Learning how to utilize Office Hours is a crucial part of your college experience. During office hours, you can speak with me about questions you have for this course, about assignments or expectations, to receive extra feedback on assigned work, and any other course related issues you may have.  Note: you do not get extra credit or extra “points” for coming to office hours. You do get extra advice on work or time to discuss course matters.

In a traditional in-person class, the office hours are conducted in my office. With the pandemic making this no longer an option,  “virtual office hours” are being offered in two ways:

  1. On Tuesdays (11 am-noon) and Thursdays (11:45 am-12:45 pm) I will post links to reach me live on Zoom. Remember, these will be available to all students in the three courses I teach, so you may not be the only student present in the Zoom room.
  2. Email me anytime: jsears@citytech.cuny.edu.  Between Monday and Friday, I respond every day and fairly quickly between 9 am and 5 pm. On evenings and weekends, I check my email less frequently, but I check. You can email anytime! However, if you are emailing me about an assignment, do not wait until the night before to ask a question. You will be expected to turn work in on time, even if I haven’t answered an email you might have sent at the very last minute.