Class Notes for Tuesday 9/9/14

I’m back guys and I sincerely apologize for my absence on 9/11. In any case, these are the class notes for Tuesday 9/9:

Professor Belli has established that minutes be recorded for every class. It’s voluntary, sort of, however everyone is to do it at least once. Professor Belli is now discussing tenure which is status granted to an employee, usually after a probationary period. Indicating that the position or employment is permanent.

She also discussed a variety of other words in which we are to kind of learn and understand the definitions of ANY word that we’re unfamiliar with. Adjunct being another one for me. This is a person associated with lesser status, rank or authority.

The discussion for 9/9 was on an Op-Ed (which means opposite the editorial page) piece from the LA Times, 5/19/2013 “How To Buy Happiness”, the italicized piece directly under the title. This is known as the thesis. We’re analyzing the piece as we reverse/outline. We’ve discussed various segments of a paper such as the conclusion (noun): the final result/answer; counterintuitive (adj): counter to what intuition would lead one to expect. ex: The direction we had to follow was counterintuitive. We had to go North before we went South. We discussed what a colon (:) is. It’s a prerequisite to a definition, list, or explanation. We’ve established that a complete sentence has to have a subject and a verb. It means it’s an independent (self-sufficient; stands alone) clause. Now independent clause vs. a dependent clause ex:(because I run, I am tired: However, with a colon(:), you may insert a dependent clause (incomplete sentence or phrase after a colon) ex: I learned today about thermodynamics: Now I tell you what I’ve learned.

Other components of a paper are the fact that it’s formulaic (meaning a specific formula is required); Summarizing (taking the main idea(s) of an entire text (paraphrase); Quotation marks. We’re reviewing how paramount objectivity is in summarizing a piece. Also discussing concisely pulling out “the main point” of a particular paragraph in the “How To Buy Happiness” piece.

The three components in writing/rhetoric:

1) Pathos: The opposite is apathy (no feelings). Pathos is appealing to the (emotion).

2) Logos: An appeal to someone’s brain. A rational appeal to the (logic)

3) Ethos: (Ethics)

All writing is an exercise in persuasion. A visceral reaction: Actually feel it in your body. Pathos: of evoking feeling of pity or compassion.

1st person: I, me, we, us

2nd person: you, your, etc.

3rd person: it, them, they, his, hers, etc.

We’ve attempted to summarize the first two paragraphs; Professor Belli posed the question; What would one do with $1 million under your mattress and not bedbugs OMG!!! “There are bedbugs on the subway, have you heard?”. Anyway if this were to happen, then  this would happen (the possibility that). Commodious: Comfortable

5th prgh: Define: (Diligently, paradox)… But/However

Fundamental  assumptions: Basic conclusions or feelings about.

6th prgh: Supporting those fundamental assumptions in prgh 5.

7th prgh: Sacrificing for a selfish endeavor is counterintuitive.

Prghs 8 & 9: Spending on others brings more joy.

Prghs 10 & 11: Doing for others gains you the experience of true happiness.

Prghs 12 & 13: Treating others brings more satisfaction.

Prgh 14: How we use money matters more than how much we have.

HW Assignment due 9/11

“How To Buy Happiness” Archive #3/500 words minimum. Start thinking about the connections in summarizing. Go back to the article, particularly the 1st paragraph.

9/2/14 Class notes Vocab

Adjective- Describing something
Noun- person, place, thing
Verb- action
Adverb- describes verbs, adjectives, (usually ends with LY)
Concise (adj) – Short getting to the point
Distill (v) – filter
Reductive (adj) – reducing too much
Prominent (adj) – noticeable
Inalienable (adj) – something that cannot be transferred
Municipal (adj) – local self government
Bastion (verb) – a projecting part of fortification
Gentrifies (adj) – upgrading cities/town that were once slums
Hailed (v) – to salute or greet
Correlation (n) – a parallel relationship
Turbulence (n) – disturbance
Systematically (adj) – affecting the entire body
Blissful (adj) – Extreme happiness
Manic (adj) – affected or marked
Nuance (n) – settle distinctions b/w things
Qualify (v) – to limit, add more information
Renounced (v) – to be known of
Pioneering (adj) – first person
Behest (n) – a command or direct
Objectively (n) – Unbiased facts
Bias (n) – not having an opinion
Indifferent (adj) – without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic
Apathetic (adj) – having or showing little or no emotion
Subjectively (adj) – belonging to the thinking subject rather than tothe object of thought
Aesthetic (adj) – attractive