Category Archives: Week 12


Elfin – having to do with elves : looking like an elf

Found in ” The Shawl by Cynthia Ozlick

One mite of a tooth tip sticking up in the bottom gum, how shining, an elfin tombstone of white marble gleaming there.

I think the narrator was describing how tiny Magda’s  tooth looked in her mouth.


 Aleut is a noun

According to the Merriam Webster online dictionary Aleut means:  a member of a people inhabiting the Aleutian Islands, other islands in the Bering Sea, and parts of western Alaska.

On page 7 of the story Jackson stated, ” When I got to the wharf, I ran into three Aleut cousins, who sat on a wooden bench and stared at the bay and cried.”   These Aleuts were from Alaska.  They were homesick and wanted to leave Seattle to return to their home.

Image result for aleuts definition





: very weak

: not good enough : not successful or effective

fee·bler \-b(ə-)lər\ fee·blest \-b(ə-)ləst\


a :  markedly lacking in strength

b :  indicating weakness

a :  deficient in qualities or resources that indicate vigor, authority, force, or efficiency 310 paragraph 1 – “Here Boy, feeble and shedding his coat in patches, is asleep by the pump, so Paul D knows Beloved is truly gone.”

I understand that Here Boy is just sleeping in the house, weak and lacking strength  by the way the situation is described in the sentence. He is just laying there shedding off the patches on his skin.

Project 2 – Part 2 – Sullen girl

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As I was looking for an image to depict my passage from Beloved, I was listening to one of my favorite artists, Fiona Apple. Her song “Sullen Girl” came on. The song depicts when the artist was raped and in an interview in Rolling Stone she talks about how it affected her, and how she wrote the song expressing how she felt during that time. I thought that this song in particular would be a good piece to  use to convey how Sethe must have felt when those boys stole her milk and how she carried that pain with her. ”

But he washed me shore
And he took my pearl
And left an empty
Shell of me

And there’s too
Much going on
But it’s calm under the waves
In the blue of my oblivion
Under the waves
In the blue of my oblivion
Under the waves
In the blue of my oblivion
It’s calm under the waves
In the blue of my oblivion

Fiona  lyrics go on to talk about  this man that stole her pearl, just as those men stole Sethe’s milk. When she talks about being calm under the waves in the blue of my oblivion. I though how the lyrics may have depicted how Sethe felt when she discovered that Halle had seen what had happened to her in the barn.

“After I left you, those boys came in there and took my milk. That’s what they came in there for. She had that lump and couldn’t speak but her eyes rolled out tears. But whatever he saw go on in that barn that day broke him like a twig. I don’t want to know or have to remember that. I have other things to do: worry , for example, about tomorrow , about Denver, about Beloved , about age and sickness not to speak of love.” 

It almost seems that she can’t let that information change what she has to do, or has been doing. That she is lost in the oblivion of her pain ,and that anymore information were deter her from moving forward.

I think that the song really expressed pain of a traumatic experience, and how both the women seemed to cope in a similar ways.


The Woods

woods for english class

The woods and water where Sethe met Denver with the help from Amy Denver. Without that moment 124 would be haunted by someting much more powerful a loving mother that lost time with her family because of the era she was born in

With Amy Denver

We can go into the end of time searching for that one moment that could’ve changed a life’s path. In “Beloved” by Toni Morrison one moment that could’ve changed the story was when Sethe met Amy Denver in the woods. If that moment didn’t happen, if those two women didn’t cross paths than 124 would’ve been haunted by different ghosts. Amy’s arrival was pivotal to Sethe and her unborn child’s survival. Without her who knows what could’ve happened to Sethe in the dark woods, they could’ve been captured by hunters and eaten by snakes. It’s not safe to be without protection in the woods. Amy brought Sethe back to life, she helped her in the most crucial time and helped her get stronger when Sethe needed to the most.

Sethe was tired and weak, she was knocking on deaths door. At the verge of having her child, she screamed and fortunately someone heard her. The scream stopped Amy Denver in her tracks, she heard the painful cry coming from a human. Being a white servant she knew the dangers and risks of helping a Negro. But that didn’t stop her, she was loving and compassionate, we knew this from the way she spoke with her desired velvet and didn’t once intend to report Sethe to the hunters for a reward. Sethe trusted her. (P 91. “Said this girl talked a storm, but there wasn’t no meanness around her mouth”.) Even though she told her that she goes by the name Lu. Sethe had no idea what Amy spoke of, yet she liked hearing about the velvet it texture and different colors. It allowed Sethe to briefly forget the pain and imagine something else.

Amy Kept Sethe breathing and speaking as they continued to walk as far away from danger as they could. Sethe couldn’t go much further (P93. “the fire in her feet and fire on her back made her sweat”) Amy wasn’t going to let her die on her watch so she rubbed Sethe’s swollen feet and aided her wounded back. Amy described the scar as a tree (P 93 “a chokecherry tree”), Amy did the best she could to help soothe Sethe’s pain.

Sethe knew it was time she couldn’t go any further, she knew she was lucky that she had even made it as far as she already did. Sethe pushed out her baby, Amy grabbed the child wrapped her up in her skirt and the three had to move on to a somewhat safe place. Amy eventually departed she had to continue on her originally journey to Boston for her velvet. But before she left she told Sethe to remember her and tell her child the story of Amy Denver. Sethe was so grateful for Miss Amy Denver (P 100 “that’s pretty. Denver. Real pretty.”) The name was so beautiful to Sethe that she named her daughter Denver after her. Sethe will never forget Amy’s sacrifice. She owes Amy her life.

Sethe finally made it safely to her destination with baby Denver. She was so filthy almost unrecognizable. Some time has passed since she last saw her family her 2 boys were growing and her baby girl was already crawling. She was happy and appreciative she was finally complete and a free slave. That young velvet loving white girl risked her own life to keep Sethe and her child alive even if it would’ve been for one more day.

In conclusion without Amy Denver Sethe’s survival wasn’t guaranteed. Amy put her own life in danger helping a runaway slave. They could’ve been hunted and killed, Amy’s compassion kept them going. If Amy would’ve ignored Sethe’s cries or reported her for a reward, the ghost of 124 would’ve been another. Some characters would’ve died and others would’ve survived with Miss Amy Denver. That’s just one moment we could continue looking for other moments that would’ve or could’ve changed the story of “Beloved” by Toni Morrison. The moment of Amy Denver created a balance and kept a mother and child alive.

Peer feedback for Project #2

Now that you have submitted drafts of Part 1 of Project #2, let’s share our ideas in the form of offering constructive feedback. That means offering classmates the sense of what they have done well and what needs improvement–but it can also mean just reflecting back to them what you understand and observe as you read their work.

Your homework will be in the form of comments on classmates’ posts. Choose two students to offer your feedback, which you will share as a reply to their Project #2 Part 1 draft post. Please do not give feedback to someone’s work if two classmates already have, unless there are no other classmates to respond to.

In your comment, let your classmate know:

  • what you understand to be that pivotal passage in their essay
  • what argument they make
  • where that argument is stated (although it should be in the introduction, sometimes this doesn’t happen until later, such as in the conclusion! Good to know that now so it can move earlier in the essay!)
  • if the examples support the argument
  • if you can detect any of the five steps for incorporating quotations in the body paragraphs of the essay, and which ones they are.
  • what you think the essay’s so what? is.
  • anything else you think is extremely important for them to know about your experience reading their work.

Feel free to ask more questions in the comments–either directed at the classmate who has reviewed your work, or in advance of that to help guide the feedback they offer.