I think that Robert Frank’s photographs are artistic. They are some sort of a metaphor of the relationship between one individual and whole nation. To him, artistic is simple. In his works, Frank tries to bring out the idea of one person being a buidling block of the society and how one could relate to a country as a whole. His themes consist of ordinary and lonely people, politics and religion. Robert Frank’s goal is to figure out what the world is like so he uses the photography to share his personal vision with others.
Tag Archives: Homework
hw # 9 Robert Frank
Stefania Koziolek
hw #9
“The Americans âby Robert Frank is regarded as one of the most influential photographic project of the 20th century.It consisted of 83 black photographs from his journey which showed a different America.When I first saw work from âThe Americans â I could make no sense of it. It wasn not artistic at all. It showed view of American society. How American people used to see themselves in their country. Frank’s subjects weren’t necessarily living the American dream of the 1950s: They were factory workers, black passengers in the trains. Making a bold attempt to indicate the direction in which America is heading in the second half of the 1950s, Frank goes beyond the traditional canons of photographic documentation. On the pages of the album draws a portrait of two-faced photographer of the American public. Economic growth, consumerism and higher demographic, which in America became the foundations for the shallow optimism of the Decade of the 1950s, have been compiled with images of past bitter face of America. Rising social tensions, the collapse of authority figures and national symbols, as well as departure from the Christian values-this turned out to be the fate of America in the 1960s, in which Frank tried to warn people.In my opinion it is not really artistic. However, I like them. We can see how much America changed since that time. Franks’ photographs photograph’s has inspired a lot of photographers across all genres.
hw #8
Before I read article â Robert Capa: In Love and Warâ I was confused if  the photo being staged or real. His argumentsconvicted me that this photograph is not staged.In my opinion it was not staged but However , I think Robert Capa knew the decisive moment. . I find the arguments convincing that this photograph is not fake.First of all , The way the character in the picture is seen falling makes sense as if he was getting shot in the back. His pose looks like he got shotThe only problem that makes me a little suspicious is the background in this picture, which look very calm. It doesn’t look like war background From the beginning  the photo of a soldier’s death aroused controversy. This photo shows the heroic, but the tragic death. This photo became the biggest symbol of the local war. it mad Robert Capa very famous photographer
“Falling soldier” is one of the most famous war photographs.
Reminder: HW #8 is due Monday 12/7 and short list for Final
Please remember to submit your posts to the latest homework on Robert Capa’s infamous photo “Death of a Loyalist Soldier” 1936. Also look under the slide lists section (under the ARTH Class Files tab above) for the short list to the final exam. The exam format is the same as the midterm. To refresh your memory, you can look at the format under ARTH Class Files too.
Homework #8 is due by Monday December 7th.
The final exam is on Monday December 21st at 11:30 am.
hw #6
John Gunter said “All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast”. I can truly agree with it.Iove breakfasts especially on weekends when I can eat my breakfast with my family. We can all sit down together and eat without rush.Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. People often forget about morning meal, not reflecting on the fact that it is the most important of all. Breakfast provides strength and energy for the whole day and it also improves mood.A lot of people do not eat breakfast because they eat late dinner. Sometimes they don’t have time in the morning to prepare a good healthy breakfast.
However, morning meal should contain all the necessary nutrients, so it must be varied and consist of a variety of products.First of all, you should take care that the breakfast included complex carbohydrates, which gently increasing the levels of blood sugar and provide energy for hours and make it for a long time the body functions efficiently.
In my opinion,American’s breakfasts are a little bit sweet. Pancakes , waffles reminds me about dessert not breakfast . What really surprised me in this country? Pancakes for breakfast, especially pancakes with bacon. In my country, we eat pancakes at dinner with many various toppings such us cottage cheese , fruits .It taste a little bit different.Every country has different culture and food style. Like they say One man`s meat is another man`s poison.
Ahmet D. HW:6
In my culture, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We spend some time with breakfast in my country. Breakfast gives you the most energy, lots of vitamins, and helps your body to start working immediately. When I have my breakfast before I leave home, I am always so happy and more energic. Each culture has different ways to prepare and eat breakfast. When I first came to the US, I was totally shocked. People eat bagels, croissant, pancakes, waffles, even steak with some eggs. I still do not find any of these right. It is easy, and simple. I believe in there is no breakfast culture in American culture. Breakfast is a quick snack for children, created by busy parents in the US. I think breakfast is the one of the keys to success in education, business or personal life.
Hw #4
Food is the most important thing in our  life.Without it, the living organisms could not function. For many people, food is also an described pleasure, ritual that accompanies mankind since its inception.Our life, faith, tradition for centuries, focused around food and the table.Nowadays, we often forget that eating meals is a ritual, part of the tradition.
The table has always been a place to meet, talk, exchange ideas. Common supper, not only on holidays, was the basis for the functioning of many families,regardless of their social status. Now rigid working hours each of the household often do not allow for the survival of the common. Often meals are eaten quickly and without having to pay attention to what you like. However, I think food brings people together. Tradition dictates eating meals together with your loved ones, these daily and receptions suchus wedding ,communion, birthdays etc. I used to work as a server in catering company and I noticed that food can communicate status at parties especially weddings. People like to show off , spent a lot of money. Many people forgot what is the purpose of this kinds of events. It’s not about how much money you spent it’s all about how wonderful time you can have with your relatives.People should not give up so so simple and meaningful traditions , it gives you the ability to create close relationships with people.
Reminder: Midterm on Monday Oct 26, 2015 at 11:30 am
This is a reminder that the midterm is on Monday October 26th at 11:30 am in class. Please be on time. The midterm is keyed to images, once the exam begins, please do not expect the class to re-start the exam if you walk in very late.
Because there were numerous absences last Monday for an important class on Alfred Stieglitz and his organization the Photo-Secession and Pictorialism to Straight Photography, I recommend that you watch 35 min of The Eloquent Eye, a documentary on Stieglitz. If you missed the last class, you should get notes from classmates that cover the review too.
Come early! Donât forget to review the images from the midterm short list (download from this page), as well as the vocabulary words and terms from earlier slide lists. The exam format and image files are also uploaded under ARTH Class Files on the class website. If you need a reminder of the exam format, please look at it here. There are 4 parts and as noted, part IV â terminology is on processes. You should know basic definitions of the early photographic processes from the early photogenic drawing to gum bichromate process, and be able to discuss basic characteristics (i.e., know that a daguerreotype is a photograph on a metal plate) and their advantages and disadvantages (i.e., i.e., a daguerreotype offers sharp details but is a unique image). To accompany each of your definitions, you must also cite an example of that process.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions. Most importantly, ARRIVE ON TIME Monday!
PS Don’t forget Homework #4 (due midnight 10/26)
hw #2 ARTH1100
Stefania Koziolek
hw # 2
Terri Guillemets said “Coffee is the best thing to douse the sunrise with”. I can absolutely agree with it. Nowadays coffee is one of the most popular drink.Most people enjoy caffeine because of its effects on the brain. It increases dopamine in the brain; it makes us feel good .Throughout the Civil War, coffee was as prevalent on the battlefields
as it is in offices today.Coffee was also an essential part of a Civil War soldierâs routine.
Beyond caffeine cravings, Union troops loved their coffee because it was, literally, the best thing on the menu.I was suprised that soldiers during the Civil War were drinking that much coffee . It’s incredible that ,they made their coffee everywhere, and with everything.
” Coffee was often the last comfort troops enjoyed before entering battle, and the first sign of safety for those who survived”. I understand it ,because I love coffee .I can give up a lot but never coffee . It gives me a lot energy and I just feel better.