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BRIC: Reflection

20141008_130026 20141008_124914The trip to the BRIC Art Museum was a fun experience. There was a variety of unique art. On one wall it was filled with what looked like hair or thread from but up close you could see it was really thin strands of wire tangled together. We also got to see real live studios and how dark or small they were plus the green screen. One piece of art was this little room dedicated to a woman with videos/ pictures of her on the walls while there was a fake 3D body of her in the center of the room. It was kind of creepy. I also like this portrait of a lady with dreads and it looks like it was colored with pencil and highlighter.


Juxtaposition- Adjective

Juxtaposition Definition- The act of placing two things side by side to create a comparison between the two.

Location of the Definition:

I encountered this word when being given the assignment of city limits in class that is due the 20th of October. The way I understand the word Juxtaposition is when I think about the poor and the rich when placing both side by side they contrast each other really well and show off the differences in their lifestyles.

My Walk Through Brooklyn

I decided to take my walk in the general direction of the waterfront. So, as you leave campus through the Jay street entrance, make a right, and go straight until you see the first street to the city and family court. Instead of crossing, make another right and head straight up that street where all of the loading trucks usually park. Cross the 2 sets of streets that hold what seem to be home to the main traffic of the entire borough. Keep straight by the post office until you reach Columbus park. Head down towards the Borough Hall station, or the Barnes and Noble down that way. Once you get the chance to, cross the street with a right turn. Walk straight down past all of the old looking homes and storefronts lined with green trees. A few blocks down you should be passing a court made of white slab, contrasting against the old brownstones around it. After another 5 minutes or so you should be at my destination, the waterfront. From here, you can see Manhattan’s southern skyline. This is where my cities juxtaposed. The view of Manhattan without the Trade Center that I KNOW was there, and a view where I knew it was not. It was sort of an empty experience, since ever seeing the trade center was always a blur. I remember it being there but over time I mostly remember it not being there. Two cities clashing and coexisting at one point.

Project #1 Reflection process

I believe that offering feedback to my peers will guide them and provide them with new ideas in the process. The constructive criticism is what will help them with a successful finish product. By reading their work I was able to point out mistakes that they would have never seen. Having a fresh set of eyes on your work helps to reveal all the hidden errors that the writer themselves would pass over. From this peer feedback I am able to learn more about some of my classmates and see the kind of person they are. With this knowledge, it will be easier to take on any future assignments because I know who I am working with.