Homework #4

imageIn today’s society, the food one eats can communicate status. If one can afford to eat at high end restaurants, then one is indirectly saying to others that they are financially well off. For example, If I were invited to a gathering and were served caviar, I’d know that who ever is hosting has suffiecent funds to be able to supply this costly food. I view caviar as a sign of social significance. Caviar isn’t necessarily a food for those who are well off, but because I come from a background that doesn’t eat foods like this, I categorize it as so. I’m sure the king in the expert was served Caviar at some point. While watching the short clip, I noticed how many servants he had, which is completely absurd. However, many would agree that someone with such ranking should be served as he did. Food has always, and will always, communicate status.

Food makes multiple statements

Food is what brings any and everyone together. Food is used to celebrate big events such as weddings or holidays to everyday gatherings with your family for dinner. Food communicates texture, taste & smell. Food has a significance for even small things. I’m sure in each culture there is a special food you eat on a certain holiday or certain time of year. When people have parties or events is usually when you can see a person’s social status. The type of food a person chooses to have at their event and how much food they have definitely gives a social statement. Food can affect the mood for people. I know when I think of food it makes me smile and happy. This was a delicious salmon I had with a mixed green salad & pineapple salsa.



Cheyenne Acosta: If your cake isn’t 10 feet tall, you can’t sit with us.

That excerpt was amazing to watch. So many people needed to put together a 3 course meal for one person! Just handing the King his bread took 3 people to pass it down. That was unnecessary. Well, in our society I think a good example of measuring status by food is at weddings. I’m in the middle of planning my own December wedding, so this is the first thing that popped into my head! I think the height of a wedding cake is a very good count of status. The bigger/higher the wedding cake equates to the number of guests you have. The more people at your wedding, the more well-known you are. I mean, that’s the general idea. For example, I recently came across an article of a famous Hong Kong singer/actress by the name of Angela Yeung having a $31 million wedding! Her cake had a carousel in it! A carousel! Yeung had 2,000 guests! I don’t know that many people. She beat out even Kim Kardashian’s wedding! While I’ll probably only have a wedding cake that’s a foot tall because I’ll only have about 30 guests. So, I can conclude that your wedding cake height is equal to your status in society.


Lavish: Actress, singer and model, Angelababy, married leading actor Huang Xiaoming, in an elaborate wedding in Shanghai last week


Food can set the mood for any occasion. Usually it puts people in a very good mood.  Who doesn’t like to eat?? Cakes are one hot item that can set the mood for many occasions. Who doesn’t love cake, especially when its decorated for the occasion on hand. Cakes are usually the center piece of every occasion. Weddings, birthdays, business related, bridal showers, promotions. Cakes are one item worth celebrating for.




Homework #4

So many people to serve one man dinner. Every detail was planned out and each one of those details were delegated to a different person. Having that many servants is an obvious sign of the level of power the king has.

In our time servants and food are still a communication status, as well as a feeling. In a social environment things like lobster, caviar and steak are representations of the rich, whereas burgers and fried chicken are more for people in the ghetto. This is something that is based on not only by price and quality but society.

When a person wants to have a party and show off what they have or give off an impression of status, food is simple way representing that. Having a special event with the right setting at a hall or some sort of venue, the food offered is a representation of yourself. You are hand picking what you want to offer others and to show them the quality of life you enjoy. Would you like for people to see you as the filet mignon person or the burger and fries person?



Homework 3-Texture

imageTexture in food is the second most important thing about a dish besides taste.Texture is everything when it comes to appearance.You see the dish you are about to eat and you hope it will be soft, moist , crunchy, however that specific item should taste.If the texture is wrong ,so is the taste of the dish.For instance this salmon dish , it had the perfect texture.It wasn’t hard,it had the right color and flavor to go along with it.The vegetables ontop just added more color and height to it.

Homework #3

Texture in foods are varied; different foods have different texture, some are soft, some are hard and some are in between. I guess texture is a big part of cooking because you have to cook different things in many different ways to get them to the right texture for eating. I frankly don’t enjoy soft, mushy foods…if something gets too soft in my mouth while chewing I throw up (weird)…I’m so not looking forward to getting old because I don’t think I would like eating mushy foods. This past weekend I baked and iced cupcakes for the first time in my life (Yay me). The cupcake itself was soft, spongy and moist. The buttercream icing was silky smooth and sweet, the sugar and sprinkles gave the dessert a little crunch. Here’s a look at my delicious cupcakes. 🙂


Ahmet D. Homework #3

When the texture of food comes out, there are color, size, presentation, taste and so many other things. Texture of food reminds me a eggplant all the time, eggplant can be used for the most rich dishes, it taste very rich when it cooks. People usually put some salt on it before they cook it to lower the amount of fat absorb during cooking. A couple weeks ago, me and my classmates prepared an eggplant dish, and I’ve heard from some students that they never liked the eggplant before. Once we finished the cooking, it was the time for tasting. All the dishes looked very tasty. We all tasted our dish and everybody liked it. The taste, the feeling in the mouth, the presentation was perfect.



Pancakes & Fruit

Texture is very important when taking pictures of food. Without texture the picture seems to be very plain and doesn’t give it a realistic look.Some of the best photographers add texture to there photos. In the picture below is mu breakfast and I added some extras on the plate to get some texture. I added the syrup and that is what really gives the picture some texture. It looks as if the syrup is 3D. The small detail I added with the strawberries overlapping each other also gives the picture some more texture. Placing a pineapple in the background gives the photo some dimension to it as well. FullSizeRender (1)