Ahmet Degirmenci Food & Photography

I think taking a photograph of the food is a big art. It has showed everybody’s daily life and culture over the years. While the time goes quickly, your need would change as well. People’s need keep changing all the time, so it is always better to taking photographs what was your culture and what it is now. Food plays a big role in cultures. All these photographs will present us in the future. After centuries people will look at the photographs of our food culture and will try to understand how was our eating habits, how healthy we were and how creative we were. Same for us, now we look at the photographs of the food last 50-100 years and figuring out how was their food culture, what was the food like, photographing the food was an art? Photographing the food is an art, just like the producing and presenting the food. I believe who ever takes a photograph of the food, is creating a documentary for future, without knowing it.

Ahmet D.

24 hours at aliena feels like 24 hours at aliena!!!!!!!

After watching this video I was so amazed at so many things one of them would be the pace of these workers were moving it was outstanding to me wishing me and my other classmates in Professor Garcelon class can clean up after class just like them. All of the workers were on there feet cooking, cleaning, serving for 8 hours or more a day is  impressive working as a team to get things done. Another thing that also caught my attention was the decorating that the chefs were doing to the food being patience to make it perfect and also fast as well so the guest can have there food already. The offices upstairs of the restaurant who handles the shipments for food delivery makes a good job taking phone calls and making notes on what the seller has to offer. If I was a health inspector checking up on this restaurant I would most definitely give this restaurant five stars and also an “A” for how hard these employee work to make aliena as perfect as It can be.

Homework 1 “Food is Life!!!!!”

My opinion on food and pictures being taken of food it is phenomenal how it is now a big tread in our lifestyle now and days. There are so many different picture being taken on food each and everyday. “A picture is worth a thousands words” I mean this can be really cheesy to here at times but it is absolutely true knowing how many signs with out even reading a description that you can already see from someone picture whether it is food or not. I personally take photo of food when it is a traditional Mediterranean cuisine that my mom would make occasionally for guest and it would look out standing on the way the food would be set up on the table. Just knowing as well how social media have exposed people art of food on photograph made them very popular for there work like Javier Garcia who takes photos on what he eats weekly having fans of his work from all the way to Ecuador is amazing and I can only imagine what I can also do as well with the technologies we have in social media and the most delicious foods that I eat every day!

Vanessa Campos: Food Photography

From the moment I got my first camera phone, I began to capture moments of my daily life in pictures, including what I ate. Snapping pictures of my food has become an irresistible habit, with the pictures appearing on my social media accounts within minutes. If it’s not on my Twitter account, it will appear on my Snapchat. It’s only a matter of time before my friends comment and ask where I am or mention how appetizing it looks. Somehow, it makes me feel slightly better about swiping my poorly funded debit card. With just one picture and a few friendly comments, the way you appreciate your food increases and makes you want to return to an establishment. Although Food Photography doesn’t seem like an important field or activity, it can easily make anyone’s business boom. Without a doubt, Social media is the most powerful form of advertisement. Art is one of the most popular things shared on these websites. Many people may not consider Food Photography as a serious form of art, but when one takes into account the work that goes into photographing these foods, one makes the realization that the only thing that’s different is the object on the other side of the lens. image

Cheyenne Acosta: What I Think About Food Photography

I’m not the type of person who will update their Facebook status obsessively and constantly. In fact, most of my posts come from Instagram. Instagram is such an easy way to upload a moment so spontaneously. So, being a big foodie that I am, quite a few of my pictures are of food. I’m not necessarily a great photographer, but I like seeing food. I think food photography is so relevant now because it is so aesthetically pleasing to look at. The color, shapes, textures of food will literally make your mouth water. You see your friend post a picture of a Belgian waffle smothered in all types of sweet toppings and you think, “Hey, that looks good. I think I’ll go grab one from Wafles and Dinges, now!” Food photography is a great tool for the food industry. Along with the help of social media, picture of food can be seen anywhere by anyone and from the company’s point of view, it’s like free advertising. To the customer, their cravings and curiosity have been satisfied.  Although some people take it to the extreme like the customer who dined at Alinea Restaurant as mentioned in the New York Times article, “First Camera, Then Fork” by Kate Murphy. As long as people remember that food is supposed to be eaten, savored, and enjoyed by the taste buds and not tapped twice to make a heart appear or watching the numbers go up on a thumbs up, I think food photography can go a long way for the food industry.

Homework #1: Photographing Food

Taking pictures of all types of food is something we see people doing everyday. I never understood why people did this, but I started to gain more interest once I started taking some of my hospitality classes. I started taking pictures of food because it was something new to me that I never had as far as taste and quality. The other reason why I started to take pictures is because of the way the food was presented in the plate. Pamela Hollinger, an independent radio programmer, said that she takes pictures of the food she is eating or the food she finished making and just show it off. I understand the feeling she gets when she receives comments about her postings. I like making food and asking family members their thoughts as far as the visual and taste. I like trying new things out and when it comes to food the visual part is very important since all of us eat with our eyes first. Joe Catterson, the general manager of Alinea restaurant in Chicago, said that there was a man who left his wife sitting on the table because he arrived with the wrong lens. I take pictures once in a while but I’m amazed that some people posts blogs everyday.

Homework 1

In my opinion food photography has become the new thing. Other than taking selfies most people, including myself take pictures of food. French philosopher and gourmand Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin stated in the NY Times article First Camera, Then Fork”, “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are. “I agree with his statement. What a person eats can describe them. Are you into more flavors , showing you like exciting and new things to try, or are you someone who sticks more to the plain dishes, showing you are not always ready for a change. Food photography is not only becoming a common practice for patrons, but for chefs to. Food Photography is a way to show and promote one’s dishes. Carl Rosenberg stated in the article “You have more connection with your food, so it forms a more essential memory of an occasion.” I agree with this comment. The food you photograph is becoming a memory to you. It is telling you how good something may have been , if you enjoyed your time , will you ever recommend it , or will that be a memory of don’t ever go their again. Food photography has become a new obsession, and I wouldn’t be shocked to see more people following on with this trend.

Homework #1: Photographing Food

My Usual: Tony Clifton pizza at Two Boots

My Usual: Tony Clifton pizza at Two Boots

What do you think of the prevalent practice of taking pictures of food. Read the NYT article “First Camera, Then Fork” on people who take pictures of food and then display them online. Taking pictures of food is so common nowadays that the comedian Adam Sacks produced a spoof commercial when the iPhone 5 was released that highlighted food photography. There are numerous tumblr and flickr groups dedicated to food like the flickr “I Ate This.”

Read the “First Camera, Then Fork” NYT article here.

Watch a parody ad of the “iPhone 5” for Food Photography

Share what you think about taking pictures of food, you may post an image if you wish. Also, don’t forget to tag your post.

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See instructions on how to “post” under “Blogging Guidelines” above.

PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR POSTS BY MONDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 2015. Extended to 9/21 due to upcoming holiday closures.