If you are having difficulty with a concept or the course in general, you should
- try and meet with your instructor during his office hours posted on the site home.
- visit the Learning Center either in Atrium or Vorhees Buildings.
- sign up and attend one of the PAL (Peer-Assisted Learning) workshops:
Wednesdays 3 – 4 PM M308 (begins 9/7)
Thursdays 1 – 2 PM M308 (begins 9/8)
You are expected to attend the workshops regularly. (Drop-ins are discouraged.) Workshops are based on the Peer-Led Team Learning instructional model, which emphasizes student achievement through active learning in a peer-ledΒ environment (Gosser et al, 2001). Studies have shown that students who are actively involved in the learning process and work in small groups retain more than students that work alone (Arendale, 2004; Gafney and Varma-Nelson, 2007: Treisman, 1985).Β These workshops are designed to foster critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities.Β Through the assistance of peers, students are actively discovering how to solve problems themselves.
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Janet Liou-Mark at Jliou-mark@citytech.cuny.edu
Ms. Laura Yuen-Lau at Lyuen-lau@citytech.cuny.edu