field trip follow up by Romel Persaud

the brooklye bridge field trip was a great experience, it was my 2nd time walking the bridge. Β  This was the first time i went on a class trip since the Β 8th grade. The trip was fun and very interesting, Β ti can relate to math in many ways for example all the angles the bridge haves, or the distanceit take to walk it etc.

i thought the trip was fun, i like the part that i WON the prize for the survey thing we all did, that was a total surprise to me .i won the starsbucks voucher. Β i also got to interact and socoialize with students from the other class along with students from my class.

city tech block

1 min and 10 sec = 70 seconds

brooklyn bridge =15 mins = 900 seconds

(320/70) x (x/900)- cross multiply

x = 4114.2




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