Homework #4

So many people to serve one man dinner. Every detail was planned out and each one of those details were delegated to a different person. Having that many servants is an obvious sign of the level of power the king has.

In our time servants and food are still a communication status, as well as a feeling. In a social environment things like lobster, caviar and steak are representations of the rich, whereas burgers and fried chicken are more for people in the ghetto. This is something that is based on not only by price and quality but society.

When a person wants to have a party and show off what they have or give off an impression of status, food is simple way representing that. Having a special event with the right setting at a hall or some sort of venue, the food offered is a representation of yourself. You are hand picking what you want to offer others and to show them the quality of life you enjoy. Would you like for people to see you as the filet mignon person or the burger and fries person?

