Reflective Journal #5

Week five went by so quick that I have no idea how it is already Sunday. School finally started and the assignments seem like they are going to be really interesting. In my creativity class I met cast members who know more about Disney that I could think to know. As well as finding out why my chef was shocked about me taking classes, because between my creativity and human resource class no one was from the culinary program. However I am excited to see how my mind will expand as I take these classes and learn on the way how Disney operates. In my human resource class I finally met a few girls from Citytech, which is comforting. It’s like a piece of New York is here and if any of us needs help or just want to hang out we can see each other.

As for my schedule I am worried that if I stay on this schedule I will have to either be at work or classes during my time here. However I looked at my next week schedule and I will be switching to over which will be a new experience for me because I have never worked overnight. I was able to get a glimpse of the cast members who work overnight and they do not play. I am wondering if they are tired and how do they manage working, sleeping and living life. I am nervous to see if I can keep up with them or how long I will be on this schedule for. Also on the days I work I will also be going to school meaning that I will only be able to get 4 hours of sleep the most on those days. I mean one or two days with not a lot of sleep won’t be too bad. I hope. I went again to Disney Springs after our class to get some dinner which was nice to see the night life of Disney springs and explore it a bit more. So I am hoping next week at I will find some time to go to the actual parks and have some fun there.


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