Category Archives: ADV1100 Project #4

BHS Research

IMG_20141110_134035For my walk project if we are to include a map I would like to include a little manuscript map. Although it is very tedious and precise I really liked that style. I would also like to include a good legend because I noticed in one of my groups maps that it was two sided but the legend or key was only on one side so I would put it on both sides. Lastly, there was one unique map named “Heart Of Brooklyn” and it had a drawn heart on it where the artist believed the Heart of Brooklyn was, and I that was a very cool idea.

Favorite Image: Wonder Exhibit

This was my favorite image of the “Wonder Exhibit” because it was one the most that stood out the most to me, something very different from the rest. I like that this photograph has something to think about, like why is there a lock there? Did someone’s quarters accidentally fell down ? It is such an interesting photograph that I enjoyed looking at. Overall this photograph has color even though it looks black and white, but you see the yellow from the reflection of the sun . The saturation of this photograph is very low, but it still looks very good, and as a visualizer I think the saturation was suppose to be low to have that sadness affect on the photo. The Green-Wood Cemetery is so big that it will probably take you three days to see everything, but this photograph that stood out the most to me had a great meaning and the photographer has good visualization !

Wonder Exhibit , my favorite photograph that stranded out the most to me

Wonder Exhibit , my favorite photograph that stranded out the most to me


Project #4: Color Wheel Free Study

Completed Color wheel

Completed Color wheel

Here is my completed color wheel for our next project. I decided for this free study to use the normal color wheel, but add a little more to it. Those icons that are centered on every color are icons used in Poke’mon the card game, as each color stands for its respective element. Fire (red), Psychic (purple), Water (Blue), Grass (Green), Electric (Yellow), and Dragon (Orange). This is the second one i made after the first attempt i did in class, although when i look at it, i can see that i added too much water in some areas, and i am considering doing it over again from scratch, but in the mean time, ill settle for what I have. this took me about 30 minutes to finish.