
Welcome to MAT 1175 Fundamentals of Mathematics at the New York City College of Technology.  This interactive website will be used by two sections of MAT 1175 in the Fall semester of 2011. Students are encouraged to participate and will be rewarded for substantive comments and questions.

About: Mathematics is the language of science and, while it can be abstract, we study it because it describes the world around us.  This course provides an introduction to two fundamental areas of mathematics, the study of shapes and their properties (geometry) and the study of variables and their relationships (algebra).  To help make these abstract topics concrete, we have chosen to focus on the Brooklyn Bridge; this world-famous structure dominates our neighborhood and is of immense economic, political and practical importance to millions of people.  Throughout the course we will encourage you to think about the ways in which mathematics can be used to understand  and describe many aspects of the bridge.

Section Info: This website will be shared by two sections of the course.  While these sections have different professors and meet in different rooms, we will be working closely together throughout the semester and each of you will have the opportunity to work with students from the other section.  NOTE: it is important that you attend the section you are officially enrolled in.

  1. Section 5147
    Instructor: Professor Ezra Halleck
    Class Meets: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:15 – 3:55 pm, room N416
    Office Hours: N726 T 1-2, 4-5 and by apt
    MathZone Section Enrollment Code: 8F6-6B-C33
  2. Section 5148
    Instructor: Professor Jonas Reitz
    Class Meets: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:15 – 3:55 pm, room N705
    Office Hours: N707 T 12-1 and by apt
    MathZone Section Enrollment Code: 863-9C-3DE

Books: There are two books for the course:

  1. Africk, H. Elementary College Geometry (1997), Thomson Learning
  2. Miller, O’Neill & Hyde, Intermediate Algebra, custom edition (2011), McGraw Hill
    NOTE: you MUST purchase a new copy of the Intermediate Algebra textbook to obtain access to the MathZone website (for completing homework).  See MathZone below for details.

Calculator: A scientific calculator with the trigonometric functions (sin/cos/tan) is required (for example the TI-30XIIS). For those of you in programs which require MAT 1375 Precalculus, you will need a graphing calculator (e.g., TI 84) and might consider purchasing one now.

Websites, there are two for the course: OpenLab and MathZone.


  1. OpenLab:  The main course website is located on the OpenLab,  CityTech’s new digital platform.  We will be using this site a lot during the semester — it has all the information about the course, assignments, grading, and so on, and it the place where we will be making announcements, asking questions, and holding discussions as a group. You will need to register on the OpenLab in order to participate (registration is free, but you will need your citytech email address).
    Website:  openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/groups/mat-1175

  2. MathZone:  Homework for this class will be completed on the MathZone Homework website. You will need to register on the website in order to complete the homework.  To obtain a registration code you MUST purchase a new copy of the Intermediate Algebra textbook (if you have a used copy of the book and the code has already been used, you may purchase a registration code for at mathzone.com for $50: use New York City Tech College (Brooklyn) for school).
    Website: mathzone.com
    Registration code: Included in your Intermediate Algebra textbook
    Section Enrollment Code:
    If you are in Section 5147 with Professor Halleck, use code: 8F6-6B-C33 (click  for step-by-step registration instructions)
    If you are in Section 5148 with Professor Reitz, use code:  863-9C-3DE (click  for step-by-step registration instructions)
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