Category Archives: ENG1101



Defintion: a biofuel based on alcohol which may be combined with petrol for usein vehicles.

The word was found in the New York Times Online Newspaper on Thursday November 25,2014. The word is used in the first and second paragraph  The word is used in these sentence”Many of our activities are in the clean and green space. One of our most important activities that we have engaged in for the last 15 years is bioethanol, which is used as an additive with gasoline. We offer the technology and machinery to produce ethanol from green sources.”

I knew the word but I never looked it up to define the word however the word is used in the sentence to describe the situation. I knew the word but now know it clearly and fits the situations.



Distilleries- Noun

Definition: a place where alcoholic drinks (such as whiskey) are produced

The word was found in Thursday November 20, 2014. The word is in the beginning of the paragraph The word was used in these sentence “An engineer by training, Pramod Chaudhari founded Praj Industries in Pune, India, in 1983. The company, which started with 10 full-time employees, started supplying technology for waste water treatment and distilleries.”

I was unsure what the word meant however, I looked up the word and I was surprise of the answer. It had no context clues to that definition I found, however the answer did make senses and distilleries is  a place of alcoholic are produced.

Color and the subway

After the attention we paid to subway maps, and all of your focus on color in ADV 1100, how exciting to consider their connection. Read Christine Haughney’s 2011 New York Times article, “Train Line Far From Arrival Has a Color To Be Noticed,” about the color assigned to the still-under-construction Second Avenue Subway Line. What do you think of the choice, and what do you make of others’ reactions to it?

Project #4: Directions

Here is a route that i came along from Borough hall to the boardwalk of Manhattan bridge. This route is meat to show the blend of nature and society and how they can fit during times in the season, in this case, Fall would be the best time to take this route. Starting from Borough Hall, you want to walk up Cadman Plaza, going towards the Cadman Plaza Park. during your walk on this route, you will begin to notice how  the tree’s orange and yellow color begin to match the area around it (Picture 1), as the rest of the walk will do as well. Once you arrive at the park, you want to walk into the park, staying on your left as you will turn to walk up Clark Street. Regardless of what time your walking through the park, it will always look pleasant to the eye during your walks through it. Once on Clark Street, you want to continue walking up past the penny bridge till you on the Hicks Street (Or as i like to call it, fruity street due to the fact that the streets that intersect with Hicks Street are named after various types of fruit like Orange and pineapple). Once your on Hicks street, you want to turn right continue on straight until you land on the intersection of Hicks Street and cranberry. Once on Cranberry, you want to Turn left and Walk straight up to your destination. Through Cranberry street is the main point of the walk since it really captures the beauty of nature and society, especially with how the tree’s blend in with the color of the houses (pictures 3 and 4) When you walk straight up from the street, you should then be at your destination at the Boardwalk near Manhattan bridge, which has a very nice view of  the ocean and the rest of the city. If you look slightly to your lest from the city, you can see the statue of liberty from a distance.

Image 1: Cadman Plaza

Image 1: Cadman Plaza

Image 2: Cadman Park Plaza

Image 2: Cadman Park Plaza

Image 3 : Cranberry Street

Image 3 : Cranberry Street

Image 4: Better view of the tree's blending with the buildings

Image 4: Better view of the tree’s blending with the buildings

Image 5: View of the citi from Boardwalk

Image 5: View of the citi from Boardwalk

Image 6: The left side from the view of the city

Image 6: The left side from the view of the city

Summary / Reflection for Reading Lucy:


Jennifer Egan wrote an article called “Reading Lucy”. This is a non-fiction article. The protagonist of this article is Lucy. Egan wrote a novel about a woman who works at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, so she met with Lucy. Therefore Lucy was her respondent, but the get along was short, because of work needs she has to go to California. After that there haven’t had any contact after. Egan attentive to know about Lucy, that from Lucy to her husband’s letter and Lucy’s composition. Lucy was enthusiastic that’s why she married speedy. Her husband left the house due to job job, they wrote letters to each other. Lucy usually wrote letter to her husband Alfred. By the time Lucy wrote to Alfred about her life as a ship fitter, as well as some humor event in her live. She praises her husband to express the love to her husband. Through reading about the letters Lucy wrote to Egan, Egan felt like she’s living with Lucy; they are best friend; Brooklyn’s every corner was full of the flavor of Lucy. Egan misses Lucy a lot, she dreamed him live with Lucy and she also imaged live with Lucy as real best friend.


After read “Reading Lucy” I felt Lucy was an optimistic woman. She really loves her husband with everything. I have always felt that distance that will affect ones feeling, but I do not feel it because I am the one who read the article, I have to be in her situation to know about her feelings. Even though Lucy did not live with her husband but they still keep connect with letter, and distance did not affect their relationships. By the way Lucy got a true friendship with Egan. Egan took time to get to know about Lucy. She care about Lucy, even dream lived with Lucy. So Lucy was an lucky woman she got true love and friendship.


BHS: Map research

During our field trip to the Brooklyn Historical Society, we paid a visit to their library to analyze and study a few maps about Brooklyn and how its maps and streets came to be. There were several maps that were spread out, weather they be Subway maps, maps of some areas of Brooklyn, or all of New York state, they all kinda told a small story of the past. during my research, i noticed how back then they used maps a a type of advertisement for companies and what not. the map below is an older map of the brand new subway transit system, before the number and letter system came to be later on. Not only does this map have old subway routes, but it also told you a little about how the economy back then as seen by the 25 cent advertisement in one of the pictures below. also in the back of the map, i found an advertisement to the company who made the maps, also mean that the company who made this subway map has made other maps, perhaps even more of Brooklyn.

Subway map from 1940's

Subway map from 1940’s

Subway Advertisement

Subway Advertisement

The comapny information i found on the back

The company information i found on the back

BHS: Wonder Exhibit

From what i can gather, the wonder exhibit is a compilation of photographs taken by City tech students in a near by graveyard in which i cannot remember the name of. The exhibit was full of beautifully taken pictures from the surrounding area. some pictures were about the gravestones, or the scenery around the graveyard such as the houses, ponds, and statues. Out of all the pictures in the gallery, my favorite one has to be the one below because its just so vibrant and just  gives the area a sense of  age and atmosphere. the Hue around the building  just pops out and gives the picture a pretty broad look. I just love the design of the building and its structure, the person who took this picture does a great job displaying this. Overall, its a beautiful picture and i think its the best of all of the others that are displayed in the exhibit.





Definition: to cook in simmering liquid

:  to encroach upon especially for the purpose of taking something

:  to trespass for the purpose of stealing game; also :  to take game or fish illegally

The word was found in the New York Time online Newspaper. The word was found in the beginning paragraph The sentence that was found “But according to a report by the Environmental Investigation Agency, a nongovernmental organization based in London, members of the Chinese delegation used Mr. Xi’s visit as an opportunity to procure so much illegal ivory that local prices doubled to about $318 a pound. Two weeks before Mr. Xi arrived, Chinese buyers purchased thousands of pounds of poached tusks, which were “later sent to China in diplomatic bags on the presidential plane,” said the report, which was released on Wednesday.”

I had an idea what the word might have meant however, to make sure I looked it up. The word was meant to understand the situation of the tusks, the word help defined how they were beginning steal unfairly.


Summary of, “Reading Lucy” by Jennifer Egan

It’s starts off about a brief friendships as in a connection with author and a woman named Lucy Kolkin business meeting and slowly lost touch. The author was researching for a novel about a woman who worked at the Brooklyn Navy Yard during World War II. That woman was Lucy that worked as a shipfitter. The author read her letters about her work, whole life and her love Alfred Kolkin. Lucy showed how  hard-working she was and sort of a jokester to make things positive. The letters also contain the two lovers talking to each other. As Alfred was in the war and she was working , they still tired to stay in touch. But in the end, as the author reads on, she decides to leave those two alone and use the research that she needed.

Reading Lucy: Summary / Refelection

Reading Lucy, by Jennifer Egan is a essay that’s based on a research novel about a woman named Lucille Kolkin who worked for the Brooklyn Navy yard during World War II as a mechanic for about two years. The author begins to create a bond with her as she continues to interview Lucy, not only learning about what she does and her studies as an engineer, but more of her personal life as well. Lucy then tells her about how she met a man named Alfred Kolkin and how they would send letters to each other as often as they could. Through this, they both began to create a close bond to each other as readers can clearly see that they both care about each other very much. But overtime, they began to drift apart, the only thing keeping them together was through the letters they sent. The author could tell that there bond was strong through the letters that they wrote to each other from time to time, discussing their current situations and developments. around the end when Alfred moves to a new Navy yard in California, They discuss things about a possible future with kids and a house and other things that an average married couple would do. The author soon finds out that Lucy dies years ago and is a bit crushed by the fact, but through reading her letters to Alfred along with a few online articles she found, she knows that she died doing what she wanted. In the end, she feels a bit of a reflection towards herself through reading Lucy’s letters and begins to question her future. but in the end, she concludes that you just have to live it out to the fullest.

From what i can learn about this essay is that people should live life to the fullest till the day they pass on. The author further implements this message through Lucy’s letters and the choices that she made throughout her time talking to the man of her dreams. I think its a rather personal thing that the reader can relate to with the story, for the soul fact that Lucy made the decisions that she did to be happy with herself and live life. It’s something sadly not alot of people think about now a days, people are so focused on the future, that they barley even worry about what makes them happy and what they want to do later on in that future time.