All posts by Jessica Pareja

Summary: A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport

In “A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport” Charles Mcgrath states peoples way of viewing and exploring the areas. Each area offers different viewpoints that can be spotted from the areas. The areas that are unknown towards areas that are familiar however yet hasn’t be completely not seen. Mcgrath introduces Mr. Self  a men who walks from the JFK airport toward discovering New York City. An example, is “There is a deep sadness to American poverty, greater than the sadness of any other kind. It’s because America has such an ideology of success”(New York Times). Mcgrath’s passage encourages people to  take a walk and look in there surrounding. If people walk they’ll understand what feeling and sense it gives, instead of knowing from pictures ans sketches. The area gets the person a knowledge and a new perspective.

Summary: The Boston Photographs

In the passage “The Boston Photograph” Nora Ephron describes the use of viewing a situation, how an image can affect many people’s view neither a positive or negative effect. During an accident photographs were captured and each photos had an image about the rescue occurring. However, in one of the picture it shows the women falling with her child. The child survive,the women fell to her death but the baby landed on top of her body. The photographs were published on the newspapers that were seen by across. In the passage, Ephron states “Seib takes it for granted that the widespread though fairly recent newspaper policy against printing pictures of dead bodies is a sound one…printing pictures of dead corpses raises all sort of problems about taste and titillation and sensationalism; the fact is, however that people die…Why not show it? That’s what accidents are about. “(pg 61.) An image can have both side a positive or negative effect but the people will continue to have an opinion. Either to try to see that the image of the women dying causes sorrow but people have to be inform more about what happen, what the situation was. A photograph was many words and meaning that not everyone will agree on, it has a powerful words that can make people argue.

Summary: Ways of Seeing by John Berger

In the passage “Ways of Seeing” John Berger describes the the way of viewing the outside world and viewing into a deeper meaning.However, John Berger try to force on how our perspectives have changed from before and now; how it will continue to change. Berger carefully describes the many ways of viewing the image and how our mind can trick us. He describes how our eyes are always moving and trying to figure out. Berger introduces the different work out art and examples of art work however throughout showing the different perspective of seeing the artwork. Berger states “The camera isolated momentary appearances and in so doing destroyed the ideas that images were timeless…The invention of the camera changed the way men saw.The visible came to mean something different to them.This was immediately reflected in painting.”(pg 18.)Berger mentions how peoples perspective are changing due to the technology. An example is the cameras, they can change the meaning from the original causing the people to view differently. Each person has a different view however having the camera image can change a people’s perceptive and sometimes, missing a detail. Berger’s passage just forces on the change of peoples view and how the change will continue as technology increases.  There won’t be the same perceptive from now to next time,its constantly changing.


Adversary- noun

an enemy or opponent

The word was found on December 7, 2014 on the online newspaper of the New York Times The word was found on the middle of the article “America’s Special Operations forces have played a central role in global combat missions since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the most notable being the raid into Pakistan in 2011 that killed Osama bin Laden. But the challenges of distance, weather, equipment failure, pinpoint intelligence — and unpredictable actions by the adversary — are ever-present.”

The word was used in the sentence to show to describe as the enemy. The word adversary is used as enemy to show the situation presented.


Pedestrian- adjective

not interesting or unusual

relating to or designed for people who are walking

The word was found on December 4, 2014 on the online New York Times. The word is located on the middle of the newspaper The word is seen in the start of the sentence “Planners envisioned an east-west underground pedestrian network radiating from two new aboveground landmarks: the Fulton Center, which opened in November and was built by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and the trade center hub.”

The word pedestrian used in the sentence describes the location and how the planners view the landmark.



to organize (things) so that the most important thing is done or dealt with first

to make (something) the most important thing in a group

The word was found in the online newspaper on the New York Times on December 4, 2014. The word is used in the fifth paragraph ““We would not today prioritize spending $3.7 billion on the transit hub over other significant infrastructure needs,” Patrick J. Foye, the authority’s executive director, said in October.”

The word is being used in the sentence to describe the amount of money spend on and what was important. The word describes the importance of  how much money it was spend on.


Ignominious- adjective

causing disgrace or shame

The word was found on December 4,2014 while reading an online newspaper in the The word is found in the second paragraph at the beginning of the article “Its colossal avian presence may yet guarantee the hub a place in the pantheon of civic design in New York. But it cannot escape another, more ignominious distinction as one of the most expensive and most delayed train stations ever built.”

While reading the newspaper, I didn’t understand how the word was being used. After looking up the word, ignominious is being used as shame. The word was used in the paragraph to describe the shame since its near the train station that’s always delayed.




Sinuously- adverb

Definition:having many twists and turns

moving and bending in a smooth and attractive way

of a serpentine or wavy form

marked by strong lithe movements

The word was found in the New York Times Online Newspaper on Tuesday December 2,2014. The word is used in the first paragraph The word is found in the start “With its long steel wings poised sinuously above the National September 11 Memorial in Lower Manhattan, the World Trade Center Transportation Hub has finally assumed its full astonishing form, more than a decade after it was conceived.”

The word is being used as more marked by strong lithe movements, in the reading the sentence describes the memory of 9/11. The word is being used in the sentence as a way to describes a strong appearance it represents.



Summary: A Picture of Language: The Fading Art of Diagramming Sentences

In the passage the Fading Art of Diagramming Sentences, Juana Summers states a situation presented a forgotten method. There use to be a method before that is not know to many people and other peoples just forgot. The use of the sentence diagram, which is using geometry that involves grammar as well.  The use of the sentence diagram was used before in all of U.S schools. The sentence diagram was founded in Brooklyn and late was taken all throughout the nation, which was practiced for 50 or 60 years. The sentence diagram is not approved by the common core however, many people say that the sentence diagram has improved people with their writing. Unfortunately, it might have helped people some didn’t like it.  Many people did understand the method and many got mad leading them to confuse. After reading the passage, I understand the people in getting mad by just looking at the diagram its confusing. I feel like people who don’t understand grammar might find the sentence diagram a great way to understand it.