess most successful campaigns pitched
  • Stage 4: DUE: 11/25/20 Students work individually on design and production of selected campaigns, with focused community. In-class work session. One-on-one team meetings to discuss strategy and ideas for campaign. Post design references to class. 
  • Stage 5: DUE: 12/2/20 Campaign design and revisions. Multi-Channel campaign. Post work in progress to class.
  • Stage 6: DUE: 12/18/20 Final presentation ALL WORK DUE


Your final campaign must include:

1. Logo or logotype with tagline β€“ a symbol and a name for the initiative. The design concept must work in black and white, and in various sizes (scale up or down proportionately

2. The logo (symbol, name, tagline), headline and images should be consistent throughout the campaign. 

3. Folder of relevant signage materials that can be sent to stores and used to define a space (both indoor and out). Should include – poster 18β€³wx24β€³h , banner, stickers, brochure and any additional related promotional materials.

4. One print ad: 1-full page 8.5”w x 11”h5. 

5. Identify a web site that would show an ad placement: web page footer / banner ad: 960w x 90h px or 300w x 563h px 

6. Social media campaign

Additional Links and Resources

Project Resources