Category Archives: Glossary


Palsied - Noun

Definition: paralyzed; unable to move or control certain muscles.


Encounter: I encountered this word when I reading the “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead.

Understand: I translated this word again, and it is a medical term. The word palsied is being used while Coslon Whitehead wrote “My first City memory is of looking out a subway window as the train erupted from the tunnel on the way to 125th Street and palsied up onto the elevated tracks”. In this sentence, palsied is being used like palsy which is unable to move. The train is stuck on the elevated tracks is the true meaning that Coslon Whitehead wanted to express. The word helped me to understand some medical term can be express into different meaning or to exaggerate sentences.




Clairvoyance- entry 2


Clairvoyance (noun)- the power or faculty of discerning objects not present to the senses; ability to perceive matters beyond the range of ordinary perception

This word depicts a person analyzing something (In this case a work of art) in a deeper perspective. The have to look past the obvious and take a minute to read in between the lines. I encountered this particular vocabulary word in the text ” Ways of seeing” by John Berger, as well as the short video we viewed in class. I don’t believe we have yet to come across this word, however it will make things much easier in understanding what is being said.


Aesthetic - adjective

Definition: of, relating to, or dealing with aesthetics or the beautiful

I found this word while re-reading the guidelines for ENG1101 project#1  on Monday September 15, 2014. However, this word was first introduce on class Monday September 8, 2014 on the handout for Project#1:Introducing Yourself. It can be found in the bottom page, in the requirement for this project: use new vocabulary (especially the word aesthetic) properly.

After reading the hangout and looking up the definition of the word I believe the word aesthetic is referring in how creative the work is being done or presented.





Glossary Entry: Converge

Converge: Verb

Definition: To move toward one point and join together : to come together and meet.

Source form

I think I can encountered this word when I want to meet my friend at some where. I also knew this word from my science class. For example, “Everything that rises must converge.” by – Flannery O’Connor

Now I am understand this word from the passage, Even from age of Renaissance people can even express them self with art and illustration, they can see the meeting point of our view to the vanishing point of the deeper meaning of the art. Its a comparison of the distance and how much we understand.



Shrine – Noun

Definition: A building or other shelter, often of a stately or sumptuous character, enclosing the remains or relics of a saint or other holy person and forming an object of religious veneration and pilgrimage.


Encounter: I encountered this word when I watching Ways of Seeing in the class at Wednesday 9/10/14.

Understand: I translated this word into Chinese, I knew every word in Chinese, so once I translated I can easily understand. However, memorizing the word is difficult for me. Example of using the word: While John Berger using the word shrine in “Way of Seeing”, he said the picture is like “a relic in a holy shrine”. In this sentence, shrine is being used as a holy place, that the picture is being forgotten or ignored in the shrine. The word helped me to understand art can be interpreted in different way in different place at “Way of Seeing”. The atmosphere of a place will change people viewing the art differently.





Shrine - Noun

Definition: Of or pertaining to the study of the mind and emotions in relation to the sense of beauty.


Encounter:  I encountered this word in the class at Monday 9/08/14 when Professor Rosen talking about it. Professor Rosen had explained to us how the words related to art, how we can sense the beauty in art to help us develop a new concept how we can view and interpret art differently. The word aesthetic related to our project#1 known as the “Way of Seeing”, because we can also discover and see differently if we enhance our aesthetic skill.

Understand:  I translated this word into Chinese, it said is the level and the way how you sensing the beauty.


Glossary Entry #1: Distort

Distort (Verb) : to twist awry or out of shape; make crooked or deformed

source of definition:


I encountered this word on Wednesday presentation of “Ways of seeing”, as the guide was talking about how we as people view art in different perspectives, weather its because of the color and mood it gives us, or the unique use of  normal or distorted shapes used to make up the image. When he uses the word distort, he talks about it upon the perspective of the painting that was viewed to us. He asks what do these distorted shapes make us feel, or how we view the picture and the message it gives off to the viewer.

Example of Distort:

Distortion of words in adobe photoshop

Distortion of words in adobe photoshop



Gilt-Noun and at times a adjective

Definition- It refers to having a thin layer of gold or something that resembles a golden color. It can also be used to refer to a young female swine.

Where I found the definition of Gilt:

I Discovered this word when I saw it on the list of definitions

The way I understand this word is by thinking of fake jewelery that resembles gold. That piece of jewelry is actually metal with a gilt coating.