Department Curriculum Committee

The Department Curriculum Committee consists of Professors Lia Dikigoropoulou, Barbara Mishara and Jill Bouratoglou.  We worked together along with other Professors in our department who were developing new courses for the BTech program.  During the major curriculum change, we worked with the New York State Education Department to align our curriculum with the first four years of a five year Bachelor of Architecture program.  This would allow our students to be in a better position to take their licensing exams along with making our program more compatible for our students to continue to graduate school or transferring into a five year program.

Some of the major changes in this major curriculum change to the BTech, was the added credits to design studios along with allowing the student in the sixth and eighth semesters to choose between a typical design studio and a Building Technology studio.  Since our program is much more based in reality than in theory, many of our students are much more apt at construction and building technology, rather than design.  This would give our varied student body a choice.

The proposal become a major document that had buy-in from not only our full-time faculty, but our adjunct faculty, advisory board and students.  The document that was submitted was a very comprehensive document that we were able to implement seemlessly into our curriculum.  Currently we are in the second semester of teaching these new courses and the students are thriving and the work of our students in exciting.

Major Curriculum Proposal for Modification of BTech Program