Homework #2

Before reading this article, I never really thought about what soldiers relied on to remain focused during war. The obvious answer would definitely be coffee. Now is it so clear to me why many think that Americans rely so much on it. It traces back to the early times and has remained until now. It’s amazing to read how soldiers fed themselves during these hard times. Many would think that what they consumed is not real food because of what is being eaten now. However, considering the situation they were in, it’s important to remember that they didn’t have many options or opportunity to enjoy something else. Soldiers depended strongly on caffeine to stay energized and focused on the battlefield and couldn’t live without it. Unlike the soldiers, I can live without coffee, but I can’t live without fresh fruit! image

Civil War Soldier’s Diets

The Civil War’s soldiers diet didn’t have much nutrition to it. It definitely shows you how much the times have evolved from what is considered a meal. What I find fascinating about their diet is as time went on they looked for ways to improve things. They started with little to no knowledge about cooking or even being in the kitchen. During those times women were in the kitchen. I found it interesting that they found ways to preserve the meat to make it last longer by adding salt or seasonings. They also found a method to make the bread last longer by drying it after baking. They knew times were difficult during the war so getting the best meals weren’t an option so they had to work within their means. They discovered new ways of cooking and how to cook. Appointing someone to be the skilled cook helps pass on the knowledge to the other soliders. I can’t live without fruit and vegetables.



Tiffany Alphonso: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

After reading the article on the soldiers from the civil war, I will have to say I am fascinated by the great importance of drinking coffee long ago. I am not a born American and I always    wondered why was coffee so important to the Americans. Now I have a better understanding that this culture has been adapted from the history of soldiers and it remained that way. If I had to choose between giving up food or coffee I will choose to give up coffee. Only because I am not a frequent coffee drinker. Coffee do not keep me up or do anything of that nature.  Perhaps,I drink coffee very rarely when I get the urge. However, I  am amazed by the extreme measure of how far soldiers went just to have some coffee. I never imagined coffee would be so highly praised and requested, especially during war. It was not only used to satisfy cravings but it earned the title of being used as a tool for war.In my opinion that idea is the unthinkable. Today I get to look at coffee in a different way,  and I am very enlightened  to have  learnt something new. The American culture appreciates good coffee. Like the slogan, ” America runs on Dunkin” it came from way back in the day and will forever be a favorite.

HW #2

It is actually very interesting to learn that coffee is something soldiers could not live without. Coffee is something I could live without without a doubt. I rarely drink coffee and when I do it just makes me more tired. However, the hardtack that soldiers lived off of everyday seems a bit dry. So, if there was nothing else to drink I understand. Also, for a food product that lasts for over 150 years, I do not think is very healthy to eat. What can I say though, the food I can’t live without is pizza. I can eat pizza everyday if I could. The best is even cold pizza for breakfast the next day!


credit of photo: https://timebusinessblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/pizza11.jpg?w=480&h=320&crop=1

Cheyenne Acosta: Civil War Soldiers Ate Wha-?

I almost pity the soldiers of the Civil War. The food rations they received probably didn’t taste as good as their wives’ home cooked meals. Hardtack seems like a very bland piece of cracker. It’s very hard to believe that hardtack is nutritious in the least. And Matt Anderson, the curator of the Minnesota Historical Society, shows us in the Youtube video shows the viewers a 150 year-old hardtack! I really wonder what they put in that hardtack to make it last so long because the bread I buy at the supermarket grows mold in a matter of weeks. I found it very fascinating that Civil War soldiers had access to coffee and drank it all throughout the entirety of the war. I thought coffee became available to Americans much later in the American history timeline. However, I’m not surprised that many of the soldiers were partial to the caffeinated beverage. Many people become addicted to coffee, myself included. It is a staple food item to start the day with and and an energy giver. I do wonder if the soldiers drank the coffee black or with cream and sugar. I like my coffee both black and light and sweet, depending on my mood. Coincidentally,the one food item I cannot live without is coffee. Specifically Starbucks’ naturally flavored caramel ground coffee. It’s so good, I swear on this stuff.

Homework #2

Ganessha Zubieta                                                                                                                     Arth1100

It’s very attractive how back then during the civil war coffee was important to the soldier because keep them up. Coffee is one of many drink that have a lot caffeine that give a lot of energy and sugar to the body to keep them up. Soldier was drinking a lot of coffee because the civil war was very important to win and they have to be up and try to have all the energy to fight and give everything to win the fight. For me, coffee is fine I’m not those person that have to drink coffee everyday. Coffee for me is something that  doesn’t give me energy or keep me up. But sometime  every 2 month i drink a cup of coffee to have taste in the mouth or  just because I in the mood for cup of coffee when a member of family talk about coffee.

HW# 2

Soldiers during the Civil War had a tough time staying alert on the battlefield after long periods of time. The most fascinating thing about the soldiers during that time is that they couldn’t live without coffee. They would go to any extent to make coffee. In the article published in the New York Times written by Jon Grinspan said that the soldiers would get water from canteens and puddles, brackish bays and Mississippi mud and liquid their horses would not drink just to produce coffee. Coffee was considered a weapon in the civil war and the soldiers would be sent out when they were most caffeinated. Even in today’s world coffee is relied on by many Americans to keep them running throughout the day. Coffee is great especially if you didn’t get enough sleep from the day before and need to be up very early. I for one am a huge Dunkin Dounuts fan and make my Dunkin run every morning just like the soldiers did during the Civil War.



Jorge Lima

Arth 1100


It is fasinating to see the many ways coffee was made during the civil war. Coffee is beverage that contains caffeine and that caffeine is what gives the consumer energy to get through the day. I am also intrigued by the hardtack that was almost impossible chew without dunking it in the coffee. So you can imagine that during the civil war the soilders needed something like coffee to get them through the day and keep them warm. Me personally can get through the day without coffee. It is something that i have to be in the mood for, and it cannot be hot coffee, it must be iced. One food that i cannot live without is avocado. I try my very best to incorporate this into every meal I have. Even breakfast, something like fresh baked bread with butter and avocado and a fresh cup of iced coffee would be ideal.



Hw #1

Jorge Lima

ARTH 1100

Prof. Cheng

Photographing food is something that has trended rapidly. It is a new way to show ones appreciation for food. Photographs capture a moment in time that you want to remember and keep with you to share with others. Food is all about presentation, if the food looks amazing it will attract the customers to want it, the taste of it is the added bonus. It also helps out many of businesses because customers are promoting what and where they ate. Customers are extremely loyal and believe it or not help out the business. Now that photographing food has become so competitive its more than just taking the right picture. Is the lighting right? Did I take the perfect size bite? Can you see my beverage as well? Should I take the picture from an birds eye view? The list goes on and on. Especially now that food blogs have become such a big deal now. There is always a picture of the food with a very descriptive use words so the reader can feel like they have expierenced the food as well. Food photography is art, and always will be.

Homework #2: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

Tintype of federal soldiers enjoying coffee and hardtack. Credit: Heritage Auctions.

Tintype of federal soldiers enjoying coffee and hardtack. Credit: Heritage Auctions.

If you had a choice, which would you give up? Food? Or coffee? Next week, we will look at photography of the Civil War and the difficulties of producing photographs during war. To help better understand the conditions that photographers worked in, this week’s blog topic explores what Civil War soldiers ate and their dependence on coffee. The typical food ration for a Union soldier included small amounts of meat, coffee, and hardtack (what’s hardtack? Look here to find out.) The Union side half-jokingly believed coffee helped fuel their soldiers. Meanwhile, the Confederate South suffered vast food shortages due to strong Union blockades, and resorted to unique recipes (called receipts in the 19th century) to produce coffee substitutes. Read about cooking on the battlefront and the importance of coffee (the word ‘coffee’ appears more frequently than ‘rifle’ or ‘bullet’ in Civil War diaries).

Share what you think is most fascinating about a Civil War soldier’s diet AND post an image of a food item that you cannot live without. You can link to a photo on the web, or take a picture!

Read about what Union soldiers ate at PBS.org.

Read the NYT’s article “How Coffee Fueled the Civil War”