My Blogs

I use blogs in teaching, my private practice and will begin to use them in research (PCS Cuny grant and Emerging Scholars).  With current technology, publishing in the traditional sense does not work for this fast pace world that is changing so quickly.  With blogs, you can collaborate, and publish from anywhere at anytime, reaching as many people that are interested in this work.  I show my students how I use blogs, and in turn they show me how they can use blogs.  Blogs are chronological.  They show the most current writing when you open the blog with all the history behind, allowing the reader to see the progress from past to present. This process is similar to architecture and building.  One sees the final project, and there is a history of the process of design, documentation and construction that happens before one can have a complete building.

Here are some blogs that I have been using for both professional growth and research and teaching.


Two New Construction Townhouses


ARCH 3511/3510 Design V: I use one blog/openlab site to keep all the projects and assignments.  Each student must upload their work.  This gives a place where everyone can view each others work and progress.

ARCH 3511 Fall 2012

ARCH 3510 Spring 2013

ARCH 3510 Fall 2013

In ARCH 3610/3611 Design VI: each student maintains their own blog for the entire semester.  They are assigned online reviewers to comment and follow their progress along with both Prof. Dikigoropoulou and myself (this course is co-taught).

ARCH 3611 Student Blog

ARCH 3610 Student Blog

ARCH 3610 Fall 2013 – Openlab site

ARCH 3610 Spring 2013 – Openlab site