Category: Intro (Page 1 of 9)

Time Capsule:Jose

To future me, I would like to imagine that you passed all of your courses comfortably, while also finding out if this is also the field that you really want to do for yourself. By the time I’m reading this, I will be settled down and not in such a confused and strange situation that I’m currently due to the recent incidents that have taken place in the world. I will face many challenges during this semester due to so many things going on outside of college, work, my past studies which will hopefully lead to me by the time I’m reading this, to have gotten one of Airframe or Powerplant licenses, as my original career path was to become an Aircraft Maintenance Technician. It just becomes a challenge due to me having to focus on every single thing that I do, and it’s not always as easy as you make it seem in your head. The actions that I will take in order to try and be as successful as I can in all my future endeavors will be based on dedication, and the will of wanting to take in as much knowledge so that I can be the best that I can be, come the time I read this again. Everything takes time, especially success, it doesn’t come instantly, which is why I chose the image below. Continue reading

Peer Review, Essay 1: Group Assignments

Below are the assigned groups for our Education Narrative. You should review only the students in your group. Names without links have yet to upload their narrative. Check back to see if they have uploaded their work! I’ll update the links as they come in.

Instructions for the three points you should comment on are here: Essay 1 Peer Review Instructions: The Education Narrative

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

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