Here are several links to GOTV Campaigns that are posted on the AIGA Gallery Website that might be helpful to view.

See how I categorized the strategy for each campaign – would you agree?

  • Conceptual
  • Motivational
  • Factual (ex. based on past data?)
  • Informational (ex. providing about ways and dates for voting)

1. VOTE (Voting Conceptual)

2. YOU HAVE A VOICE  (Voting Conceptual)
3. Do Something Now! (Vote Motivational)
4. VOTEVOTEVOTE (Vote Motivational)
5. Leave Your Mark (Voting Conceptual)
6. Missing Piece (Voting Conceptual)
7. Time to Vote (Voting Conceptual)
8. I AM AMERICA, I VOTE (Vote Motivational)
9. Vote 2020 (Voting Informational)
10. Go Vote (Vote Motivational)
11. BE AMERICAN VOTE 03 (Voting Informational)
12. Vote by Mail (Voting Informational?)
13. So Vote ((Voting Factual)
14. (Voting Factual)
15. Tiered of the Bull (Voting Conceptual)
16. My Vote Counts (Voting Conceptual)