All posts by A.Guerrero

Project #2 Draft

Everyone is entitled to an opinion therefore everyone is entitled to their own New York. Every New York has it’s story and will vary from person in accordance to their experiences as a New Yorker. For some it may be the towering buildings of Manhattan or the beautiful walls of what used to be the 5 Pointz building, whatever it may be it has one thing in common it’s someone’s New York. Colson Whitehead author of “The Colossus of New York” explains what his New York is and the experiences behind them are. My task was to follow Whitehead’s footsteps and find my New York with the added twist of a juxtaposition and how it makes New York even more unique in the way it merges poorer neighborhoods with the more richer ones.

When beginning my journey I had an easy time finding things that juxtapose one another but my main issue was finding my New York the experiences that actually meant something to me because of this I was able to find the location but not the meaning or feeling that such a walk should have. After a couple of days it clicked to me my New York was my friends that I’ve made here in college but my friends aren’t a location rather the places we went to are the some of the locations that make up my New York and will continue to do so as I spend time with them here in City Tech and Jay street. The location of these places are pretty simple to follow, one must first start off by exiting out of the Johnson side of City Tech upon doing so you should be greeted by sounds of construction and the sight of a yet unfinished project, make a left and keep on going straight you should cross a train station with connections to the A,C and R trains. As you walk for a minute or two you will see a concession stand with people at times however there is another train with connection to the number lines, head over there but do not go in the train instead head straight through the trail with trees. Once you encounter the Five Guy’s restaurant make a left and walk. Upon walking the Juxtaposition should start to become evident with the buildings starting to look a little more run down and less new than they are in Jay Street.  Continue walking straight and a few things you will see are the Asa Learning Center, a blood donation center if you walk even further you will eventually come across the Fulton Mall. My original journey was slightly longer but had no real attachment to the area since I had no memories that were particularly important to me, however once I made a few friends and went around making a few friends I see that my New York is slowly but surely becoming evident.

My location in specific lies between Fulton mall and Lawrence Street to me this a rather unique juxtaposition it shows a small section that in a sense is slowly being consumed by it’s surroundings Whitehead experiences this with many of the buildings he never got to say goodbye to “I never got to say goodbye to some of the old buildings. Some I lived in… I thought they would always be there.” This small section between Lawrence and Fulton looks rather old compared to the areas around it, everyone here was mostly casually dressed and seemed to be of a somewhat low income with the occasional professional who is by assumption making their way through to make it to a job or coffee. The Willoughby area is saturated with small stores like 99c stores, corner stores and raggedy looking restaurants however there is also some chain restaurants like Tio Pio here and there but oddly enough no franchises such as  Mcdonalds in the Willoughby area which is odd as restaurants like these tend to thrive off the low income ares such as this one. As for the sounds I heard it ranges from voices to car noises with the occasional construction here and there which in a way serves to remind that Wiloughby street is slowly disappearing. As it begins to be consumed by it’s surrounding it makes me wonder is it really such a good thing? Will I, just like Whitehead not be able to say goodbye to my New York?

On the other side of the spectrum in the Fulton Mall is much more varied with people of all walks of life, age and cultures. Unlike Willoughby street Fulton mall is full of name brand clothing such as gap, banana republic, Aeropostale and Express. The way one feels upon entering Fulton mall is like entering a whole new world with such the drastic change in scenery. As far as noise goes it varies a little bit more as buses are now thrown into the mix, and since Fulton mall is slightly more lively there is also many people shopping and talking as they walk through the streets. When I look at the Fulton Mall I can’t help but wonder what this place looked like before and whose New York did it used to belong to? Such as how Colson remark on how the Pan Am building and how others who refer to it as the Met Life building are wrong ” I still call it the Pan Am building…that titan squatting over grand central is the Met life building….She is wrong of course”. The way this juxtaposes with Willoughby is really evident not only in the way it looks but how it integrates with the surroundings, Fulton Mall makes Willoughby’s scenery stick out like a sore thumb. Everything from the condition of the street to the people that walk through it shows the difference in people and the way they go about their day.

The New York one has varies from person to person and can be good or bad depending on that person’s experience there. By looking at two locations that juxtapose one another one is able to see how people live and to some point can even tell what their New York is. With their being so many people, there is so many New Yorks all with different experiences and locale how one decides to look at it all varies.


Ambiguous- Adjective

Ambiguous Definition- When something is not defined clearly.

Location of the definition-

I encountered this word during the first few classes in Professor’s Spevack’s Way’s of Seeing class. When thinking of the word Ambiguous I think of things that aren’t easily defined such as when looking at a drawing or picture whose contrast of black and white are 50/50 and make it hard to distinguish what I’m truly looking at.

The Boston Photographs: Reflection

After reading the Boston photographs it has really expanded my way of seeing. The Boston Photograph talks about an incident in which a faulty fire escape caused the death of a mother, however this was only part of the main focus as a whole what mattered the most was the photojournalist who took the photograph as the mother and her child fell from the fifth floor luckily the child survived. Stanly Foreman, the photojournalist who took the photographs originally intended to take photographs of the fire fighters being heroic but instead captured the death of a woman, the newspaper later published the story along with the images. This in turn caused an argument between those who had issues with the newspaper showing the corpse of a dead woman while those who supported it argued that it’s part of Foreman’s job. While it is wrong I do have to agree with that it’s Foreman’s job to bring these photographs to the public, while his true intentions weren’t to show the death of a woman rather show civil workers being heroic, Foreman did however show that photojournalism is very powerful. The reason I say it is very powerful is because images can more than often evoke more emotion than simple words, after all a photograph says a thousand words.

The Boston Photographs: Summary

Words can mean many things but a photograph tells so much more. The Boston Photographs by Nora Ephron is an article that talks about the tragic accident that killed a woman during 1975 and the attention it received after images of her dead body were published in an article of the Boston newspaper. It all began when Stanly Forman a photojournalist attempted to capture images that depicted Fire Fighters being brave however due to certain circumstances Forman ended capturing images of a 19 year old woman and her child falling, the woman died with her child surviving the fall. After publishing the images in the newspaper the question began to arise, “Is placing images of corpses ethical? Is it for sensationalism? or is it just a cheap and dirty way to gain attention to one’s work?” When discussing the matter ombudsmen, people who are in charge of moderating content on the behalf of the people  say they have never seen anything like it while on the other hand editors of the post found it to be “intriguing” and found no problems with publishing it. The key point of the article is to debate the power of photojournalism over regular journalism to some extent photojournalism is more powerful than just regular journalism, photos can mean so much and the reaction it causes varies from person to person which makes it that much more valuable. In the end it doesn’t matter if an image is ethical or not as long as it fulfills its purpose of creating the reaction it desires it has accomplished what the photographer set out to do.


Juxtaposition- Adjective

Juxtaposition Definition- The act of placing two things side by side to create a comparison between the two.

Location of the Definition:

I encountered this word when being given the assignment of city limits in class that is due the 20th of October. The way I understand the word Juxtaposition is when I think about the poor and the rich when placing both side by side they contrast each other really well and show off the differences in their lifestyles.

Experience at the BRIC art museum

While I’m rather late to the party when it comes to recording my experiences about the art museum I still remember things about it rather vividly, unfortunately I wasn’t able to take pictures due to the absence of my camera but I will do my best to describe the occasion. The Bric Art museum is located near the Fulton Mall and at the time was holding an art exhibition. Many of the art pieces were really abstract and could signify various things I wasn’t exactly able to deduce what any of the actually meant but they were pretty neat. My favorite out of the bunch would have to be the metal chains that dangled from the ceiling in my eyes it represented someone who feels held back and feels that they can’t escape even though the exit is right under their noses or it could be the other way around and it’s just someone who doesn’t want to exit those chains. We also were shown the studio at the second floor which was home to an exhibition that was rather creepy and not something you would want to be stuck with alone. Another thing that caught my attention was the lessons the Bric art center offers on broadcasting and even allowing one to make their own shows which is pretty neat and allows for newbies to get a start in television. We also came across Professor Spevack’s own exhibition which is an indoor outhouse(or as a make-out booth as some people called it) while I didn’t go in it due to distractions I thought the concept was both interesting and pretty silly in a good way. If I had the chance to go I would definitely plan another visit with friends if possible and the option to be able to exhibit my own art is also pretty neat as well.



Definition- Partially carbonized vegetable tissue that has been formed by partial decomposition in water of various plants.

Definition Location-

I’ve encountered this word during Professor Rosen’s class when we went over during the glossary assignment in case anyone had any questions. I understand this word to be related to organic material found in mires that can be used for plants and even to set it on fire as a fossil fuel.

Project #2: Research Location

Starting my walk today I went around City Tech with no actual plans to where I wanted to go since I don’t really know the area as well as I would like to, that being said let me describe my tiny adventure around Jay Street! First off exit from the Johnson Street side, the one with the construction going on as you walk towards this street you’ll be greeted with sounds of cars, trains and indistinguishable voices. Now keep on going after a bit of minutes of walking you can look to your left and see a concession stand with people waiting on line to get some food you’ll also be able to see or take the subway if you desire. As you might see there is some trees and much leaves go through there, as you walk you will come across people being people and enjoying the day. Now keep on going and you’ll see a Five Guys, now why a Five Guys? I was hungry that’s why. Now make a right you should be able to see many buildings out into the distance also if you look to your left there will be a nifty map to help you out in case you are ever to get lost. Now keep walking and go past the metal poles and keep on walking you’ll come across a blood donor center in which you can go donate blood  to save a few lives. Now here is one of the instances I see in which I see two New York’s the building behind the small one makes it look as if a line that divides the newer and more nicer looking building from the ones that are more run down and have more history behind them. As you keep walking north the divide becomes more evident the buildings aren’t as nice looking as they were around City Tech, once you pass the ASA learning center look to the sky and to look at a towering building that in a sense makes it look as this area is closed in similar to an oasis in the desert, only that in this case the desert is the newer Jay Street and Willoughby Street is the oasis in the desert. Now walk north towards Willoughby Street and keep walking north till you come across Lawrence Street make a left and you’re in the Fulton Mall.  Keep on walking north and you’ll be greeted by various noise ranging from people to buses along with the many noises you might also be greeted with delicious smells depending on your tastes, I found it rather delicious but then again I was hungry. Now as you walk you will eventually come across Bridge Street make a left and see another entrance to the train station this time it’s the 2 and 3 lines ignore this for now or take it if you’d like. As you walk you’ll see a building that is currently under construction and along with that building there is many noises from industrial equipment. For our last stop keep on going straight and take the R train lines.P1010677P1010678P1010679P1010680P1010685P1010686P1010690P1010693P1010694, and now where? Well for me it’s home and that was my adventure around the neighborhood that surrounds City Tech.


Authenticity- Adjective

Definition- Something or someone that is real or genuine and that is not fake.

Definition Location-

I remember hearing this word again in the video played during English class and how reproduction of images has allowed an ease of access that has created various definitions for images such as The Mona Lisa and how famous authentic images can only be seen in one place. I remember this word by thinking of famous painting that are one of a kind in the sense of the history behind it rather copies of them that are not the real deal.