MCF Preparation and Faculty Scheduling (release time) 2009-present
In the Architectural Department, I am responsible for scheduling of courses, scheduling of faculty and adjunct schedules, release time, workloads and room assignments. This includes all inputs in CUNYFirst, coordinating with the Deans office for faculty assignments and workloads, along with submitting and proofing the class schedule with the registrars office. This is a process that is continuously going. As soon as the semester begins, I am planning the next semesters courses and offerings. We have over sixty faculty and run over one hundred sections in the Architectural Technology Department. I coordinate with CityPoly as we run courses for their students, along with College Now and learning communities. Many of our first year courses are linked with other courses and this is very tricky to coordinate with professors, students and rooms. This schedule becomes very valuable to our office as faculty office hours, CLT scheduling and open computer labs are then scheduled using the large chart that I produce each semester.
During the beginning of the semester, I am coordinating with our adjuncts and full time faculty on what and when they will be teaching for the next semester. This process is very simple for some, as they continue to teach the same course, days and times, while other change their schedule each semester or work with other professors on special grants or learning communities.