Secretary of College Council Curriculum Committee 2008-2010
Created and maintained the meeting minutes for all of the meetings and provided them to the webmaster for publishing on the website.
Chair of College Council Curriculum Committee 2010-2012
Ran all the meetings for the Curriculum Committee and presented the proposals to the full College Council. The meetings occurred once a month, with an additional meeting with the Executive Committee to approved the agenda and vote on other issues related to College Council. I worked closely with both Provost August and Assistant Provost Brown, along with Dean Jackson preparing and reviewing proposals. During this two year period there were over thirty major proposals approved and forty-three minor proposals accepted. I was responsible for reviewing the initial proposal, logging it in, assigning it a proposal number and a subcommittee to review the proposal along with sending the most updated proposal to the webmaster, sub-committee members and the Provosts office. There were over thirty members of the Curriculum Committee.
Also I developed new forms that are currently being used for Minor and Major Proposals.
Chancellors Report Form: Major
Chancellors Report Form: Minor
Member of College Council Curriculum Committee 2012-2013
During my last year on the Curriculum Committee I acted as the chair of the subcommittee for various proposals. I also worked with the Chair of the Curriculum Committee on the Pathways Proposal.
Business 2341 Sub-Committee Report
History 3310: Environmental History of North America, Sub-Committee Report