Tag Archives: Glossary Write-Up

15 Words

1. Jutting

2. Monotonously

3. Reins

4. Ravenous

5. Febrile

6. Larynx

7. Posse

8. Flaws

9. Wharf

10. Evangelists

11. Vexed

12. Cistern

13. Muslin

14. Impertinence

15. Dainty


Throughout all the readings we had in class some of these words I didn’t really know while reading. While looking them up, I then understood what it meant and made the sentence much more clearer. For example while reading “Beloved” by Toni Morrison, while reading the book it was already a pain trying to understand what was going, but with words I don’t know made it even worse. After looking some of the words, it helped me understand the book a little better. Sometimes I even come across these words while reading articles online. The glossary helped my range of vocabulary and made understanding many things much more easier. I can say that I can always do this while I’m reading anything. I can look up the word and find out whats the definition and make a list for later preferences. This will help me in other classes when I won’t understand a word, I would remember what I have learned in this class and use it to my advantage.


1. Cupola
2. Tumultuously
3. Powwow
4. Riotus 
5. Querulous
6. Calceolaria
7. Impertinence
8. Rendezvous
9. Pilfer
10. Camphor
11. Spigot
12. Shawl
13. Serenading
14. Savage
15. Regalia

When reading, whether it is a newspaper, a book, manga, etc, I tend to come across words I don’t really know about. I think what does this and that mean? When or how should I use this word in real life? Later on however, I tend to ignore it and make my own definition based on context clues but I guess based on the SATs from the past 2 years, I shouldn’t have done that. Now that I’m in college, I should be using more complex words in my work. This now brings me up to this assignment. This glossary assignment did in fact help me improve my vocabulary. Not only that, I can improve it further just by looking back at the other classmate’s words. By doing this, I also did something that I haven’t done before and that is to stop reading and look up the definition online. By doing this, I’m now guaranteed to know what the word I’m looking at means. Not only am I implementing this strategy in this class, I’m also using this as I read other writings. For example, if I’m reading something online and I see a complicated word, I would stop reading and look it up online. It may seem like a hassle however it actually helps. To sum things up, this Glossary project helped me a lot when it came to vocabulary and it helped me improve my reading skills. The strategies I use will definitely be used in the future.


Glossary Write-Up

1. Derision
The words I have learned throughout this semester build my vocabulary and most of all provide a better understanding of the material being read. Defining words and replacing meaning is essential for breaking down any complex or hard to read passage. So I want to commend professor Rosen for that. Thank You.

Glossary writeup assignment

1. macabre

2. scruples

3. atrocious

4. astonishing

5. reckon

6. salsify

7. glen

8. chastise

9. doggone

10. carmine

11. ravenous

12. annihilated

13. barged

14. regalia

15. contemplated

16. atheist


This assignment was really helpful and effective to me especially because I don’t really try to learn deeply about some glossary that I don’t know the definition even though I don’t know most of the vocabularies in a literature. To be honest, it is very hard for me to finish reading a novel that is written in English because there are too many of vocabularies that I do not know the meaning and I have to give up reading it. If I had to, I would search the meaning of every words that I don’t know to finish a book, but it takes hours to understand a couple of pages. So when I first started doing the assignment, I did not know what to do because there were already more than 15 words that I don’t know the meaning in the first two readings. I had to have my laptop right in front of me to read the fictions we had. It took longer time to finish reading than the time other people might took, but I had to look for the meaning of number of vocabularies. However I would forget most of the definitions I found, except for the ones that I posted on our course site. Also I tried hard to find most difficult vocabularies out of the ones that I do not know, (because there were too many that I don’t know) so it was harder for me to do the assignment. I didn’t want to use any words that I found for the assignment. To be honest, this assignment was harder than I thought in the beginning, but it was very useful because I remember most of the vocabularies that I posted online.

Anthology of Words

Entries #1-15

1) Aquiver

2) Ungainly

3) Coquettish

4) Remitted

5) Dispensation

6) Tarry

7) Melancholy

8) Floundering

9) Domesticity

10) Demurred

11) Congenial

12) Timorous

13) Privy

14) Malevolent

15) Bereft



As I was doing the glossary entries throughout the semester, I learned new words that I was never exposed to.  The glossary assignment helped me to put new words in my vocabulary and I learned that a word could have many meanings to it. For example, the words privy and tarry had different meanings to it. Privy meant to be private or withdrawn but it also meant a toilet or outhouse where someone would urinate and defecate (Merriam-Webster). Tarry meant to abide or stay at a place but it also meant not to be tardy or in a delay to do something (Merriam-Webster). Furthermore, there were words in the assigned readings that were not of my knowledge, so, looking up their definitions was a great tool for me to understand the readings. Usually, I would read a text and if I stumbled upon a word that was confusing to me, I would bypass it and continue reading until I was done reading the text. However, the glossary assignment made me look up the word that I was confused about before I proceeded to finish reading the text. Lastly, the words in my glossary entries made me start using them in papers that I was writing for in this class and for my other classes as well.


macabre (adj) – involving death or violence in a way that is strange, frightening, or unpleasant. (by Merriam Webster)

source: Merriam Webster. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/macabre

Found in “A Rose for Emily” section 5, second paragraph, second sentence

Text: They held the funeral on the second day, with the town coming to look at Miss Emily beneath a mass of bought flowers, with the crayon face of her father musing profoundly above the bier and the ladies sibilant and macabre; and the very old men –some in their brushed Confederate uniforms–on the porch and the lawn, talking of Miss Emily as if she had been a contemporary of theirs, believing that they had danced with her and courted her perhaps, confusing time with its mathematical progression, as the old do, to whom all the past is not a diminishing road but, instead, a huge meadow which no winter ever quite touches, divided from them now by the narrow bottle-neck of the most recent decade of years.

The town came to Miss Emily’s funeral. The old men were wearing Confederate uniforms and talking about Miss Emily as if they believe “they had danced with her and courted her.” And the ladies who came were talking in a hissing sound (sibilant) and in gruesome and terrifying way(macabre).