All posts by Jessica Pareja

View from My Window: Critique


The image was made Monday 09/15/14 in the afternoon I started at 5pm and ended at 9pm. It took me a long time to start and a long time to end. First I have trouble getting the measurements and later I had trouble cutting the black paper with the exacto knife. Since it’s my first time using it I had many failed black paper, I couldn’t get the right one. It took several tries and a ton of wasted black paper even till the end I couldn’t get it right thus explaining why it wasn’t cut more neatly.

My name is Jessica and the image above is my compete project#1 for my graphic design principles. While making this project I really enjoy it, I enjoy experimenting with new things. I learned how to use a exacto knife and learned inking. While making these projects I could have done better with my drawings and especially for my final I couldn’t cut well with the exacto knife due to never using it.  This is my first experiment with using new materials and my crafting skills however now learning and experience with this I can work better with my new upcoming projects. I’ll draw till my drawing come prefect and till its a piece that something I can be proud of.

Project #1: Introducing Yourself (Draft)

My name is Jessica Pareja, born and raised in New York City. I speak two languages, English and Spanish both languages have allowed identify who I am. I am currently a freshman at City Tech and majoring in Communication Design. However, I’m still not sure if I would like to continue majoring it. As a human being I have many passion and many wonders that I would like the world to see. I come from a high school who major program is Television and Film. In the I was lucky to learn how to use cameras, and edit in my softwares. Starting there we had to film and edit our own projects. Due to that high school I was allowed to find myself and I decided to learn my things. One thing that I enjoy the most is photography which allow me to capture millions of expression within one moment.

My consideration for my avatar is an image of a camera, believing that a camera well express me. I believe that the image of a camera helps people understand what I enjoy to do the most. If defining the word camera it is usually referred as a device for recording or capturing an image. The camera represents me in different ways first by showing of that I can hold and capture many ideas. However, I only choose the best ideas to be exposed. A camera only flashes when its holder decides to shot when coming across an object. Therefore, I believe with the help of my fellow classmate I can continue to grow as a person.

Other people might have different perspectives when they come across my avatar they might just view it as me just enjoying photography. They might not even know why a camera is posted as my profile picture because it doesn’t define me or simple because it has nothing to do with my major. One might suggest that it’s my hobby but they won’t think as it as being my career. City Tech might not offer photography as a major, not many colleges have that however I want people to understand that the camera is just defining how I’ll be able to learn and put away many important moments that will be presented in my life.

Overall my profile and avatar show images and texts that I can define on. The images presented allow people to show what I’m able to do even if I still don’t have my mind set up. It shows even though I can’t do a wonderful art piece I will continue to try. No matter what happens I will continue to learn and fight until I get it right. If I decide to continue majoring or change I know I will have skills to present. I hope in four years I am able graduate and be proud for the person I became.


Gilt – adjective or noun

Definition: covered with gold or gilt : of the color of gold

This word was encounter in the short film presented on Wednesday 10, 2014. The word was also in the list to define. The word was shown in the beginning of the film  . During the time of 4:25 the word is mention “…They are surrounded not by gilt frames, but by the familiarity of the room your in, and the people around you…”

In order to understand the word I used the word used in the sentence and the definition in order find out what it means. I believe the word means in the passage that the painting are no longer like gold because there are as many copies of the painting.




View From My Window: Research

The view from my window a lot of things can be seen from here from man built to nature. You’ll see more houses and man built items than open-wide areas around here. Normally, when we are asked how we view things surrounding us we are able to find and point out the objects but not an expression. When viewing from my window looking at the left side of the area there are my neighbors cats all different kinds of breeds strolling around. When coming across the cats I define each one by their color, each cat has a variety colors from light to dark medium colors. Look straight ahead and you’ll see street lights and cars passing along. The street lights might be the same size as others however not the color. That light street had never been painted in years therefore, giving a silver to blue color.

As continuing viewing from my window it shows my neighbor’s houses and their fences.The house that stands out of all my neighbors is this red house it started first with a pink-red. Although, it has been painted by the same color over and over again the red is able to express how important the house value is. In the right section there can been seen parked cars in the streets while in the left side you get to see my neighbor’s dog walking while shaking his little tail. The shape of the dog is able to express how well it is. Seeing some trees and a bit of grass and a few houses. Shapes appear like example the house comes from rectangle, and squares. During the day viewing the old cable street hang making wonders and lastly, also viewing at night how the old light street work. From my window I can see a lot more than just items I see items that built up the world I live in.