Category Archives: Reflective Photo Journals

Weekly Journal #7

When faced with a real emergency you really hope that you can come out on top of the situation and hopefully do what is needed of you. It is only when you are really in the situation that you will … Continue reading

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Reflective Journal #8

This week has been a very special week for all the College Program (PC) housekeepers because after all these weeks of work we were finally recognized for our hard work. Last Wednesday our leaders prepared a potluck for lunch, we … Continue reading

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Reflective Journal #7

There are practical little things in housekeeping that only a housekeeper can understand. These past weeks I have learned different tasks about the housekeeping department. For example, one of the things that I learned to do is special touches in … Continue reading

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Weekly Photo Journal #7

This week I wanted to talk about my experience as a front desk cashier at Pop Century Resort. The more I get to do my job the more I love it, although it can be very overwhelming at times. I’ve … Continue reading

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Weekly Reflective Journal #6

This week in class we have been making progress in our group project. We decided to make a website about our value resort instead of writing a paper. We will be using because it is free and also very helpful … Continue reading

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Reflective Journal #6

Week six at Disney and it was crazy. I still did not get a chance to go to the parks. The reason being was because I was getting used to the new overnight schedule which is way different from the … Continue reading

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Reflective Journal #5

Week five went by so quick that I have no idea how it is already Sunday. School finally started and the assignments seem like they are going to be really interesting. In my creativity class I met cast members who … Continue reading

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Reflective Journal #4

This is my official fourth week here at Disney. The time passes by so slow yet quick. I started to notice that I forget what day of the week it has been or how much time has passed. I still … Continue reading

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Weekly Journal #6

This week was yet another week that I had been deployed to a new location. It seemed a little strange to me that for two weeks in a row they would send people to work at other locations other then … Continue reading

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Weekly Reflective Journal #5

I started voluntEARing for Give Kids the World Village today. I absolutely loved the experience. I’ve volunteered with children back in NY for a non-profit organization called Spoons Across America. However, this definitely was a slightly different experience. It’s a … Continue reading

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