Awa: Education Narrative

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  1. Lensky

    What is the story about? The story is about a girl name Awa who use to live in small village who moved to the capital of her country named Darkar. Once she had move her aunt brought her to a french school to get a education. At first it was hard for her but when time went by she started getting the gist of learning how to read, and write so she started passing all her classes. 5 years later she graduated middle school and move to the New York to finish the her education.

    Record one sentence or section that you particularly liked reading? One section i liked reading was when her “Aunt brought her to french school”. The reason why i picked this because she move to another side of her country and learn French and also learned how to read and write so once she moved to the U.S she already had a full understanding on reading and writing.

    One question i would like to ask is was it easy to learn French or English?

  2. Awa Lo

    Learning french was more harder than learning English because for french there are a lot of rule you need to follow.

  3. Kiera U.

    In her essay, Awa talks about her life in her home country. There, women were taught to focus on being homemakers and the closest they got to education was learning the Quran. It wasn’t until she moved from her small village to the capital of her country that she realized how different education being taught in school was from what they taught her back in her village. She eventually emigrated here to NYC to finish her education which she did while working. She is now a proud, independent and educated woman. (You go girl!)

    The sentence that really resonated with me was “I learned that it’s never too late to get education no matter what age you have you still can get an education”. I can personally relate to this because I graduated high school a few years ago and am just now returning to school.

    I don’t really have a question for Awa but I would like to say that I find your story and determination admirable and inspirational. You’re one of the most active people in our math class and you’re always so eager to participate. I’m very happy that you got to experience education outside of your village. Also, this has nothing to do with this topic but I like your accent.

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