Category Archives: Glossary



Melancholy- a sad mood or feeling

I came across this vocabulary word in the article ” A literary visitor strolls from the airport”. It states, “.. Mr. Self, who is unusually tall and very thin and has a long melancholy face that he once described as looking like a bag of genitals…..” From the text it came from, I determined that it isn’t a positive word that people may use often to describe an individual. Once I found the meaning of the world, I was able to picture the typical expression that Mr. Self may always have on. With this in mind, the actions that he takes on further in the passage makes more sense because I have more of an understanding of who this man is.


Ombudsmen - Noun

Definition: a government official who hears and investigates complaints by private citizens against other officials or government agencies.


Encounter: I encountered this word when I reading “The Boston Photographs”.

Understand: The word ombudsmen is appearing in Nora Ephron’s scribble “The Boston Photographs“. The word is using differently while the Ephron said “For the last five years, the Washington Post has employed various journalists as ombudsmen, whose job is to monitor the paper on behalf of the public” which is a different meaning from the definition of ombudsmen. The definition of ombudsmen is referring to government officials, however, ombudsmen in the quote that is referring to a person (not government official) who will monitor the behalf of the public. In that sentence, I can see the word ombudsmen can be referred to two different types of people.


Juxtaposition: noun

Definition:  the act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side; also  :  the state of being so placed.


I found this word from my project#2 overlapping New York direction handout. This word is very important in my project#2 because I Need to use this word to describe the location.

Now, I understand this word: In the same place with different angle to observe, it will have different feel  this is called juxtaposition.



Converge: Verb

Definition: To move toward one point and join together : to come together and meet.

Source form

I think I can encountered this word when I want to meet my friend at some where. I also knew this word from my science class. For example, “Everything that rises must converge.” by – Flannery O’Connor

Now I am understand this word from the passage, Even from age of Renaissance people can even express them self with art and illustration, they can see the meeting point of our view to the vanishing point of the deeper meaning of the art. Its a comparison of the distance and how much we understand.


Ambiguous- Adjective

Ambiguous Definition- When something is not defined clearly.

Location of the definition-

I encountered this word during the first few classes in Professor’s Spevack’s Way’s of Seeing class. When thinking of the word Ambiguous I think of things that aren’t easily defined such as when looking at a drawing or picture whose contrast of black and white are 50/50 and make it hard to distinguish what I’m truly looking at.

Tawdry (Glossary Entry)

Tawdry (adj.) – cheap and gaudy in appearance or quality


This word came from the reading of The Boston Photographs at the bottom of page 58 when the sentence starts off “A tawdry way to sell newspapers,” referring to one of the many letters in response to the pictures taken by Stanley Forman. The definition of the word in this sentence helps me understand that the way he used to help sell the newspapers was basically uncivil or corny.



Voyeur- a person who gets sexual pleasure from secretly watching other people having sex

I came across this word in the text ” Barney Collier’s book” during class. It states, ” You could have had some award winning photographs of her underpants as her skirt billowed over her head, you voyeurs”. By observing context clues, I new it was not a positive term or something that was looked down upon in society, especially considering the circumstances it was used in. After researching this word it was clear that i was something that is inappropriate in the moment it may have taken place. This isn’t a word that I would generally see in any other text. But it does clearly get the point across with emphasis.



Juxtaposition- Adjective

Juxtaposition Definition- The act of placing two things side by side to create a comparison between the two.

Location of the Definition:

I encountered this word when being given the assignment of city limits in class that is due the 20th of October. The way I understand the word Juxtaposition is when I think about the poor and the rich when placing both side by side they contrast each other really well and show off the differences in their lifestyles.

Glossary entry

Perspective (noun)

definition: the technique or process of representing on a plane or curved surface the spatial relation of objects as they might appear to the eye; specifically :  representation in a drawing or painting of parallel lines as converging in order to give the illusion of depth and distance


encounter: I’ve been reading this book called spoiler alert: “John Dies at the End” by David Wong. I wont’ go too much into detail in case anyone else wants to read it ,but the main character and his friend John end up taking a drug called “soy sauce” and it lets them see and do things no normal human being  should be able to. Their whole view or perspective on life mainly theirs takes a huge shift.

I’m sure we’ve all heard, read and seen this word before and have a pretty good idea of what it means without looking it up in the dictionary. As an artist perspective is very important not only yours but other peoples perspective of your work.

Glossary Entry #3: juxtaposition

 juxtaposition (Noun):
an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.

I encountered this word in our guideline paper for project #2. In the project, we are expected to have a better understanding of the word in our writing, so i thought this would be a good word to search up on for some who struggle about the word. judging by the definition of the word, we are expected to make comparisons about the places we walked around and how we can describe them compared to “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead. Now that i searched up the definition, i have a better understanding of what is expected in the project and what we have to do to meet the expectation.