Monthly Archives: December 2014


Malware - noun

software designed to interfere with a computer’s normal functioning

1: software designed to interfere with a computer’s normal functioning


I encountered this word in a New York Times article on the North Korea cyber attack on Sony, the attack sent Malware which damaged Sony’s computers and also stole information. I did not know what this was, but I’ve learned in Latin previously the root Mal meaning bad and taking a part from software, so I assumed it meant bad product or data or whatever, and it turns out I am correct.


Debilitated - verb

to make (someone or something) weak : to reduce the strength of (someone or something)

1: to impair the strength of


I encountered this word in a New York Times article on the North Korea cyber attack on Sony, the attack had Debilitated Sony’s computers. From the context clues I could figure out the definition something around the lines of stopped them from working, so I looked up the actual definition after and it meant to weaken something such as the computers.

Project 1 revised

My name is Dongmin Lin. I am 18 years old. Currently I am a freshmen enrolling in the New York City College of Technology. I came from China, and Chinese is my first language. This September is the turning point of my life, because I went to the college. It is a new environment to me; it felt so unfamiliar to here. Although that I like here a lot. I never ever attend a school that is so far from where I live. I live in flushing, and I barley take the subway, Miss direction often lead me to get lost. I like children very much, I am a girl with a target, and I am also chasing my dream. I like stuff that is made by hand, such as knit scarf, cross-stitch. My passionate is about crafting, cutting papers and making small and delicate objects. I am also very patient. In the next five thru ten years I can imagine my self-sitting in a studio working with my good friends and colleagues. My design aesthetics are simple and easy also with some delicate detail in it. When I come to a new place I would be very shy, but I sincerely hope that everyone in our class can become good friend. I am an optimistic person.

My avatar is a photo of myself. My best friend took the photo. And it was taken on the way to school during last winter’s morning. This image is very meaningful to me. At the time, I lived with my best friend. My friend and I were in same class together. We nearly spend all our times together. My friend enjoys taking photos for me, and she helped me to record my life. We ate corns for breakfast every morning because we think eating corns can lose weight. You can me with black under eye bags because I don’t get much sleep, especially now I have college.

When people look at my avatar they might think I am a very active girl. Actually they are really misunderstood. I am very shy when I communicate with someone that I am not familiar with. Then you might think I like to eat corn. However, that is not what it seems. Actually I do not like to eat corn now. The reason I said this before is because it was that that time of the year, I was on my diet, and that’s why am ate corn everyday. You rarely see me with make up. However, I like makeup. Makeup can make me feel very confident and it makes me feel like am a new person. However, I want to arrive early and be on morning in class, and that’s why you don’t see me with the pretty makeup on in school.

My profile will convey my character, interest and my goal. You may think it’s very hard to communicate with me. But actually it is not. I want to upload this photo because I was a lovely and cheerful girl when you really know me. To be honest I like to make friend, and cherish every friend of mine. You may notice the hat and scarf in my avatar. Yes that is my favorite color, wind red. And the beanie and scarf have taken me a long time to weave. I know there will be countless mistakes before succeed, but I it wont hesitate me to stop trying. So I do not like to easily give up the things I am interesting in, even though it is difficult. But still, I will not lose my passion for advertising design. One of my goals is to graduate within four years. I know if I want to master the skill of English will not be easy. But I believe there will always have pay will have harvest.


Warmonger - noun

a person who wants a war or tries to make other people want to start or fight a war

1:  one who urges or attempts to stir up war


Same article in the New York Times about the Rapprochement with Cuba. Obama was criticized before for being a warmonger by Bolivia. Although I’ve seen this word before I did not know the exact definition so I looked it up. Warmonger is someone who wants war or stir up war, most likely Bolivia is talking about the United States this way due to all the action taken in the middle east.


Lambasted - verb

to criticize (someone or something) very harshly

1:  to assault violently

2:  to attack verbally :  censure <critics lambasted his performance>


 This was the same article as the one with Obama’s Rapprochement with Cuba. Latin American countries once Lambasted the united states now describe us with more welcoming words. Lambasted was to attack verbally which meant that they spoke ill of the United States.


Allegation - noun

a statement saying that someone has done something wrong or illegal

1:  the act of alleging

2: a positive assertion; specifically :  a statement by a party to a legal action of what the party undertakes to prove

3: an assertion unsupported and by implication regarded as unsupportable e.g. <vague allegations of misconduct>


I was reading a article on the New York Times about how evidence is often mishandled by the F.B.I. it was alleged that there were missing and mislabeled evidence which is certainly shady dealings. In this case its the idea that the F.B.I. may have been doing something wrong or illegal


Rapprochement - noun

the development of friendlier relations between countries or groups of people who have been enemies

1: establishment of or state of having cordial relations


I was reading an article on the New York Times about Obama opening relations with Cuba, and I had no idea what this term meant so I looked it up. Rapprochement means to develop friendlier relations with Cuba in this case.


Transistor - noun

a small device that is used to control the flow of electricity in radios, computers, etc

1: a solid-state electronic device that is used to control the flow of electricity in electronic equipment and usually consists of a small block of a semiconductor (as germanium) with at least     three electrodes

2: a transistorized radio


I was learning how to build a computer and came across this word Transistor I did not know what it did so I looked it up, so a Transistor is essentially a on and off switch and a computer is made out of billions of Transistors.


During the course of this semester, I feel that I have grown mentally as well as academically. I started college with high expectations as to how things would go. Over these view months my work process has improved because I have accomplished a new sense of discipline when it comes to completing assignments. As soon as a new project was assigned, I found my self brainstorming and planning out the timing and hours that I would have to devote to the work. There were numerous times that I had to turn down my friends on weekends because I knew that I couldn’t balance all of these things. I spent 2-3 hours a night writing out and revising work for the projects and asking questions where I found instructions confusing. I realized that college was nothing like high school because I would try to apply my self to my work, but still find it difficult to get an A. I was willing to re-work assignments that I felt had too low of a score because I wanted to start off my first semester with a high GPA. Somethings I think I can work on is adding more information when required, and using more descriptive language to help readers understand the text. I believed that I excelled at planning out and executing assignments in order to hand them in on time. I did a good job at answering all the questions asked,and following the guidelines that are provided. One thing I can tell my peers about my work, is that it will not stop improving over my college career because I know there’s always room for improvement.