Yaritza Burgos: Education Narrative

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  1. Julio Falero

    What is the story about? This story is about how valuable education is and that you have to work hard to be successful. Her mother and aunt wanted her to me successful because their poor choices prevented them from graduating High School. Also appreciate school because it’ll make your life better in the future. She also made a promise to herself to always make use of her time and that hard work always pays off. Their are always challenges in front of you and it’s up to you to push forward. Gaining knowledge is key in life, the more you have the better and that you could be a role model for others.

    Then, discuss why you like this section? The sentence I like what Yaritza said was “Ever since I was little, I made a promise to myself to always get my work done on time, graduate, do well and go as far as I could with my education”. I like this sentence because I have also had this experience when I was little.

    One Question I have about the story is do you believe that one knowledge comes easier to others or that you would learn the same way but faster?

    • Yaritza Burgos

      I believe that one knowledge comes easier to others because Every student is different. students learn and understand differently than others.

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