Monthly Archives: September 2014

Project #1: Reflection

In project #1 I wrote a bio about myself. Mostly about me as a student and what inspires me to do what I do. I talked about my interests and such. By working on this project I learned a lot about what I need to work on in my writing. I also learned that organizing your essay before you write it is very helpful. My bio probably would have ended up as being all over the place if there wasn’t an outline for it. I’m most proud of the details I included even though it could still use a little bit more details. As for any other improvements I really want to improve on my use of vocabulary in my work. What was helpful during this project was the feedback from my peers. It really helped me to get the final piece done. If I didn’t have any feedback my work wouldn’t have improved very much from the draft to the final piece. I wish I had spent some more time on this project. What I spent the most time doing was thinking of what details to include into each paragraph and figuring out if it belonged there or made sense. I definitely need to work on time management though. I’m hoping for future projects I can put more time into them and have a great outcome!

Summary of ADV110: 9/22

We were on a field trip to Book Arts on 28 W 27th St. Durring the time we were there, we were given a small tour of the process of how novels are made. There are two parts to making a novel, the process of binding, and the process of printing. At first, we were shown the difference between how printing was back then compared to how it is now. Back then, it was more complex to print letters on paper for a book, since it was done by using stamp like stencils that had individual letters on it. With these stencils, each word and sentence were spelled out by each individual letter on the stencils. after the explanation of printing, we were given time to roam the exhibit they had in the building, showing different pieces of book covers and combining art with words, giving a purpose or meaning behind the piece. After the small roaming around the class did, we were then given a brief explanation of how a book is binded, or held together. there are different types of ways of binding books, one of the two we were shown was an exposed bind, in which the material that is holding the books and pages together can be seen outside of the book. and the other one we were shown was a glued bind, which is the most commonly used bind today. A glue bind is when the bind and the pages are all glued together down the middle of the book. He also explained very briefly about accordion binds, which is where one long page with writing is folded in such a way that when it becomes unfolded, it comes out like an accordion. Afterwords, we left Book Arts to go to a museum to learn a little bit about Modern India, and how pieces of art and sculptures show the development in the area and how their culture se’s the rest of the outside world compared to the rest of us. Overall it was a rather interesting experience and it was fun to say the least. i feel there was a lot to learn from the experience and what we saw.

Glossary entry#3: Impediments


Impediments- Something that makes it difficult to do or complete something: Something that interferes with movement or progress.

I encountered this word while reading Colson Whitehead’s, “City Limits”. In this particular sentence, it states ” It saw you steeling yourself for the job interview, slowly walking home after the late date, tripping over nonexistent  impediments on the sidewalk”. Now that I understand what the meaning of the word is, it allows me to understand the concept of the sentence. As a result I was even able to imagine someone tripping over something that isn’t really there. This shows me that having the knowledge of one word can changed the way you see the entire sentence.


Project #1 Reflectons

My project as a whole was mostly about me and my bio. I wanted to give a lot in that section because we do not all know about each other very well and I really wanted to show who I was. During my time doing this project I learned where in the school is best for me to work, when I do want to work on campus. I was not sure where each lab was and I did not know how quiet or loud it was going to be when I arrived there. Although in the end the best place for me was the library which I only stumbled upon because I went up the stairs the opposite way I usually do. After finishing this project I think the thing that I am most proud of would be that I believe that I have completed all of what is required and I feel confident about it. On the other hand what I believe needs the most work after project one is trying to remeber to write everything in the post instead of on word or google documents, and to fix my grammar mistakes before they happen or before I publish it on to my website. Now, during the process of this project I believe the most heplful was the feact that each requirement was listed and we just chose where each one would go in the essay. Whether we wanted a paragraph for each category, or two catergories in one paragraph it made it easier to accomplish. As of now although I did not have much additional support I am not sure what additional support I might have wanted or needed. Lastly I wrote this project all in one condensed hour an fifteen minutes. My time management has never been the best but I do still feel confident in what I have wrote and as for next time I may start earlier I may not, but in all I beleive this project was a good experience in different ways.

My Bio Project#1: Reflection

Throughout the time of completing this project, i feel that i have learned a lot from it. In completing this project, ive learned that when you are writing a paper, no matter the topic or subject, you should always take the time to think about what to write in it, and organize those idea’s in a draft, giving an even better idea for your final draft. Probably the one aspect im proud of when it comes to my work is the amount of detail i put into my work, although i still think it could use a bit more detail. As to points where i can use work on, i could work on using a more complex vocabulary, rather than break everything down into simple words. Another aspect i could woork on is trying not to explain a main point so breifly, when it comes to writing about a important event, you should take your time and add all the important details, so the reader can get a better scence of the situation and why that specific event was so important. Probably my number one aspect that needs work is gettimg my work in on time, since that is probably the number one aspect everyone needs when they apply a job and are under a time limit with a project or report.

Reflection and Life(?)

The very first project at I’ve had to do here has been very interesting. I feel as though it was a good way to help “break the ice” and it’s only natural that during the first few weeks and days of starting this chapter in our lives, that we feel awkward around all these new people  whom we’ve probably never known had the same interests as us. Post-project number one, I feel that I can now talk to my fellow classmates with much better ease rather than small-talk and the usual ‘hey what’s up’ clichĂ©. We all now have a sense of what we are like outside the classroom not so much as classmates but as friends. I probably couldn’t exactly express myself as well as everyone else but I hope that it doesn’t make me seem like an outsider.

It feels a lot different making a post on here rather than on a piece of paper to be collected and graded because on here I feel better writing. It may seem contradictory to what I had  mentioned previously, but in a some ways I feel more at liberty and I’m glad that we are given this opportunity to reflect on ourselves.

Personally, I really am not much of a blogger, though I will put in the effort to try and make ‘good’ posts on here regularly, as well as to perhaps see what everyone else is up to …

Introducing Myself (Summary and Reflection)

Finally we overcome the first project in the first three weeks of college. The first project helped our classmates to understand each other. In addition, it provides a platform to help us introducing ourselves more effective and more convenient than in the class. I also believe Project #1 helped ourselves to understand our inner thought and learning from each other. The knowledge I learned from this project is the picture will reflect how is a person will be. However, pictures also can be interpreted differently in different view. At this point, this is my first time doing my free writing, because in high school, there are many rules to follow to complete an essay such as following details to support the thesis or related to certain topics. I believe the new experience of writing will help me to become a better writer.

In the Project #1, there are many interesting parts we can talk about. First, I feel proud of myself that I can express all my shortcoming through writing. However, I still believe that I have to improve my writing skill such as structure, vocabulary words, and grammar issues. While I finished my draft, I feel happy and helpful when other students comment my essay, because I can make improvement on the final work. However, I hope Professor Rosen can give me some professional opinions about my essay, so I can make improvement on the next project. In the end, I want to mention about that I have spent 45 minutes to an hour to finish the project. The part that takes most of my time is brain storming, because convert an outline to an essay requires thinking skill and writing skill. Clearly, the next project I will try to improve my writing skill and also try to brain storm more interesting details to support my next project.


Palsied - Noun

Definition: paralyzed; unable to move or control certain muscles.


Encounter: I encountered this word when I reading the “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead.

Understand: I translated this word again, and it is a medical term. The word palsied is being used while Coslon Whitehead wrote “My first City memory is of looking out a subway window as the train erupted from the tunnel on the way to 125th Street and palsied up onto the elevated tracks”. In this sentence, palsied is being used like palsy which is unable to move. The train is stuck on the elevated tracks is the true meaning that Coslon Whitehead wanted to express. The word helped me to understand some medical term can be express into different meaning or to exaggerate sentences.




Project #1 Reflection

From working on the first project of the semester, I have learned plenty about my peers and even myself. I am most proud of the fact that I am able to establish a representation of myself. I was able to convey to an audience the kind of person I am through a simple avatar. At times it may have been a bit tedious, however, it was what allowed me to acquire more knowledge about my peers while at the same time sharing about myself. The feedback that I received from some of my classmates guided me in the process leading up to the finished product. In terms of time, the biography was most time consuming. This was the point where I had to introduce myself to my peers as if I was making a first impression. The information I have learned from this project can be used to help me along with the next. Habits such as reading over my own work, as well as having others look over it, is a clever technique in making sure my writing is at it’s best. This can be very valuable to use in the future.