Fatoumata: Educational Narrative Unit 1

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  1. Anaya Massiah

    Fatou’s story is about her process of adapting to the way Covid-19 has changed the education system and how it’s made her a better learner. In the beginning, Fatou expresses how devastated she was when the city went on lockdown. She had so many plans for the rest of senior year, and she felt like Covid-19 had taken everything away from her, even maybe her future. Fatou even considered giving up on college, but she pulled herself together, adapted to the sudden change of learning environment, and even learned a few life lessons from the experience.

    I really like the part where Fatou talks about when she was unsure about college and how she motivated herself to go through with it because that’s exactly how I felt about starting the semester too. I knew that working from home would be extremely uncomfortable for me, but I said to myself in the wise words of Fatou, “I need to get up and continue my journey.” That line really made me think about my future and the time I would have been wasting if I had taken a leap year.

    One question I have is about when you adapted to the challenges of remote learning. When and how did you finally get used to remote college? How did you feel?

  2. Maurine

    Fatoumata Magiraga story is about how Covid 19 in the beginning effect her relationship with education. She had so much plans on her mind that she could’ve done and wanted to do during high school and before she attended college. Due to this pandemic none of those thoughts came true. She felt very unmotivated and stressed about Covid that she even considered second thoughts of not attending college. Towards the end she pulled it through and realizes she can’t give up because of the successful life she wants in the future.

    The sections that stands out to me the most is “I know it is harder for me to learn because I am a visual learner so since I’m not face to face with my teachers I am not able to learn the way I want to learn” I truly agree with this because online for me is boring I would sleep, get distracted and be bored while doing online lessons. I am more engaged in a classroom because it’s in front of me, way better than a computer screen .

    One question that I have is how long did it take for you to realize you didn’t want to give up? As in months, days or weeks since we all went through quarantine.

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