Author: Lensky (Page 1 of 3)

  • What questions you have for the Unit 3 Assignment: At this moment i have no questions
  • The genre you are  planning to explore: I’m be exploring Magazine style article

Lensky: Project Proposal, Unit 3

What I hope to teach my audience is what Martin Luther King stood by and how you should never give up on your dreams, continuing chasing even if times get hard. The audience that i am trying to reach are the people who don’t believe in change. I am going to read articles from magazines and take technique notes about the articles.

The quote from my unit 2 research that inspired me the most was,King believed that nonviolent resistance worked best in democratic nations, where there is freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly.”  This quote inspired me because it shows me that violence doesn’t need to be used for everything to change. The source i got my quote from: KNIGHT, TIMOTHY A., and RUFUS BURROW JR. “Martin Luther King Jr.’s Doctrine of Nonviolence and South Africa.” Western Journal of Black Studies,


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