Class Information

  • Class 1 – Date: Wednesday 8/26/20 – Group Zoom video chat 2:30-5PM
  • Class 2 – Date Friday 8/28/20 – Group Zoom video chat 2:30-3:30PM and then complete β€˜Activities’ listed below.
  • Meeting Information: This week we will meet via Zoom video chat. Details for how to join will be emailed to you. Please email me if you do not receive this information.

To-Do Before Class

Please take this survey to help me better understand your online class needs.


  • Introductions – Welcome!
  • Class requirements and expectations
  • Overview of the main projects for the semester


  • Introductions, review class syllabus, etc.
  • Making sure everyone has the right tools that will enable them to connect. Please see the bottom of this post, to learn more about the resources the College and the COMD department is offering to help you with distance learning (i.e. Computers, Software, High-Speed Internet Connections)


  1. Join the OpenLab and become a member of this course. For details about how to, click here.
  2. Carefully review and become familiar with this site
  3. DUE: Friday 8/28 Respond to the class discussion prompt under β€˜Student Posts/Discussionβ€˜
  4. DUE: Wednesday 9/2 Assignment 1: Critiquing Work – Good or Bad? Successful or Not? See details here >> Activities/Projects/Assignment1

Additional Resources

CityTech and COMD are working to secure the following in the coming days.

  1.  There are 127 iMacs that can be loaned out to students on a need basis.  
  2. Students can also request new Apple MacBook Airs. There are only 30 of them and they are specifically for COMD.  
  3. Loaner devices can be requested here:
4. Students (Learn Anywhere) – Virtual City Tech – City New York City College of Technology (City Tech) is the designated college of technology of The City University of New York, currently offering both baccalaureate and associate degrees, as well as specialized certificates. New York City College of Technology serves the city and the state by providing technically proficient graduates in the technologies of the arts, business, communications, health and engineering; human services and law-related professions; technical and occupational education; and liberal arts and sciences
5. Technology Resources – Learn Anywhere – Virtual City Tech – City New York City College of Technology (City Tech) is the designated college of technology of The City University of New York, currently offering both baccalaureate and associate degrees, as well as specialized certificates. New York City College of Technology serves the city and the state by providing technically proficient graduates in the technologies of the arts, business, communications, health and engineering; human services and law-related professions; technical and occupational education; and liberal arts and sciences

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