Class Information

  • Class 1 Date: Wednesday 9/16/20 – Time for lab work. See Topic, Class 1 Lab Work below. Zoom video chat from 2:30-3:30PM.
  • Class 2 – Date Friday 9/18/20 – NO CLASS the College is closed. See Topic, Class 2 below. Complete ‘Activities’ for Week 5.
  • Meeting Information: Details for how to join the Zoom call will be emailed to you. Please email me if you do not receive this information.

To-Do Before Class

Review last weeks Lecture >> Activities/Lectures&Lessons/Lecture1-Communication Design

Topic & Agenda

Class 1 – Lab Work (Weds 9/16/20):

  1. Finalize your pitch presentation for next Wednesday 9/23/20: come up with a defined target community and a clear messaging strategy for the ‘Get Out the Vote’ campaign. If you are presenting in a group connect with each other. See details here for putting together your pitch Project1 – Stage 1, 2, & 3 – The Pitch>> Activities/Projects&Assignments/Assignment2
  2. Develop a mood board as it relates to your defined target community. What is a Mood Board? See details here>> Activities/Lecture&Lessons/Lecture3 – Mood Board
  3. Project specifications for Campaign: Find details here: AIGA’s website

Class 2 – NO CLASS this Friday 9/18/20, the College is closed.

  1. Presentations (Next Wednesday 9/23/20)


  1. DUE Friday 9/18/20 Sign Up. Each of you will be asked to create a five-ten minute presentation of a noted designer. >>Activities/Projects&Assignments/Assignment3
  2. DUE: Wednesday 9/23/20 Class presentations. Create a post with your team (or individually) showcasing your pitch. Mood boards will also be required (details about that will be posted next week – Week 4 Agenda)
    See details here for:
  3. DUE: Friday 9/25/20: Project 1 – Stage 4 – Concept Sketches for the Get Out the Vote Campaign. Details related to sketch requirements and how to submit will be provided next week.